AN: Well folks, this is it. I have no words to describe how much I love each and every person who has taken the time to review (alert/fave). Kougasolderwoman: you've been with me since the very beginning, reviewing every chapter. A very heart felt thank you to you. To TheUnderStudy you're more than just a beta, I am so lucky to be able to call you a friend. Can't wait til November! :o) To all my friends/readers that I have been lucky enough to get to know, I love you all. To those hiding in the background you're special too and hope that everyone enjoys this HEA… I am sorry I haven't had the time to respond to all the reviews I will be catching up on that over the weekend. I've moved so things were hectic, but I truly appreciate you all… Without further ado…


Jacob POV

My hands were shaking as I stood at the front of the alter waiting for my beautiful bride to meet me. I'd never been a nervous person, but the damn wedding jitters have made me a wreck. I shifted my feet around as I looked out at the rows of people there to celebrate this day. Some I was surprised came, others not.

My eyes met my father's. He beamed at me with a smile so big on his face that I was sure his cheeks hurt. I smiled back at him and fidgeted with my collar. Tuxedos may look nice, but they were really uncomfortable. My dad laughed and I looked to his right and see Sue sitting next to him. They were holding hands and I laughed as I remember that they too were nervous not too long ago. My dad's face turned crimson as he told me of their decision to live together. Of course Leah, Seth, and I had seen that one coming for a long time. Our parents were thrilled to see how much we liked the idea. The love between them had been obvious for a long time.

The one thing that I couldn't get over was how much Pita had become a part of the family. In fact, he was the ring bearer here today. Of course right now he was sitting on my father's lap, panting away. Carrying the pillow hardly bothered him at all. He enjoyed the attention. I laughed at the little pink tongue that was sticking out of the side of his mouth.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I turned to look at Tyler, my best man.

"You nervous bro?" He asked with an amused grin on his face.

I shook my head no with a slight frown on my face and then picked at some invisible lint on my jacket. I heard Tyler snicker and fought the urge to flip him off.

Working with Ty in Forks had been great. We had become best friends and I am excited to stand up as his best man soon. He and Angie were going to tie the knot a few months from now. You could bet I was going to give him hell too. I smiled at the thought. Of course, their wedding was going to be in Forks where mine and my beautiful soon-to-be wife were originally going to get married.

I remember the day we found this church. We had just moved into my condo. Bella had just finished signing the papers for the purchase of what was now a very popular diner called "Charlie's". We were on the way back to Forks to grab the last of our stuff and she had to use the restroom. I had made a wrong turn down a back road and it took us toward this church. Her eyes lit up the second she saw the place. It was one of those moments in time you don't forget.

As usual, the overcast clouds had been thick the whole day. It was somewhat chilly out since it was during that time when winter was starting to change to spring. We pulled up to the church, got out of the car and at that very moment the clouds opened up and a ray of sunshine lit up the entire church. It wasn't big or fancy, but the outside of it was beautiful. The designs along the front were intricately etched into it. She turned to me with a light in her eyes and said, "This is it. I'm going to marry you here." Her cheeks flushed with happiness and a rare, warm breeze blew around us. She looked like an angel standing there in front of the church and without hesitation I agreed. It was perfect.

And now, here I am, waiting for my angel to make her way up to me.

Bella POV

I thought I would be nervous. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled. Angela was putting the finishing touches on my hair. I looked into the mirror and I saw the reflection of my mother standing there with tears in her eyes. She put her hands up to her face.

"Baby, you're so beautiful," she said softly. I felt the sting of tears hit my eyes and I smiled.

"Mom, don't start. I don't want to have to do my makeup over!" I said with a laugh as I dabbed a tissue at the tears that had threatened to surface.

It was amazing how close we had become over the past year. It was like the way it had been when I was younger. We laughed and talked all the time. She and Phil helped me with the plans for Charlie's Diner. Of course, the menu holds mostly my dad's favorite foods, but I had a few specialty dishes I threw in there as well. I was thrilled at how well it was doing. Opening a diner like that in Seattle had been a huge risk, but so far it has been worth it.

"Okay Bells. I think we are done," Angela said with a laugh and a small hug. I looked at myself one more time. I couldn't get over it. I'm about to marry Jacob Black. My best friend. The love of my life.

I chose a simple strapless gown and veil. Our bouquets were filled with small pink roses and baby's breath. I wanted simple and elegant to match the church we found.

"Bella, you're the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." My mother said and hugged me. I swallowed the knot that formed in my throat. Angela walked out of the room to inform them I was ready. As soon as she came back into the room, we could hear the piano playing the bridal chorus. I felt a flutter of butterflies in my stomach and I felt like running down the isle so I could see my groom.

I watched Angela walk out of the room with her pink bouquet of roses. Before she exited, she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I laughed and felt my mother link her arm through mine. I never pictured my wedding day without my father, but I feel him around me. We watched as Angela slowly made her way up to the stage and I pulled my veil down to cover my face.

"So, how did you know about this church?" my mother asked softly.

"Know what about this church?" I asked back quietly.

She looked at me curiously. "This is where your father was baptized. I thought you knew."

My heart skipped. "Are you sure?" I said as I felt a knot in my throat.

My mother smiled at me and nodded. "We were supposed to get married here, your father and I, but it had been going under some renovations and it wasn't going to be ready in time."

I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I held back a joyful sob. Instead, I gave my mom a big hug and knew it was time for me to make my way up.

My mom looked at me astonished and whispered "I thought you knew." I shook my head and smiled tears in both of our eyes. Then with a squeeze of her hand, we stepped out together down the isle.

I walked down, glancing at the familiar faces of friends and loved ones. I saw Alice's smiling face and watched as she rubbed her round pregnant tummy. I beamed at her and Jasper. Edward sat next to them with his new girlfriend Heidi. She was his nurse while he was in recovery. When I first noticed their connection, I started to back off in helping him. It worked out beautifully. He is doing really well and may have full use of his legs by the end of the year. We are all very happy for him.

I turned my eyes to the front of the church and my breath hitched as I saw my handsome groom, his eyes holding mine. I smiled and felt the flutter in my stomach return. I swallowed hard as we reached the front. My mother was still holding my arm in hers.

"Who gives this woman to be married?" The pastor asked, looking at my mother.

There was a pause and I looked at her. Tears fell down her face and her voice wavered as she said "Her father and I do."

I took a large deep breath to keep the sob from escaping my mouth and I smiled warmly at her. She hugged me and I turned and took my place next to Jacob. I handed my bouquet to Angela and placed my hands in Jacob's. The warmth of his touch soothed me and I smiled as our eyes locked. He smiled back, his eyes brimming with tears. I knew that this wedding would be beautiful, but that it would have a touch of sadness too. The part where my father was absent affected us all. But what I didn't expect was how complete I felt. I knew that Jacob was my forever and I would love and cherish him always. I also knew that no matter where I was, my father was there loving and watching over me. He was happy today and so was I. I looked at the pastor. He smiled sweetly at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Dearly beloved…"