"Phineas! We've got her scent!" I breathed a sigh of relief. We'd find her soon, then get back home where everything was normal, and safe. Ferb came up next to me and gave me a nod of the head, as if he was somehow agreeing with my thoughts. I knew Isabella didn't like Shelby… or maybe she did. Maybe that's why she had volunteered to help find her.

My thoughts were interrupted as we became surrounded by a large group of dogs. They were all black-furred, but each had a splotch of other color. A small Chihuahua stepped forward, as if he was leading them.

"You all are on Broadway Pack's territory. Who are you and what is your purpose here?" That honestly took me by surprise.

A Chihuahua leading them?

"I'm Phineas and this is Ferb. That's Isabella, and Baljeet and Buford, and the other girls are the Fire Side Girls." The small dog glared up at him, baring his teeth. A black-coated German Shepard stepped forward, yet staying behind the leader of the patrol.

"Hey, Gale. Ain't that who Shelby was talkin' 'bout?" Everyone exchanged a few glances, and I felt my ears perk up.

"Shelby? She's okay?" The dog known as Gale continued to stare me down for a few moments before warily nodding.

"Yes. If you're really who you're supposed to be, you may meet our leader. Pare, take Flak and report to Shelby that we have visitors. She's probably training right now." The black German Shepard flicked his white-tipped tail once and bounded off, a stubby-tailed Shi Tzu quickly following. Ferb and I exchanged a quick, dark blue glance before being escorted by Gale and the rest of the guards.

It was about 10 minutes before we were led into a deep alley. Dogs peered out from boxes, under dumpsters, and in gutters.

All eyes were at us.

"Welcome to our camp. Do not mark your scent, for you are not one of us." I'm not sure about the others, but I took that as somewhat offensive. Gale spotted Pare sharing a hot dog with a black-furred Irish Setter. She had reddish-colored paws and ears.

"Pare! Flog!" Both dogs automatically jumped up, tails erect behind them.

"Gale, Sir!" Obviously, the Chihuahua was high ranked here.

"Report Shelby's status." The German Shepard dipped his head.

"She has passed her final test. She will soon be receiving her true name from Mitt."

Almost at that moment, a long, sorrowful howl sounded from the far side of the alley. All eyes turned in that direction. An elderly, graying Great Dane was standing on a crate, wagging his tail. As he finished, everyone was silent.

"Dogs of Broadway Pack. On Friday evening last I received from Her Darkness the truth in her disappearance. She wished to revoke her status as Alpha. Our beloved Aver has asked me to lead in her place until we have found a pure replacement. I have already completed the most important part of this task by testing the newcomer, Shelby."

A mix of emotions ran through the other dogs as the older dog spoke. He waited as they began to settle down before barking once. Each dog fell completely silent.

"Dogs of Brodaway pack. We are strong, and plentiful. Aver had no mate or pups of her own, so tradition cannot be followed. As the Elder of Broadway Pack, it is my duty to usher in the new leader if the former leader has passed. Shelby."

I heard a few collective gasps around me as the familiar black dog emerged from behind the dumpster.

It was her. It was finally her.

She continued forward until she was at the base of the crate, facing the other dogs with a serious expression on her face. A wreathe of beautifully woven twigs was rested on her head, a pink-colored blossom on the side, in front of her right ear.

"Shelby!" All eyes turned on me as her name escaped my muzzle. Her bright green eyes lit up as she spotted me, and her tail wagged slightly.

"Phineas." Her voice was smooth and light. She made her way through the crowd before standing in front of me. "What are you doing here?" Her question felt like a slap in the face, despite the sincere smile on her face.

"We're here so we can get back to normal," I stammered, confused. She sighed, looking down at her paws.

"Phineas…" Shelby looked back up at me. "I can't go back with you guys."


Yeah, I finally finished it. xD

Probably one more chapter, and I'm debating on a sequel or not. O3o

Oh well. R&R! ^^