A/N: This'll be a full story. Review, send love. I'll love you right back. =]

This is for my inner self that hoped this was what happened.

I don't own Twilight.

I only own the Jacob in my head. =]

He leaned in for the kiss, I knew it was coming. He was my best friend and I knew his feelings for me weren't the same as my chaste feelings toward him. I wouldn't let him in, he was willing to wait. But now, as he closed his eyes and I could feel the heat of him so near to me, I wondered if I had already let him in. I knew the answer.

His lips were warm and tender as a hug. He wasn't rushing anything. I wasn't going to iniciate anything. He was in control. The last few months had been hell, but Jacob had made everything worth it. He was my sun, my warmth, and now possibly a reason for everything.

Even after he'd broken the kiss my eyes remained closed.

What had I just done? Was it all that easy?

I knew the answer to that as well. Well, it might not be that simple. But I knew Jacob could be everything I needed, if I'd let him in.

"Bella, I need you to say something, anything." Jake sighed.

I tried. I opened my mouth but closed it. I didn't know what to say.

"Bella." He put his hand on my shoulder, trying to get me to do something.

I opened my eyes. He stood close, looking at me with his big brown eyes. He was still Jake, nothing had changed. Though, I knew everything had changed.

"Bells, talk to me."

"What do you want me to say, Jake." I tried not to put any sadness in my voice, I knew he saw through me.

"Was that bad?" Oh, Jake. I couldn't help a small smile. His confidence slightly shaken with my silence.

"No, I'm just... I'm trying to figure things out... I guess." I didn't know what to say, but I didn't need to worry about what I said in front of Jake. He'd get what I was saying.

"Okay," was all he said and he turned and walked to the livingroom.

I didn't know if I should go after him or wait here. I knew Alice was near, but I couldn't let myself think about her. I needed to think alone. If she was with me, I knew I'd have a biased conclusion. She didn't know Jake like I did.

I paced the small kitchen area, willing myself to figure out what just happened. I kissed Jake. I got that, but what did it mean. Was I finally saying Yes to Jake and No to Edward forever? The hole in my chest ached a little at the thought of that. Not just for Edward, but for the whole family. Was I turning my back on everyone? Alice? Carlsile? Esme?

The answers were hard. I could never stop loving any of them, but was the passion for Edward gone? He'd left me. He'd hurt and broken me. Jake was here when I needed him most. I loved all of the Cullens. But I knew what I needed.

I stepped into the livingroom and looked at Jake sprawled on my tiny couch flipping through channels. He looked up as soon as I was in the room. I took him in, the way he looked at me, the way his hands reached up to comfort me, and I knew. He was it. Edward would always be my first love, a huge part of my life and he held a lot of me. But Jake was it.

I smiled at him and he knew it too. He was at my side in 3 strides and took my face in his hands and kissed me. In a way that said everything.

I need you.

I want you.

I'll never leave you.

You're everything.

I'll be your sun.