Kris: Hi! Hi! Everyone! It's almost Christmas!
May: It is huh?
Mikey: Ew…
AJ: I second that…
Kris: Yeah well, this is my last story of the year so I'm trying to end it on a good note.
May: I am excited!
Gary: Of course you are, you're in almost all of her stories.
Ash: What are you doing here? Gary: Hey, if AJ & Mikey can make an appearance then why can't I?
Ash: Because May and I actually like them.
Kris: I'd be concerned if you didn't Ash. Anyway, I don't own Pokémon.
All: Start the Party!
And Unto Us
Chapter 1
It was a late Tuesday afternoon in the small, quaint town of Pallet. White flakes of snow could be seen falling silently to the ground as two pokémon trainers made the long trek up a hill that looked over the town. It was a sight to behold, Pallet. Every roof was covered in a soft blanket of white and the streets paved with slush. But the most remarkable sight of them all was the bright assortment of lights that lit up each home in a unique way.
The trainers were amazed at the designs and fixtures of different pokémon such as Stantler and others. They gazed at the each house while making their way through town. One of the trainers, Ash Ketchum, felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him as he walked alongside his companion with his Pikachu perched on his shoulder. Next to him was Dawn Berlitz. Her eyes were glued to the trail of lights that lit up the afternoon.
"No matter how many times I see it, I still love Pallet at Christmas time." The raven-haired boy said, looking up at the sky with a smile on his face. The green scarf around his neck flowed with the wind and snow. Dawn nodded in agreement as she straightened her own red scarf.
"Yeah…" she added in a light tone of voice. Ash gave the girl next to him a concerned look before turning back to the sky.
"Are you sure you're all right with spending Christmas away from your mom?" he asked. Dawn gave a sigh full of humor before turning her gaze toward him.
"Yes. I'm okay Ash. My mom and I both knew that it was going to be this way before I even started traveling with you. It's cool." She reassured him. He reluctantly agreed with her and continued on their way with one destination in mind.
"Plus I'm excited about finally getting to meet your mom." She exclaimed, clasping her gloved hands together. Ash smiled at her and turned his attention back to the road. The lightning pokémon on his back stiffened then hopped off his shoulder and onto the frozen ground below.
"Pika pi, pikachu pi pika!" It exclaimed, sprinting ahead. Ash looked confused for a second then followed suit behind the rodent. Dawn was the last to catch on to the mad dash for Ash's house.
"Huh? Hey guys, wait up!" she yelled, chasing after them. Ash was in a moment of bliss with the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he inched ever closer to his home.
'Almost there…I can't believe I've missed being here so much…' he thought to himself, the white fence coming into view. He slowed his run down to a paced walk and made his way up the path to the door, Pikachu waiting patiently on the mat. The anxiety overflowing, Ash knocked on the door. Dawn was soon as at his side, panting quietly.
Once the door opened, the two trainers were immediately welcomed by the warmth of a home. Ash's mother, Delia, was there to greet them once they slipped off their snowy shoes and replaced them with a pair of slippers waiting for them. The brown-eyed boy took in the smell of his home and smiled.
"Welcome home Ash!" he snapped out of his daze and was met by not only his mother but a few of his other friends as well. Standing before him, decked out in traditional Santa hats were Misty, Tracey, and Gary. He was surprised to see all of them.
"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" He asked, removing his jacket, Dawn following suit.
"You're mom told us you were coming home so we thought we'd be here to greet you." Misty exclaimed stepping forward. Ash turned back to see his mother giving off a bright smile.
"Wow, thanks guys. Oh yeah, guys this is Dawn." He said introducing the girl. Dawn smiled and waved to the group, recognizing only Gary out of the group.
"So you're Dawn? Ash has mentioned you a few times. You're a coordinator right?" Misty asked, making conversation. Dawn nodded.
"I sure am. Ash told me about you as well. Pikachu sure can do a number on a bike huh?" Dawn gave a laugh. Misty joined in as well.
"Tell me about it…" Both girls continued to laugh as they made their way into the main part of the house leaving the three boys standing by the door while Ash's mother retreated to the kitchen.
"They sure hit it off great…" Tracey muttered, scratching behind his neck. Gary scoffed, placing his hands behind his head.
"Would you expect anything less? I mean they have plenty to talk about." The brunette said, turning his attention to Ash. The latter laughed nervously.
"I guess you're right about that…so what have you guys been up to?" Tracey gave his question some thought before answering. Gary shrugged.
"Well, I've been helping the professor with everyday stuff, you know? Oh yeah, he wanted you come by today when it was convenient for you." Tracey added.
"He did? I wonder what for…" Ash's voice trailed off as he stifled a yawn.
"Yeah well, it was nice seeing ya Ash, but I should probably head on home. I still have a lot of things to do before I go back to Sinnoh." Gary said, taking a glance at his wristwatch then stuffing his hands in the pocket of his white lab coat. Ash nodded with a smile, while leading Gary to the door.
"Thanks for stopping by. Hey, when are you going back?" he asked.
"A couple days after Christmas." He said. Ash nodded and opened the door, letting in the crisp, cold air. He waved good-bye and shut the door, turning his attention the artist. Tracey stood awkwardly in the hallway, staring at the Christmas decorations all around the house.
"So Ash, how's Sinnoh? From the things Gary has told me, it seems like a pretty cool region to go to." Tracey started. Ash perked up at that.
"It is. I have four badges." He exclaimed in a proud tone of voice, poking his chest out slightly. Tracey gave a laugh.
"Just what I'd expect from you." He said.
"Dinner's ready!" Delia called from inside the kitchen. Dawn and Misty entered from the living room, laughing as they passed Ash and Tracey. The two boys shrugged, following behind them into the kitchen.
After dinner, Tracey and Misty left and to go back to the lab and Dawn said she wanted to go into town to do some shopping. That left Ash and his mom alone in the house. Delia cleaned the dishes from dinner while Ash retreated to his room where he laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He sighed, a hand resting on his stomach and the other behind his head. Pikachu was next to him, nestled in a ball, snoring quietly.
The trainer yawned, closing his eyes slightly. As soon as he did this, Pikachu awoke from his slumber to find that his trainer was sleeping. The electric type uncurled itself and stretched, shaking its tail. He scratched behind his ears before hopping off the bed and walking out the door, closing it behind him.
At the sound of the door closing, Ash jumped from his sleep. His heart was racing when he sat up. He scratched behind his head, trying to figure out what happened.
"I guess I must've fallen asleep." He said looking around. "Huh? Where'd Pikachu go?"
Sure enough, the pokémon was missing from the spot he was at when Ash fell asleep. Ash slid off the bed and walked out of his room and down the stairs where Pikachu was sitting by the door like he was waiting. Ash walked down the last step and gave his starter and arched eyebrow.
"What's up buddy?" the trainer asked.
"Pika pi, kachu pika pika." He said, pointing out the door that's when it hit him. Professor wanted to see him for something.
"That's right! We could probably go now." He said, grabbing his coat from the rack along with his gloves and scarf.
"Go where?" his mother asked, entering from the kitchen while drying her hands on a towel.
"Over to the lab. Tracey told me that the Professor wanted me to come over when it was convenient." He explained. Delia nodded.
"Make sure you bundle up!" she gave one last word before he disappeared behind the door. He zipped his coat tightly and secured his green scarf around Pikachu's neck. Once that was done, the two began to make their way done the road to the lab.
"Hey Pikachu, what do you think the professor is calling us down here for?" Ash asked. Pikachu shrugged. Ash copied his starter as the lab came up into their view. With a new sense of excitement, Ash quickened his pace and skipped a few steps and before he knew it, he was at the door. He welcomed himself inside, slipping his coat off and hanging it on the hook by the door.
"Hey Professor! It's Ash!" he called throughout the lab. He walked further into the building when his eyes caught a white lab coat. The professor turned around, holding a red bowl of pokémon food in his hand.
"Hello Ash, it's been awhile. I'm glad you could make it." The older man greeted him.
"Yeah, so what's going on?" he asked looking down at the pokémon sitting at the professors feet. He immediately recognized the Bulbasaur to May's based on the heart designs on its head. He smiled, bending down to his level.
"Hey Bulbasaur." Ash said with a smile. The Bulbasaur smiled as well, recognizing the trainer. It ran to Ash and extended a vein to which Ash shook as a friendly gesture.
"Right. The reason I requested you come here it because of May and your Bulbasaur." The Professor cleared his throat, and odd warmth rising to his cheeks. At that, Ash's heart began to race.
"Is something wrong? What happened?" he panicked picking up the unsuspecting Bulbasaur and inspecting it.
"Calm down Ash, it's nothing serious or bad. They've gotten awfully close over the years and well. About a month and a half ago Tracey found a egg with them where they usually sleep." he finished looking over at Ash.
Ash looked stunned beyond all belief.
"Wow…they had…an egg…together?" he scratched his head nervously.
"Yes that's right. So I was going to call you over to discuss the matters of the egg along with May." Oak said walking out to the ranch.
"What, so May's coming here?" Ash asked stunned once more. Prof. Oak nodded and smiled.
"She should be here by tomorrow morning. If I remember correctly she was at home the time I called her." He pondered.
"Oh, where's the egg? And my Bulbasaur?" he said, a strange feeling developing in his stomach.
"Your Bulbasaur is over there, keeping watch over the egg." The professor said, pointing to the grass-type sitting beside a green and beige colored egg. May's Bulbasaur walked over to Ash's and sat down next to him.
Ash slowly approached the two Bulbasaurs with an uneasy smile on his face.
"Hey." He smiled and knelt down to their eye level. His own Bulbasaur looked up and recognized his trainer. He smiled brightly showing off the egg to Ash.
"Whoa. Is that the egg?" he asked them. May's Bulbasaur nodded and leaned on Ash's with a red blush creeping on her cheeks. Ash laughed and looked at the egg.
"Wait 'til May sees this." He laughed.
Kris: It was just a lot of general stuff in this chapter.
Gary: I'm still here!
Ash: For like five lines…
Gary: But you can't get rid of me!
May: For like five lines…
Kris: Anyway, the next chapter is on its way!!!
All: Thanks for reading! 4 Sure!