Geirr: VERY SORRY! I am so very sorry for not updating. All hell has broken loose where I live. Sorry for such a short chapter as well.

-Chapter 5: -

- Komm Selge Ruh-

Rei eyed the facility from afar. He was perched on top of a large tree, blending into almost the tree itself. His golden eyes glowed as he saw the metal shining back at him. A dreary shine though, it didn`t seem homey to him and he could never recall ever being in an actual home. So how could he tell that it didn`t feel or look homey. He sighed. It may be homey on the inside, he though.

He knew this was where Bryan lived. He saw the older teen enter into it along with the red haired teen. He chewed on his lower lip as he leaned in closure, just looking. No windows were seen. He saw Bryan and the other boy disappear. So he never was able to see how they got into the facility in the first place. All he knew was that he wanted to see Bryan again. He didn`t know why he wanted too, he just did. He had come in contact with humans before, but all he felt was fear and the need to run. Around other neko-jins he felt nothing for them. He could care less about any of them for what they did to the defenceless humans.

He closed his eyes, hiding the golden slitted eyes behind his lids. He knew he wouldn`t see Bryan tonight. Maybe tomorrow, he thought leaning back slightly and throwing his head back so that he could see the ceiling of leaves above him. What could he do in the meantime? He released his hands from the branches and fell back gracefully, heading straight for the ground. But he didn`t worry. Rei`s golden eyes opened slightly and eyed the oncoming branch that was speeding towards him. His eyes closed again and he hooked the crook of his knees onto the branch and did a three-sixty until he was sitting perfecting on the branch. He was lower to the ground and now the tree leaves and bushes pretty much hid the facility. Rei didn`t have to see this to know it. He opened up his eyes looking down at the ground. Closer. Enough for him to be able to jump down and land without feeling the pain.

Yes, he felt pain. And he hated it because he healed and it only made him hurt more, because of the mending.

He pushed himself off the tree and towards the dirt packed ground. He landed like a cat, gracefully on all fours. The impacted pain laced through his veins and nerves, but the pain quickly disappeared. Healed. He took a deep breath in and blew out slowly. He turned giving the facility one last look before running deeper into the forest, somewhere to be isolated and alone, able to think.

Rei loved to run. It felted real to him, natural. Something that was not artificial or man-made at all. Running was something the scientists could never take away from him, ever! It was times like this that he almost felt...human again. If you could remember that far back actually. The feeling of his feet hitting the ground, the dirt between his toes. The smell of the forest air that surrounded him. The sound of the wind dancing through the leaves and branches up high in the trees. And the sights of the forests, it`s greens and browns, it`s living and dead, it`s riches and wonders. Everything was amazing! Worth living.

But the running also came with the nightmarish memory of when he was still human. Eyes squeezed shut to hide his surrounding. Hands flew to his ears and cupped them from the sounds. The faint echos of a foreign language! an argument and screaming, from his chasers. The base of his skull started to ache, a similar feeling to what that old man`s hold upon his hair...Bruce was his name? Yes, it was Bruce. He let our an ear-shattering scream as the memories of nightmares, sharp objects, the smell of blood and steel mixed, the evil laughter and alcohol spills filled his mind.

Rei`s eyes sprang open and his hands fell from his ears. He had stopped running and now lay upon his knees, starring in horror at the ground. His mechanical heart beating rapidly against his rips. Eyes dilated with fear. Body shaking and quivering with almost human-likliness.

He took several deep breaths and closed his eyes again to recall the memory of being in the lab.

Finding himself strapped to a cold metal table, barely awake, his chest ripped open in the shape of a diamond. Some ribs broken, his heart removed sitting on a table next to his head inside a glass jar. The oxygen mask around his mouth fogging every now and then. Gore upon the floor and all over his body. Men in white from head to toe clocking out for the night. Lights shut off except for the one above his battered body.

All was quiet and still.

A young boy in his young teens walks in quietly. Tip-toeing around. His pale skin standing out in the darkness that surrounds him as he slowly makes his way towards the damaged boy on the metal table. He walks into the single circle of light. The ligh illuminating his two toned blue hair. But something was different about this child. He had one human eye, the other was metal with a single red dot in the center for the iris. The boy looked down upon the neko-jin on the table, ignoring the opened wound and insides and blood all around.

"Hello," it spoke in a language that the neko-jin now knew as Russian.

The neko-jin did not reply to the robotic human kid.

"I brought this." The boy held up a vial. "I do not like what my family and people are doing. But they are trying to save Mother Russia...and me." The boy looked away. "I am dying. I have a year to live." The boy looked up and saw the neko-jin staring at him with golden eyes filled with tears. "It`s my fault this is happening. My body is not strong enough to fight back. Grandfather decided to do experiments on poor people, no offense, to find a cure and save me. I only have a year left to live they say..." The boy uncorked the bottle in his hands and opened the neko-jin`s mouth. "The eye they have given me," He pointed to the glowing red eye. "It has done something to me. I can see bad things happening in the future. Very bad things. My people will die at the hands of yours. You will go crazy. But..." The boy poured the liquid down the boys open mouth. "I see good in you. I created a potion that will keep your humanity intact. I am trying to make more to disperse to your kind but I do not have a lot of resources here. My grandfather does not know what I am doing, nor shall he ever know." The last of the liquid rolled down the neko-jins throat.


The boy turned around to face the locked door. "Shit!" he muttered. He quickly turned back to the neko-jin. "They are coming back. I was hoping to tell you more about the future but I must go. I am sorry. Hopefully the potion will work. Just know that when the time comes; all hell will break loose. Run for your life and get the hell out of here!"

And the the blue haired boy disappeared.

Rei opened his eyes to the present time around him...

Geirr: Sorry it is short and too the point Dx My mind kinda drew a blank.