A/N This is the end, at last! 1,000 words, once again. Review, if you please!

Disclaimer: Shannon Hale's, not mine


Dearest of all Finns,

I shan't start this letter telling you how much I miss you, for I fear I would forget to write about much else! Something much happier must come first; I'm coming home! Well, I'm coming back to the castle. In any case, I'm coming back to you, and I'm finally leaving the dreaded state of Kel. Isi's peacekeeping mission has gone well, and Dasha has been her usual self… The King has been quite taken with Isi and her commanding voice and dignified manners; I told her that perhaps she should consider pairing him up with one of her sisters. 'Twould be so droll! I miss you, love, but I shall see you soon, if all goes well on the road! Hopefully, I'll make it back just in time for our first anniversary. I must go, but I promise you a great surprise on my return! Love, always,


Finn smiled when Enna handed her the letter. "I'm sorry, Finn, but I was an idiot, and I forgot to send the letter after writing it!" Finn smiled and held his wife close.

"I'm just glad you're back," he whispered into her hair. He let out an amused laugh.

"What is it?" Enna asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, it's just that you tend to be so… formal in your letters," Finn teased, poking Enna's nose. Enna wrinkled her nose and scowled.

"Do not," she muttered. Finn only laughed again and kissed her head. He took her arm and led her from their room. "Where are we going?" she asked.

"You'll see," Finn responded mysteriously.

Enna pursed her lips, but followed him. They stopped in front of a room. "Close your eyes," Finn said. Enna did so, quirking her lips. Finn made sure she wasn't peeking and then opened the door loudly. "Surprise!" he yelled. Enna opened her eyes to find Isi, Geric, Razo and Dasha sitting around a cake. "Happy Anniversary, Enna!" Finn cried.

Enna looked at all her friends fondly before sitting down. Finn noticed that she looked a little disappointed, though he couldn't fathom why. Did I do something wrong? he wondered, starting to get scared. He didn't need Enna getting upset with him just after she got back from a peacekeeping mission.

"You didn't like the cake," Finn stated glumly when he and Enna returned to their room.

"No, no, I loved it!"

"I know, I know, traditionally, an anniversary is something private, but I thought that you'd be happy to see Geric and Razo after such a long—"

"No, Finn, really, it was perfect," Enna said, sounding a little tired. I hope she didn't get sick on the road… Finn thought, concerned at this point.

"I got you something else too…" he said rather shyly.

"Finn, you shouldn't have! I only have one gift for you…" Enna started, but was quiet as soon as she saw the gift. Finn had bought her a tiara, etched with leaves and flowers with flaming rubies on the base. Enna gasped.

"Do you like it?" Finn asked. He placed the tiara on her head and stood back to admire it. Her eyes still looked tired. "Of course, if you don't like—"

Finn was cut off by a kiss. "I loved the cake," she said, kissing him again. "I love the tiara,"— she kissed him again — "And I love you," she whispered. Finn smiled at her.

"I missed you so much when you were gone," he murmured as he gently traced her chin.

Enna caught his hand and placed a kiss in it. "I missed you more," she said, smiling impishly. Finn lay down on the bed on his back, Enna with him, her head on his chest. Finn ran his fingers through her hair.

"And your gift for me?" Finn asked, grinning at her.

"No, it's more substantial than that," Enna said, scowling a little. "It's just… It's hard to say." Finn was taken aback. But it's a present, he thought, confused. "I'm not sure you'll like it," Enna admitted.

"What could you possibly do that I wouldn't like?" Finn asked, continuing to run his hands slowly through her hair. He paused for a moment before continuing. Burning? Burning was the only thing he could think of. And she did seem rather preoccupied tonight… But Finn shook his head, dismissing the thought. Enna wouldn't start burning again! That was ridiculous. She had given that up long ago. Enna still seemed to be struggling with her words.

"Enna, I won't love you any less for it, I promise," Finn said jokingly. But Enna sprung off his chest.

"But you might!" she cried. "And then I'd feel stupid, but I know I shouldn't because, well, it's completely natural, and I really shouldn't be so concerned about telling you, but I am because I don't know how you'll take it and—"

"Enna," Finn said gently, "just tell me."

"I'm pregnant," Enna blurted out.

Finn reacted immediately. He jumped out of the bed and picked Enna up in utter joy, then put her promptly back on the ground. "Wait, is that all right?" he asked, hoping he hadn't accidentally done anything to the baby unintentionally.

Enna let a laugh escape her lips. "Yes, it's all right," she said, seeming relieved. Finn picked her up again and kissed her lips soundly.

"You thought I wouldn't be happy about this?!" he exclaimed.

Enna laughed. "Well, I wasn't sure! I was so happy at first, when the healer told me, but then I thought maybe you didn't think you were ready for a baby, but I knew I was, so I got scared and—"

Finn silenced her with his laughed. "Oh Enna!" he cried. "I hope she turns out to be just like you!"

"I hope he turns out to be like you," Enna said in turn, smiling again.

Finn gathered his wife in his arms and hugged her tightly. "Believe me, Enna. This is the best present I've ever gotten."

A/N And here it ends… I enjoyed writing this fic a lot; I'd like to now if it was as enjoyable! Leave a review! Danke. Bisous ~ the shattered star