LIST UPDATED March 13 2011
Hello Hello!
I'm catskid100 and MAN, do I have a challenge for you!
So since you have clicked on this fanfiction, I'll tell you now, if you are a writer with a good sense of humor and are willing to type new things, this is the challenge for you!
It's called the crack pairing challenge!
I have made with my friend; a list of unusual, disturbing, and even downright weird pairings that would probably never show up in the fandom of APH. (At least I hope not…)
Now, here's the deal! Everyone gets involved! If you're a new writer, or a veteran, I would like you to get into this because it'll be lots of fun, I promise! Take a look at the list below. We have 200+ slots with 200+ different pairings. All you have to do if pick one to write about! (That slot will be yours and WILL NOT BE TAKEN BY ANYONE ELSE)
The list will be frequently updated, until all the spots are filled. Now, when you have your pairing, you are required to write a story about them. Preferably a one-shot. It must be over 200 words, no less. Make them as serious or as stupid as you like, but please keep the pairing in mind.
If you want, you can post the file as a separate fanfiction but in the title please include Crack pairing challenge (CPC) before or after the title of the fic, or even in the description.
The preferred method would be to send via PM (or in a direct e-mail, no file attechments) and I post it as a new chapter on this fanfic. (description for what to include in your story are in the second update) my email is (with spaces) myworldofanime12 *at sign* aol . com
please review to tell me which pairing you have chosen so I can fill that slot with your name! And I recommend choosing a pairing at random; it's more fun that way! Ok! If you get the deal
let's get started!
France x China- Hannaadi88
Romano x Norway- Grace Raven
Germany x Turkey- marmoki
England x Finland- SonChin
Ukraine x Seychelles- yolapeoples
Sweden x Spain- ninja-freak13
Hong Kong x Belarus- LolliDictaor
Italy x Latvia- MizuTwilight
Lithuania x Sealand- Akky-chan
America x Egypt- DeepBlueInk
Denmark x Prussia- LeriaCossato
Greece x Taiwan- Panda-Adrilyne
Japan x Iceland- .Rainbows
Egypt x Iceland- LithiumKiss
Russia x Korea- LOLzlover
Hungary x Liechtenstein- shellfishomg
Cuba x Belgium- shego219
Austria x Estonia- Dawn of Winter
Switzerland x Hong Kong- lodyopower
Holland x Belarus- hoshi-myuu
Romano x Finland- Sharpest Spade
France x Egypt- moronic-muffin
Austria X Ancient Greece (LOL WUT?)- RedSnowFalls
Lithuania x Japan- Lyrica Storm Wagner
Norway x Poland- Pinkblackwhite
Canada x Taiwan- Lita Takanashi
France x Germany- tocool456
Germany x Hungary- MedicalNonsense
Spain x Sealand- D.G Ling
Japan x Hungary- Prosecutie
Prussia x Hong Kong- Peridot Tears
Romano x Iceland- Tallisa of Swallow's Crest
Spain x Finland- Kagami-tan
Belgium x Taiwan- FrogsInTheBathtub
Ukraine x Belgium- WOKgeotobi
Norway x Latvia- Elena Hitachiin
Korea x Switzerland- Jackidy
Denmark x Liechtenstein- TinyFlame4
America x Latvia- BulzelMaster
England x Taiwan- Redsnowfalls
China x Canada- Bananaz4ever
Spain x Poland- Nima Loves You
France x Estonia- Sandshinobi00
Greece x Hong Kong- Kitty29
Germany x Greece- Cona
Estonia x China- GothicGal8541
America x Iceland- lolipopmilk18
Russia x Liechtenstein- lolipopmilk18
Switzerland x Hungary- elepaio
Korea x Latvia- Jazi Tsukiyo
Sweden x America- AikoujOi
Cuba x Liechtenstein- Prosecutie
Hong Kong x Hungary- ' b l u e y 3 0 6 '
Switzerland x Finland- justinewhitlock4eva
Turkey x Hungary- shego219
Russia x Switzerland- Jackidy
Egypt x Latvia- Puddinglol
Greece x Lithuania- BlackBunny15
England x Ukraine- openedlocket
Russia x Japan- Hetalia-Emeralds
Poland x Seychelles- gingerOHHsnap
Korea x Belarus- Elena Hitachiin
Canada x Belarus- gingerOHHsnap
England x Switzerland- elepaio
Greece x Sealand- Domomomo
Austria x Korea- Corvyie
Sweden x Taiwan- Tanoshimi
Spain x Canada- Monocromica Violist
Lithuania x Hungary- Shego219
Germany x Estonia- xKuryux
China x Liechtenstein- purplekitsune-chan
Greece x Finland- Ruusu
Turkey x England- Fluffycakes
Poland x Belarus- Joji-chan
Korea x Egypt- animekraze
France x Latvia- Nima Loves You
Spain x Japan- Chalupakabra
Switzerland x Seychelles-Kereneko
Prussia x Sweden- EngleMegane
Greece x Ukraine- Shego219
Lithuania x Norway- Kereneko
Korea x Hungary- Lunarshade
Russia x Romano- Silver and Gray
Russia x Seychelles- gingerOHHsnap
Switzerland x Poland- LeriaCossato
Germany x Canada- Nima Loves You
America x Sealand- ntotheizzo
Turkey x Hungary- Lunarshade
Germany x Latvia- S. I. R. E. Ruby-san
Prussia x China- Silver and Gray
Cuba x Turkey
Italy x Belgium
Cuba x Italy
China x Ukraine- Kereneko
Sweden x Korea- LithiumKiss
Japan x Seychelles- brunettebookworm14
France x Prussia- Sandshinobi00
Austria x Poland- ai-08
America x Estonia- master of toast
Prussia x England- Minosuke Ichigo
Spain x Taiwan- Tanoshimi
Russia x Hungary- Silver and Gray
Finland x Taiwan- purplecatgirl
Cuba x Finland
Italy x Sealand- soundofmelodies
America x Denmark- Minosuke Ichigo
Egypt x Hungary- AnimeFallingStar
Prussia x Korea- hootloop12
Belarus x Sealand- Esso
Lithuania x Ukraine- gingerOHHsnap
Cuba x Japan
England x Italy- Bananaz4ever
Prussia x Lithuania- Satiah
Norway x Hong Kong- Snowy Cherry-san
America x Italy- Ichi Hime-Sama
France x Iceland- bandgeek9
China x Norway- oboete imasu ka
America x Taiwan- ArisaLyeanna
Turkey x England- CynicalRainbow
Germany x Seychelles- cranberrieraven
Italy x Latvia- OMGYES
Greece x Taiwan- Starlight Amethyst
Russia x England (this is real right? Idc, it's weird.)- LithiumKiss
Egypt x Belarus- She Who Has no -pen-name
China x Iceland- oboete imasu ka
Japan x Finland- EmilyXXsasu
Germany x England- Ever Essence
Denmark x Ukraine- OnceAgainItNeverHappened
Austria x Canada- PrussianAwesomeness
Lithuania x Hungary
Greece x Switzerland
Greece x Hungary- Alice Esther
Turkey x China- Arugala
Germany x Korea
America x Switzerland- InsigniaAmetrine
Austria x Taiwan
Norway x Liechetenstein- France's Courtesans
Denmark x Italy
Austria x England- darandomninja
France x Switzerland- InsigniaAmetrine
Iceland x Ukraine
Greece x Estonia
Poland x Belarus
Spain x China
Sweden x Taiwan
Germany x Canada- Nekoi Hiokans
Denmark x England- ChickenHax
China x China (lawlwut?)- Mr. Sora Majiggers
Canada x Hungary
Russia x Hong Kong- mangolemonade
Estonia x Seychelles
Sealand x Liechtenstein
America x Romano- Sakurablossom64
Hungary x Seychelles
Austria x Norway- EmeleThaine
Egypt x Japan- MiNikMali
Korea x Poland- Orsenna
Lithuania x Hong Kong
Greece x America
Hungary x Ukraine- L. Hawk
Turkey x Belarus- StreamShower
Canada x Latvia- DreamALltHopeALlt
Romano x China- TealKelica
Sweden x France- Talentless Freak
Austria x China- a city that burn
England x Estonia
Spain x Korea- saltwater songs
Poland x Liechtenstein
Russia x Taiwan- musicalmeryn
Rome x Sweden (XD)
Belarus x Seychelles- la belletrist
Germany x Hong Kong- OrangePlum
Cuba x Norway
Prussia x China- LolliDictator
Estonia x Norway
Japan x Canada- xxxninjayaoifreakxxx
Germany x Lithuania- Pit-Trap
China x Liechtenstein
Poland x Hong Kong- ZAFO
America x Finland- A Girl Called Fabian
Austrailia x Canada- ShinobiGirl
Romano x Liechtenstein- ArisaLyeanna
Denmark x China- Omi-Chan-Meko
England x Iceland
France x Japan- Hearthem
Prussia x America- Mt749
Finland x Hong Kong
Norway x Canada
Sweden x Spain- NataliaArlovskaya
Russia x Hungary
Finland x Belarus- NataliaArlovskaya
Germany x America- Triangular Prism
Korea x Seychelles
France x Greece
Germania x Cuba- The Duchess of Cheese
England x Switzerland
Sweden x Austria- Avoocado
Poland x Belgium
Estonia x Romano
America x Liechtenstein- Black Family Scribe
Germany x Korea
Norway x Italy- Kawaii Bishyness
Turkey x China
Greece x Latvia
Estonia x Switzerland
Greece x America
Russia x Romano
Cuba x Japan
Australia x Iceland- Frozenbreath
England x Lithuania- CookiesForTheNeko
Lithuania x Japan- YtterBium
America x Austria- Super4bidden (ILY! ^O^)
Poland x Canada- CynicalRainbow
England x Ukraine
Russia x Belgium- Mitsuki Horenake
Germany x Holland
Estonia x Japan- MyFearOfFalling
Here is a quick recap on what to do (READ THEM! NAO!)
-When the pairing slot is filled, your name CAN NOT be placed under that slot. If you wish to use that pairing, you must pick another and use your original choice as an extra pairing in either your one shot, or separate multi-chapter story. The second pairing you picked will be the one you are placed under.
- Please refrain from suggesting pairing with characters such as India, Mongolia, ect. I take suggestions, but only ones that are official (I count characters such as Vietnam and Australia official) Hetalia characters
-The story may be as long as you want. It must be over 200 words. No less.
-There is NO limit on the rating.
-TAKE AS LONG AS YOU LIKE. Just get it in before I die.
-Do not choose more than three pairings to use separately. (There is no pairing limit if they are all in the same story.) Two would be the preferred amount, but three is allowed.
-When a story is put up, it would be nice to write reviews so that the authors of the stories know how people like them.
-Sometimes the list may not be up to date (such as I can't get to a computer, or I get a lot of requests at a time and can't update in time) you may want to check the reviews to see if the pairing you want is taken or not.
-Please ask for you pairings!
-Do not be afraid to PM me with any questions or suggestions. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
-Have fun with it!
Now here is the new list with more pairings and updated slots. If you do not see your name under a requested slot, the reason is because someone got a request in before you did. Feel free to review to receive another slot.
-catskid100 (P.S- I'm also typing one!)