Because I hate making you all wait! =D

After eleven months, a sprained ankle, a near death experience and the exploration of pre-existing feelings, they are finally home. But if they thought those months were hard, they have no idea. Sometimes enemies are closer than you think. And how could they expect this to be any easier than watching each other from afar?

This story follows directly after 100 Days of Night. You need to have read that one to get it. To those who have followed me here… I thank you one thousand times over. The rating for this one is a little higher, just because I'm not making it so light and innocent as the last- mostly language and 'other' situations. And the further we get into the story the more OOC they'll get… just because we won't be keeping in canon. In my head that's understandable, but let me know what you think.

I got the personal info on our character from Stargate Wiki. My god, that sight is good! And the original airdate for 100 Days was in 2000, so I'm going by the assumption that the show is set the same year and the following year.

As always, mistakes are my own, this is un-beta'd, I don't own them and I hope you enjoy the next installment.

They're beamed from the Tollan ship straight into the gateroom, right in the middle of the ramp as though they've just come through the Stargate on a routine mission. Jack looks up at the control room. There, in the window, he can see faces he hasn't seen in almost a year. Teal'c, looking stoic as ever, seems relieved to see them. He can't quite tell. Daniel, his hair a little different, his face a little more mature, is still hardly changed. Jack can see he's spent the last few months buried in books. The soldier that had been developing in him these last few years has faded a little. He's smiling wide. General Hammond is standing there grinning too.

But it's the fourth face that surprises him.


He's standing the other side of Hammond, clearly relieved, though Jack's not so presumptuous to think it's for him. The man's daughter is standing next to him, tanned, fit, healthy. Her hair's grown longer, her hands are worn from days in the fields, her face has seen a little more sun this past year. But she's alive. And in better shape than they ever dreamed possible. This he knows. Had it been him left waiting, he'd have thought the worst too.

"Welcome back Colonel, Major. It's… well… damn good to see you"

And though they both smile wide and laugh a little at the sentiment and return one of their own, the use of their ranks still stings.

They make their way towards the observation room, but three of the four meet them in the hallway. Daniel hugs Sam tight first while Teal'c clasps Jack's arm. Daniel is all but pushed out of the way by Jacob, who shows a little more emotion than any of them are used to.

"Good to see you, kiddo" he says to her quietly.

"You too Dad" she says, and despite her fear about Jacob's reaction to them as a couple, Jack can tell she is ecstatic to hug him again. When they part she leans up and hugs Teal'c, though she is quickly back by her dad's side.

Daniel turns to Jack, and before the older man can say a word, he's in a tight hug, a firm hand slapping him on the back. Maybe the soldier strength hasn't left- just got buried a little.

Jack returns the gesture.

It's nice to have this to come home to. It's been a while.

They all proceed up the stairs to the control room, and then up again to the briefing room. Janet can wait, it's decided.

"What took you so long?" Jacob asks before the official briefing starts. They seem to find seats at the table without thinking about it. Even after almost a year, it's still second nature to act as one unit.

Sam shrugs in answer. Jacob looks at Jack for the answer, but Jack also shrugs. Four weeks on their ship and they never though to ask the Tollan what took them so long.

They were otherwise preoccupied.

The briefing is a long one, though it feels more like a conversation than a briefing. Hammond doesn't bother to bring them into line. He's just as enthusiastic. They all cut across each other and but in and joke in a way that Jack almost forgot existed. Irony, sarcasm, wit- these were all lacking in normal Edoran humour.

If any of them notice the way Sam and Jack act around each other- if it's different or more comfortable somehow- they don't say. Maybe it's been just long enough for them to not notice the changes yet. Maybe they're being discrete. Whatever the reason, Jack is thankful. He'd like to have the conversation with George alone in his office first, not out in the open for any Tom Dick or Harry to listen in on.

By the end they've all agreed on drinks, O'Malley's, seven. Jacob is welcome. Janet had better clear them… and her schedule.

With the smallest looks Jack has confirmed a private conversation with Hammond in his office. The group breaks up and wishes each other well before they see each other that night. Apparently they got back to Earth at mid-day, local time. They'll learn later that it's the 2nd of August.

It's gonna take a little while to correct their body clocks.

Jack follows Hammond into his office and notices the surprise on his face when Sam follows them and closes the door. The two of them hadn't discussed this little dance, but it seems to have choreographed itself. Both officers stand in front of Hammond's desk as he sits, and wait for him to offer the chairs in front. He does, and they sit, neither of them looking particularly comfortable.

Hammond just watches them for a moment as they both look anywhere but at the man in front of them.

They've come home. They have no injuries, no illnesses, and no belongings that they didn't leave with. They're in one piece, and if it weren't for her longer hair and his three-day scruff, they'd be unchanged, as though it hasn't been eleven months since they were last in his office. But something is off. Something is different. Something has definitely changed. And he's not sure whether he should jump for joy or break down in tears. Because he's been waiting for years for something like this to come and bite him in the ass.

It finally has.

Oh, what will he tell Jacob?

"Something the two of you needed to discuss with me that you couldn't mention in front of the others?"

Jack looks up. His eyes flick to Sam, but the motion is too swift for him to get anything from it.

"Actually… there is"

Hammond looks at Sam, but she's looking at her hands on her lap. Surely they aren't doing this to him now.


"Our working relationship" says Sam quietly, still not meeting his eyes.

Oh God, they are doing this to him.

"What about your working relationship?" Hammond asks Jack. Anyone who knows him knows it's a hesitant inquisition, screaming 'Don't-tell-me!!!'

"It's… complicated"

"Changed", corrects Sam.

"Yeah. Changed. See, we… ah…"

"Jack, spit it out"

The suspense is killing him.

"Sir, our relationship has changed", says Sam with newfound confidence, meeting his eyes squarely, her soldier personal firmly in place.

"I see", he sighs and rubs a hand over his face, leaning back into his chair. "Changed how, may I ask?"

"Sir, we respectfully request special dispensation with regard to AFI 36-2909"

Hammond exhales loudly and thoroughly. Yep. They're doing this to him good and proper.

"I see"

"If it's not possible, I request to be transferred to the labs, reporting…"

"Major" says Hammond, cutting her off, holding up a hand.

Both younger officers look down, Jack stealing a glance at Sam. Neither of them could tell if his interference was his dismissal or just trying to process the news. There are a few moments as they all wait for the verdict. Sam refuses to look at Jack, despite knowing he's staring at the side of her face. She has to uphold the soldier persona to get through this.

"How long?" says Hammond after an eternity of silence. It's not supposed to be an intrusive question, but he needs to know what he's up against.

"Ah…" Jack looks up to the ceiling, counting the months in his head.

"Over seven months, Sir" answers Sam without hesitation.

Hey, he never claimed to be better at math than her. Still, he admires her guts. She's looking Hammond square in the eye.

"I take it this change is of an… intimate… nature?"

"Yes Sir"

He looks at Jack, knowing what most CO's would ask right about now. He doesn't bother. He knows them both too well. Besides, Jack wouldn't be in the room if this weren't a mutual development. Plus, anyone can see that there's a familiarity between him and her that goes beyond friendship.

Hammond sighs, and finally decides there's no point delaying the inevitable.

"Very well. I shall discuss it with the President. He's been eager for news on you two"

Both Sam and Jack are mildly surprised at that. They watch him go into General mode.

"But as far as I'm concerned, any past or present actions on your part which contradict or breach the regulations AFI 36-2909 are hereby dismissed, and you are relieved of any sections which impede or inhibit any immediate relationship which would otherwise be deemed inappropriate or unbecoming"

Their faces visibly relax, but they wait for the 'but'.


Same as a 'but'.

"… I am placing the two of you on a probationary period, during which your conduct on missions, on base- and anywhere else that you are conducting Air Force business- will be closely monitored by your fellow team members and myself. Should I find any indication that the cohesion of your team or the successful completion of missions is compromised, I will be forced to take immediate action against you both"

They relax completely, and when they look at Hammond, could see him fighting back a smile. They fight their own, just because they know he won't pull them up for it.

"Am I understood?"

"Yes Sir" they reply in unison. Sam can't help but smile just a little, and Jack's wearing his trademark grin.

"Good. If worst comes to worst, I may transfer Major Carter to the labs. If there's to be any reports made, I want you two to know they won't come from me. However, I trust you will both be as professional as you've always been. I don't need to remind you what's at stake"

"Understood General" says Jack, and he's grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Now, I suggest you prepare what you're going to say tonight at O'Malley's. Lord knows Dr. Jackson is not as patient as I am"

They stand and salute the General, the movement sharp but their expressions anything but straight military. With a gesture to his door he dismisses them and they go to leave.

"Oh, and Major"

Sam turns at the doorframe and raises her eyebrows in question.

"Don't forget Jacob is going to be there"

Jack almost laughs. Her face visibly drains of colour, her knuckles tighten on the doorframe and her expression turns to pure fear. He thinks that perhaps she's not so good at poker when her father is involved. If Jack knows Jacob at all, he knows that Jacob would have approved the relationship if given the time to draw his own conclusions. This situation might be pushing it.

"Oh God"

Both men laugh at that. How could they not?

"I mean… ah… yes Sir"

With that she turns and walks right past Jack, her head down, going straight for the elevator. Jack follows wordlessly, amused by her actions. He should be more scared, but for the moment, one of them has to keep their head. They step in the elevator together and Jack presses the button for the infirmary. Sam spins to face him.

"He's gonna kill me. NO! He's gonna kill you. And skin you, and hang your head on his wall. Then lock me in my room 'till I'm old and ugly"


"Oh, this is bad, this is very, very bad"


"What the hell am I supposed to say to him?"


"We are fucked. Totally and utterly fucked, five ways"

"Last night was only three, if I counted right"

She finally stops at that and looks at him as though she only just realized he's there with her. Then she blushes, because she realizes he's right. They were a little over-excited last night.

"Oh God" she groans, hanging her head in her hand.

Despite the cameras everywhere Jack places a hand on her shoulder. It's platonic enough to go unnoticed.

"We'll be fine", he says.

It's then that she realizes that every time he uses that tone she believes him. He could have said she was a goat and the floor was bright fuchsia, and she would have believed him. His faith is a comfort. Sure, she knows he's afraid of her dad. Not afraid of what he'll do to him- he's not a sixteen year old anymore- but more afraid of what he'll lose if Jacob doesn't approve. The two men are friends, if you could call it that. Jack respects Jacob and knows that it's mutual. He wants Jacob to approve because, for all his snarking at clichés, he was raised right and needs the father's approval. Because he knows that it would crush Sam if Jacob didn't approve. He'd seen her after their little meeting in Washington- after he first met Jacob. She'd been so upset that her father didn't understand her position that it had taken her weeks to get out of her funk.

This is important to the both of them, and they want to do it right.

They step out of the elevator at the infirmary and give each other one more fleeting look. Nothing else needs to be said until tonight. Maybe Jack will even be nice and invite the needle-wielding, Napoleonic power-monger. She's Sam's friend after all.

It occurs to Jack, as he's skimming over his chart while waiting for Sam, that they missed both their birthdays. Pity. If either of them noticed, they hadn't brought it up at all. Sam had turned 32 in December and he was- dear God- 48. Going on 49.

Maybe I should ask her again about the whole age thing, he thinks. But not tonight. They've got more important things to worry about.

Next up: Meet the father… and tell the friends… Uh-oh.