A/N: I do not own anything Twilight or Inuyasha but Keitaro and Natsuki are all mine!

I would like to thank the following reviewers:

LunarFairyPrincess1989, TiffersStar1989, warriorsfan1997, XxWicked-LovexX(Someone-Hidden-In-The-Dark), Valleygoat, SuicidalxDolly, LuLuCrazeD, nowyouseemenowyoudont, iheartanime43, Haru Inuzuka, Artemis450, FLUFFY-MOMO-CHAN, Ai Megami Murasaki, kakashixangela, sad demon gurl, ShadowLover18, Raine44354, sailorjennifer, ryuuhime88, Samantha Rice, TaiOokamiYoukai, Pissed Off Irish Chick, silverfox-175, srstatts, angeljr777, kitsune-miko-witch, Raven1123, Skullqueencb, tinabug, Black Firelight, hotshorty, cjewellm, Sinistera of the Akatsuki, Foxluna, sesshoumarucrazy, Kagome Lady of Darkness, Ichigo Mirai, Hells Twilight, VirusYoukaiChild, Yuna's Reincarnation-1, zoey tamagachi, C.A.Q, Artemis450, KaggyAlucardSesh, Kagome Lady Of The Black Rose, Tayyaba, the voice of, Mistra Rose, Nasuki- formally Orihime Girl, starlight100, kenshingirlxoxo652, OhBrother, Kimster44, warriorsfan1997, Binnybai, Wren Inu-Chu RyuChi, lovingo0Kawaii0oGirl, otakuchbs, Shiori Yume, mia1837, Samantha Rice, Devils-only-one, Tearainy, Starmoongoddess, foxykitsuneyouko, Whispering Kage, Azure-x-Roze, Orange Roxas, kklegolas06, Chibi of Many Names, SilverVixen72, Rhianna224, BlueTwilite, LadyDV011, lil-wolf-gurrl, Windia Crescentia-Moon, Kaiwren522, Devils-only-one, Kuronueslover, Muppy Puppy, MoonlitCries, Yamanaka Twins, Kenjo, Yamanaka Twins, ObsidianFrost, Jacob's Reneesme, jesswolf22, Shiori Yume, BlackRose-FlowerofDeath, Ryoga loves Akane, Raksha65, Sesshoumarus-Dark-Angel, Dragon of darkness and light, Genial Hinata, SaphirePhoenix, Aashni, IceGirl7, KaRmAsUcKs, IzayoiLover666, Rosegirlz, Blackmoon OniOokami, Stebba stud28, k0sm0s-beta for hire, catlover123456789, Melanie Swirls, Black Dragon Miko, fierynightangel, Mwhahahaha18, XxIAmPersonxX, brotherhater344, KagomeInuDeman, Azumigurl, kags-sesshy, Sable Scribe, Vampire Miko 159, Sanukuni, darkangel0212, MADHATTERXALICE 2010, sesshomaruchild, kirallie, Momma Lici, Vampire Miko 159, ishala8, SammyKoru, Tsuki no Yasha, Eternal Cosmic Sailor Saturn, silver wolve of the wind, DragonFire Princess, UniQueMimI -O.B.S.E.S.S.I.O.N, Kira Hatake, YunaNeko, Mei-chan818, KSxXxHDxXxJExXxSSHxXxlover, mia1837, Smiling Twilight, iiZombeh, sesshomaruchild, Selene Ruby Rose Snape, Nightin' Gale14, SpiritofNature1990, SpiritofNature1990, XxHisLilLoverGirlxX, cloverski9114, dark shadowed rose, Tsukinomori Rinneko, Momma Lici, maxeyn, , jesswolf22, Ladiitiggbaybee, Mika the Dark princess, moga-wachutu, DLG4life, silver Tsukiko, Lady Labrat, Xireana, rspringb, Kira1993, xxKeiraxhieiloverxx, animelver14, venathefreak

I apologize if I missed anyone and let me know if I did. I just wanted to say i'm sorry it has taken me so long to update but this semester was busier than I thought it would be. I would also like to say thank you to WhisperingKage, she gavve me a few ideas on where i could go and i was able to come up with this chapter, so everyone thank WhisperingKage! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

As Kagome took a seat between Sesshoumaru and Carlisle, across from Aro and his brothers, she noticed that Aro seemed interested in the boxes she had Edward and Jasper bring in earlier. She wondered if she would ever get to show them to everyone, after all she went through a lot of hard work to get them made and keep it a secret from Emmett. He is the nosiest vampire she met so far, and that was saying something since he was male.

Aro cleared his throat and gave them another smile, "So Carlisle would you care to tell us how you met such a beautiful young lady."

"Who cares how they met, you are too lenient with him Aro," Casuis stated with a sneer, as he gave off the appearance that he was too good to be here.

Kagome gave them a polite smile, while Carlisle and his family tensed at the implied threat, "Mister Casuis, if you must know Carlisle did not tell me about the existence of vampires."

"He did not tell you?" Aro asked in a surprised voice.

Sesshoumaru spoke up then, "No, my imouto guessed it after meeting Carlisle for the first time, she is very observant."

"You mean to tell me that she just observed Carlisle and could tell he was a vampire?" Aro asked, ignoring the way Casuis snorted at that sentence.

Kagome smiled and explained, "In Japan there are humans born with a high spiritual power, who later become a Miko if they are female or a Monk when they are male. We can tell the differences between regular humans and supernatural beings by using that spiritual power. I knew right away that Carlisle was not a living, breathing human, and after a little observation and research I found out he was one of the undead; a vampire."

"Really? How very interesting!" Aro exclaimed with a huge smile, obviously very interested in what Kagome had to say. He looked at her brother and asked, "Are you a monk then?"

"Very few humans are born with a high spiritual power, I was not one of them," Sesshoumaru stated, not giving away the fact that he wasn't even human. Sesshoumaru was very proud of the way Kagome explained everything so simply to these vampires, and did not give away more than what she had too.

"So very fascinating, so what exactly is a Miko?" Aro asked, ignoring the way Casuis glared at him. He was clearly unhappy that this interaction was not going his way.

Kagome replied, "A Miko is also known as a priestess, we offer blessings and exorcise youkia from homes."

Carlisle was glad that Kagome was so used to not giving away more than she had too. He was grateful she had stepped in and decided to answer Aro's questions and he was glad that Sesshoumaru was maintaining his icy facade in front of the brothers. Perhaps everything will go smoothly and the brothers will leave quickly.

"Would you mind if I asked a few more questions my dear?" Aro asked.

Kagome gave another polite smile replying, "I don't mind at all, go ahead and ask away. However, I must warn you if the questions are too personal I have to right to refuse to give you an answer."

Aro nodded his head in agreement, and the questions started coming left and right. Kagome and sometimes Sesshoumaru gave answers, while the Cullen's watched from the sidelines along with Marcus, Casuis, Jane, Alec and Demetri.

~Two Hours Later~

"I suppose since all of my questions have been answered, I should ask my main question," Aro stated as his voice got serious as he turned to Carlisle, "will you also be changing Kagome and Sesshoumaru, or will I have to have them eliminated?"

Sesshoumaru stood up at that point and pinned them with a death glare, "You dare threaten to kill my imouto and myself. Are you fools or do you have a death wish?"

"You are merely humans, there is nothing you could do to harm us," Casuis stated smugly, obviously looking forward to killing someone.

Kagome stood up at that point and stood next to her brother, "Actually if you were paying attention earlier, you would have heard the part where I stated that I could turn each and every one of you to dust. Just ask Jane what I did to those newborns that attacked while she and Felix visited."

Jane quickly held out her hand to Aro so he could see, and everyone watched as he took the hand and closed his eyes. A few seconds later his eyes snapped open and looked at Kagome and everyone in the room could see the slight fear he had in his eyes. Kagome knew that Jasper felt it and Edward could read it from his mind just by the look on their faces. She knew that Aro would never declare war on her and her brother, because it would mean the end for him and his followers; Aro was clearly not a stupid man.

"I withdraw my question, in fact if you wish I could leave the others here to help you in the fight against these newborns," Aro offered.

Casuis stood up then enraged, "What the hell are you talking about? Let's just kill them all and return home."

"That will not be happening brother; Kagome and Sesshoumaru do not have to be changed. Trust me when I say we will not survive if it comes to a fight," Aro stated in a harsh reprimanding tone, which did not leave any room for argument.

Everyone in the room watched as Casuis bit his tongue and stormed from the house to retire to the limo. Kagome giggled inwardly when she thought that Casuis reminded her of toddlers she watched over the years. He acted exactly like them when he didn't get his way.

"I must apologize for my brother, he is not used to not getting his way," Aro stated, obviously scared that anything would set Kagome off.

Kagome gave him a small smile, "It's ok, and I know many people like him. As to your earlier question though, we will not need your assistance with the newborn problem. Everything will be handled delicately and be rest assured humans will not find out about the existence of vampires."

Aro nodded his head, "I appreciate it, I believe we will take our leave now. Please feel free to visit us if you are ever in Volterra," Aro paused at the door and then turned to look at Carlisle, "Be rest assured that we will not hunt here, we will wait till we return home."

Kagome nodded her head while Carlisle lead everyone outside and out to the limos. Jasper and Alice got up and quickly informed them that they would make sure that the Volturi got on their plane and returned home. Kagome smiled and nodded her head in understanding as she turned to Sesshoumaru.

"I guess we should let everyone know that they will not be needed. I'm sure they are all very worried since it's been a few hours," Kagome stated.

Sesshoumaru nodded his head in agreement and lead the way outside, "That sounds like a very good plan imouto. After we inform every one of what went on, you and I will retire to the dojo so that I can remind you why I am alpha of this pack."

Kagome groaned out loud at this and saw Edward shoot her sympathetic glance; it was obvious he saw exactly what Sesshoumaru was going to do to her. 'Why can't I ever learn to keep my mouth shut,' she thought as she followed dutifully after her older brother.

~Next Morning~

Kagome groaned as she made her way towards the kitchen. 'He just had to go all alpha male on me last night didn't he,' she thought and she felt her muscles protest in the movement it took to make it down the stairs. She appreciated the massage Jacob gave to her afterwards, but she still felt the workout Sesshoumaru gave her.

As she made it to the kitchen she felt her day get better when she saw that Natsuki was up, awake and most impotantly alone at the moment. 'Time for a little revenge, you going to regret that intense workout aniki,' she thought.

"Oh Kami, I'm so sore all over. I could barely get out bed, let alone make it to the kitchen. There is no way I can help you with the nursery today Natsuki," Kagome stated in an exaggerated tone as she walked over to the table.

When she slid into her seat she made sure she made all the right noises of discomfort and did a mental dance when she noticed the look of anger that crossed Natsuki's face. She mentally cheered when Natsuki turned a deadly glare on her mate who entered the kitchen with the book of nursery furniture she sent him for after he made breakfast.

When she stood up, Kagome watched with glee as Natsuki crossed her arms over her chest and started to tap her foot in annoyance. She watched as Sesshoumaru froze at the stance he was familiar with when Natsuki had her mood swings. Kagome could have sworn he gulped before he flicked a glance at her. She sent him a smug smile for a brief second before she let a look of pain grace her features. She knew that he figured out she did something to get him in trouble but before he could defend himself Natsuki started her ranting.

"I know you had to teach her to respect your decisions since you are the alpha, and trust me I support you in this. However, I believe you crossed the line when you go so overboard that she can barely move the next morning," Natsuki stated in an icy tone that matched the one he used last night with Aro.

Sesshoumaru retorted, "She is fine mate, she—"

He was cut off though when Natsuki continued, "I don't want to hear anymore. You will apologize to her or you will be sleeping on the couch for the next century."

"I apologize imouto, it will not happen again," Sesshoumaru stated through clenched teeth as he looked at her.

Kagome grinned inwardly; she loved it when she got her way. She might be sore but Sesshoumaru was in the dog house for a while. All was right in her world at the moment.

"I understand Sesshoumaru, I will not defy you in the future," Kagome stated to him before she turned to Natsuki, "please don't be too hard on him. He was just doing what he thought was right. He doesn't need to apologize at all, I knew what would happen if I defied him."

Sesshoumaru had to resist the urge to growl out loud, he couldn't believe that she was being this devious. He knew that before this argument was over he would be paying dearly for his little workout routine with the Miko for months.

"Yes he had the right to reassert his dominance over you, as alpha male, since you defied his orders, but you and I both know he didn't have to go overboard with it. He always has the habit of going overboard, I've seen it with you, Keitaro and Inuyasha," Natsuki stated in a voice that left no room for argument.

Kagome couldn't believe her luck; this was working better than she thought it would. She glanced at Sesshoumaru and saw him clenching his fists. She knew, he knew that there was no way he was going to get out of this. She saw the moment he gave up and mentally made the whipped sound in her mind.

"It will not happen again dear, in fact to make up for it Kagome does not have to do any training for the next few days," Sesshoumaru stated.

Natsuki smiled and gave Sesshoumaru a kiss and brief hug, "Thank you dear, now would you go and wake up everyone else so that you guys could head to the dojo to train. Kagome and I will stay here and pick out everything for the nursery."

Sesshoumaru nodded his head and turned to leave the room when Kagome decided to chime in, "Please don't be too hard on them Sesshoumaru."

"She's right, don't go overboard today because your upset," Natsuki stated, with a hint of a threat in it.

Sesshoumaru's shoulders visually slumped and he nodded his head in understanding as he disappeared up the stairs to wake everyone up. Kagome felt pretty good with herself, knowing that she exacted her revenge and got out of training for the next few days; it was a double bonus for her.

~Later that Evening~

Kagome and Natsuki looked up from their plans for the nursery as everyone dragged themselves in. She watched as Jacob dragged himself over to where she was sitting and plopped down in front of her to sit in-between her legs groaning.

"Your brother is pure evil woman," He said as he head rested on her knee.

Seth, Leah, Inuyasha, Shippo, Keitaro and the rest of the wolf pack nodded their heads in agreement to his statement, and even the vampires who would normally not feel anything seemed to be feeling a little tired.

"Aww I'm so sorry baby, he's just upset with the little tiff he had this morning with Natsuki. Don't worry though, Natsuki will deal with him later," Kagome stated as she started to massage his shoulders, repaying him for the massage he gave her last night.

Natsuki nodded her head and as Sesshoumaru walked in she stood up and grabbed his arm, "You and I need to talk; upstairs now."

Inuyasha grinned at that tone and smugly waved to his brother as he was dragged upstairs by his mate. He then turned to Kagome and asked, "How the hell did you get out of training anyway?"

Kagome gave him an innocent look informing him, "I simply explained to Natsuki how sore I was and she insisted that I take the next couple of days easy."

"So in other words you over dramatized everything to the point where you were the innocent victim and Sesshoumaru was the mean bully," Inuyasha stated, while Shippo and Keitaro snickered. They knew from personal experience what Kagome could do when she wanted to extract revenge.

Kagome ignored his comment and grinned as she pointed to where the boxes that Edward and Jasper picked up for here yesterday and then delivered to her house today, "Lets open those boxes and give everyone the gifts I ordered for them."

"Ooo I will help you hand them out if I get mine first," Emmett stated in an excited voice.

Kagome grinned replying, "Of course, that smaller box over there is just for you Emmett. You get one of everything that I ordered."

Emmett grinned and grabbed the box she pointed out and tore into it, as he grabbed the first thing he seemed to grow paler than he already was. Kagome made an album of the outfits he had to wear for the bet he lost. Not only that but she had them put into a digital frame in which the photos changed by themselves. There where posters and t-shirts, along with cups, buttons, hats and DVDs. His head snapped up to where the other boxes where, determined to destroy them, but unfortunately Alice and Rose had already distributed them out to everyone. He looked at Kagome who had a huge grinned and whimpered out, "Why must you be so evil?"


MoonPrincess1989: There I finally had enough time to finish this chapter!

Lunarfairyprincess1989: It was great, no matter how long it took.

Kagome: I'm glad that you were able to finish it too!

MoonPrincess1989: *smiles* I'm just glad that I passed all of my classes; otherwise I would have to push my graduation back; again.

Kagome: *nods head*I know, plus I thought you were going to kill that one professor of yours.

Lunarfairyprinces1989: *looks at MoonPrincess* Yea me too, but I guess she's off your kill list since she passed you, huh?

MoonPrincess1989: *grins* Yea, and I' making sure I never take her again.

Lunarfairyprincess1989 & Kagome: *grins* Glad to hear it. So I heard the boys really helped you study and get ready for your poster session.

MoonPrincess1989: *nods and smiles* Yea, they all got along with each other. It surprised the hell out of me.

Lunarfairyprincess1989 & Kagome: I bet it did *laughs*

*Inuyasha, Jacob, Keitaro, Sesshoumaru and Shippo walk in*

Inuyasha: *Plops down next Kagome, while the others sit on the couch next to MoonPrincess*

MoonPrincess1989: *looks at the guys* Where have you guys been?

Jacob: *grins from his seat next MoonPrincess* we were outside training.

MoonPrincess1989: *Looks at the suspiciously* You didn't break anything did you?

Sesshoumaru: Of course not, we did it outside away from breakable things. Although the idiots now know not to mess with this Sesshoumaru's hair.

MoonPrincess1989: *looks at the rest of the guys, noticing bruises that were starting to heal and sighed as Lunarfairyprincess and Kagome giggled* I see, well hopefully they won't play anymore pranks.

Inuyasha, Jacob, Keitaro and Shippo: *nods their heads* We won't, trust us.

MoonPrincess1989: *looks at Kagome and Lunarfairyprincess, who were starting to coo over the guys* whenever you two are done fawning over the boys, will you do the honors? *starts talking to Sesshoumaru about the next chapter*

Lunarfairyprincess1989, Kagome Inuyasha, Jacob, Keitaro and Shippo:*looks at reviewers* we hope you enjoyed the chapter, please review and remember no flames!