Hey guys! I'm back! With a two week Christmas vacation, I'm gonna be uploading more!


Ahhh...I love this website...it's got awesome, patient people!

Disclaimer: I do not own A Series of Unfortunate Events.


"GAA! Stupid alarm clock!"

I sit up and hit the snooze button. I am NEVER going to forgive Quigley for putting a damn alarm clock in my room! My life was going on just fine with only having Quigley as my human alarm clock...

Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi. I'm Isadora Quagmire. And I'm thirteen years old. Quigley is just my older brother. I'm a triplet. The middle child is Duncan, and I'm the youngest. I don't see why Quigley makes a big deal about him being the oldest. He's only the oldest by forty-five seconds. Duncan is only older than I by three seconds, but he doesn't seem to care. He's too dumb to care.

Duncan and Quigley look just alike so the only way to tell them apart is that Quigley is the smart usually serious, but funny guy while Duncan is the idiot that sticks chopsticks up his nose and has a strange obsession for Mexican burritos.

If you wanna know the truth...Duncan wouldn't have been such an idiot if the nurse hadn't dropped him as a baby. Isn't that sad? Hadn't even been in the world for five seconds and was already scarred for life...Poor guy...It's because of Duncan anyways that the nurse was fired...

Speaking of Duncan...today's the day I try to get Klaus to notice me! Speaking of Klaus, I don't know why Duncan reminded me of that anyways - but then again, Duncan seems to reminds everyone of random things anyway, so he really doesn't seem to care.

Anyways, Klaus Baudelaire is this really cute guy that I seem to have every class with. He was the new kid about a month ago, along with his sisters, Violet and Sunny. Violet is fourteen, Klaus is twelve, and Sunny isn't even a year old. Don't ask me why she's attending Pruffrock Prep. She just is. Deal with it, suckas! Nah, I'm just messing with ya...

Well, I really need Klaus to notice me. I would've made him notice me earlier, but, you see, I'm pretty shy...and Klaus doesn't seem to talk to me much. Don't get me wrong. I mean, we're friends and everything, but we just don't say much to each other. Ever. We only speak like...once a week. But now that I think about it, that wouldn't even make us friends...more like acquaintances.

I don't even know why I'm so attracted to him...maybe it's his hair. You know, Klaus has this long straight, dark brown hair that looks black that often drapes over his eyes whenever he's hunched over working on his schoolwork. And whenever it does he just swishes it to the side with his head. I keep telling him to get a haircut, but he just shrugs and forgets about it.

Or maybe it's his eyes. I love his eyes. That's the first thing I noticed about him as soon as he entered the classroom for the very first time. His eyes remind me of a bottom less pool of oceans. They're so blue, and pretty...Lighter than the sky, they are...Every time we make eye contact while talking, I'll get lost in his eyes. I try not to stare, I really do. Honest. If I stare at him as if I'm in a trace, He'll obviously think I'm weird. So I just try to look at him without being obvious.

But I love staring into them. Sometimes, I'll just make an excuse to talk to him just so I'll have a chance to take a look at them. And whenever a rare moment occurs when he wants to talk to me, Itake advantage of that moment just to stare into his eyes as much as possible because it might be only chance I'd have of looking at him like this for a while until our next conversation...which would always be the next day, or the next week.

Maybe it's because he's nice...nice and really cute. I try to pick up hints to see if he likes me. I'll try to watch his body language whenever he talks to me just so I can figure out if he likes me as much as I like him. Whenever I'm talking to Violet, I make sure we talk about something random and then I bring up the subject about my brothers and then she'll talk about her brother and then I'll ask about two questions about him and she'll tell me then we just move on with our lives.

But I'm starting to think that Violet is starting to steal my method because before I start talking about my brothers, she'll ask me about them and then she'll ask about Quigley. And I'd tell a story or two about him, she'll ask about what he's like, I'd tell her and then we'll move on. But after this event occurred about twice, I began to wonder why she only asked about Quigley and never about Duncan. And so it came to mind that she probably likes Quigley.

But I think Quigley likes her, too because one day Miss Bass wanted me to bring a note to Mr. Remora. So when I walked into the room, instead of seeing Mr. Remora telling a story and eating a banana, he was sitting at his desk playing a crossword puzzle while the students were taking a test. I made my way slowly to his desk because I wanted time to find where Violet was sitting at.

As it turns out she sits in the very back in the third row. She didn't look up when I walked in. She seemed to be too wrapped up in her test to notice. It wasn't hard to find Quigley - Quigley was sitting at the front desk on Violet's row. But I was only able to see the back of his head and I thought he was only looking at someone dance in their seat because that's what someone was doing in the back of the fourth row right next to Violet.

When I placed the note on the teacher's desk, I slowly started my way out of the room when I took another look at Quigley, and I saw that he was still looking at something in the back of the room. I looked at the kid in the fourth row, but he had stopped dancing and was doing his test. I tried to find if anyone was trying to talk to Quigley, but everyone was taking the test. That's when it hit me he was staring at a girl. But I couldn't have been sure if it was Violet. I looked up and down the row Violet and Quigley shared and found that Violet was the only girl on that row.

I peered over at Quigley's test and saw a test paper with no answers written on it. His name wasn't even written on the test. I decided to tease Quigley a little. I called out, "Hey, Violet! What's going on?" She immediately looked up to see Quigley staring at her. He quickly looked down at his test, blushing furiously. Then he glared at me.

But I grinned innocently at him and said, "Oh, hey Quigley! I didn't know you had this class with Violet!" I noticed Violet pursed her lips together and she blushed a little. She seemed to be taking this moment better than Quigley was because Quigley's eyes widened and he literally turned redder than a fire-truck. I never saw anyone turn as red as he did. I thought he was going to explode.

So basically that's how I know about the future Quiglet...Hey! I like that! Quiglet! You know when they get together, I better get credit for that pet name!

Don't worry about Duncan. Duncan doesn't even really like anyone at the moment. He told me that he plans on being single for a while.

Wait! How did I get on about Violet, Duncan and Quigley? This story is about Klaus and me! The future...Isadaus! No. Isadorus? No. Klauora? No! Grrrr… I'll have to think of a pet name later. Right now, I really need to get ready.

I guess I kinda got carried away with this story so far.

Yes, Duncan is dumb in this story, and yes he remains with the burrito obsession relation to my sister's story A Series of Strange Events.

We don't know why we chose Duncan as the nut in our stories...We just decided that the gang needed a nut head and it was like Duncan's name was booming through our minds.

We don't even know how we got started with his burrito obsession. He is just obsessed with burritos and that's basically all we know right now.