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Soifon walked out to the kitchen. On the counter was a sheet of cookies, freshly baked. Yoruichi had insisted that Soifon bake them.

Taking a spatula, Soifon loosed the morsels from the metal sheet so that they could easily be removed. Then she took one for herself and began to eat it. She had been skeptical at first, but the cookies turned out to be quite good.

As she ate the cookie, Soifon felt a small tug on her pant leg. Zihao was trying to get her attention.

Zihao was their adopted son. His parents were killed by Hollows on one of the outer districts of Rukongai when he was still an infant. Yoruichi and Soifon had adopted him a short time after. He had just started walking.

Soifon reached for another cookie, but then changed her mind. Bending down, Soifon picked up her son and raised him to the counter. Slowly, as if contemplating on the matter, he chose his own cookie. Soifon turned him around so that he rested on her forearm. She watched as he ate the cookie with a triumphant smile.

"You two are just too cute sometimes." Yoruichi smiled as she leaded against the doorframe. Upon seeing Yoruichi, Zihao began to whine and reach for her.

"Come here, Zi." Yoruichi had a habit of shortening her son's name, like she did with Soifon. Soifon handed the toddler to her wife.

Of the two of them, Zihao seemed to prefer Yoruichi over Soifon. Soifon understood why. She was the softer parent to be held by, for obvious reasons. Yoruichi also didn't get embarrassed and flustered when play the games that brought children endless amusement, like Soifon did.

But Soifon had her place. Whenever Zihao wanted to "do" something, like choose his own cookie, he went to Soifon. She was more accommodating of his attempts at independence.

Soifon was surprised at how easy they had both fell into parenting. Yoruichi had finally chosen a lieutenant, so she was home often. Soifon wasn't home as often, but now that Omeada all but ran the Second Division by himself, she also had more time to spend with her family.

Family, Soifon repeated the word in her mind over and over again as she watched Yoruichi bounce Zihao in her arms as he giggled uncontrollably. I have a family…

There you have it, folks. The trilogy is complete. Thank you to all of you who have stuck with me since the beginning. Before you ask; no, I will not be continuing this story ark. Best to let it end now before it gets run into the ground.

For now, I'm going to focus my efforts on The Good Times are Killing Me and the occasional one-shot.