I HATE Yo Gabba Gabba! SOOOOO…. I'm going to destroy them all!!!! –Cryptid123-RAWR-HAWR-HAWR-HAAAWR!!!

Van Rook had no idea where he was. There were flowers, and trees, and a big pink daisy thing standing in front of him.

"Hello!" it said in a high-pitched, annoying voice. "I'm Foopa! Who are you?"

"I'm out of here!" Van Rook said gruffly.

"Wait! Don't you want to be my friend?" Foopa asked pleadingly.

"No." Van Rook shot Foopa, smoke coming from her bulb(?). Foopa started to cry.

"Oww! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo-hoooo!"

"Ridiculous." Van Rook stated, as a blue scaly-furry monster ran to the crying flower.

"Foopa! Are you okay?" she asked.

"No! That man shot me, Tootie!"

Tootie approached Van Rook, with her paws on her hips. "That's not very nice!" she growled.

"So what." and he shot her too.

"Tootie!"a green furry, shorty, thingy smacked Van Rook on the butt with glaring eyes.

"Is that the best you can do?" and he blasted Broby, smashing him into a tree, which broke on impact.

"Oh no! What did you do to my friends!!?!?!?!" a tall, red, one-eyed moon monster screamed, whith his hands to his face.

"You'll see." Van Rook shot Moono straight in the eye.

"That's not very nice." a yellow robot approched. "If you are nice to others, you will have-" BEEEOOO! KABOOM! "Error. Mouthfunction. Cease function." Plex's eyes on his blasted off head never lit back up again.

"I'm not coming back." VanRook observed. He flew off leaving the Gabba Land inhabitants to die by themselves.

There you go! NO MORE YO GABBA GABBA!!!!!!! -Cryptid123 RAWR-HAWR-HAWR-HAAAAWR!!!!! *Lightining cashes ferociously!*