Chapter Twenty-one THE FUTURE

Rose's POV

Finally I got my life back in order. Back on a track I could control. I got my memories back, my legs and back fully healed, graduated top of my class in academics and my Guardian skills, I became Lissa's Guardian, and married the man I love more than anything. I got everything I ever wanted, and more. By some genetic quirk, Dimitri and I were able to have a beautiful baby girl. We have no idea how or why, but we love her with all our hearts. Besides Lissa, she's our whole life, and we would do anything for her.

We decided her heritage was going to be a major factor in her life because so many Dampir children don't know both of their parents, so we decided on a very Russian name. Its Dimitri's favorite, beside's mine of course, Emilia. She'll soon be starting her training; my little girl is going to be one badass Guardian one day with Dimitri and me as parents. She so smart too, Lissa decided to start tutoring her early in case Emilia doesn't want to be a Guardian when she grows up. Which is fine with Dimitri and I, we just want her to be as happy as we are.

Lissa and Christian got married shortly after Dimitri and I. They are still extremely happy and so in love. After Tatiana died of a heart attack, Lissa, of course, became queen. I mean really, who didn't expect that? People quickly got over their distaste of Christian and his family. Everyone's happy with Lissa in charge. Soon they started their own family. The children took on the Dragomir name to continue on her family name. Andre and Rosalina. I wouldn't let them name her Rosemarie or just Rose, that's kind of awkward. Andre and Rosalina will get everything they ever want or need, Christian spoils them rotten, and they're still great kids though. Actually, Lissa and me think that one day Emilia and Andre will end up together, even though she's Dampir.

Even Adrian and Adrianna got happy endings. Shortly after I got my memories back Adrian told Vanessa everything, she was mad at first, but she came around. Just like I told him she would. They're getting married in less then a month; it's surprising how much they really love each other. No one thought Adrian was really capable of that kind of love, well he proved everyone wrong. Adrianna finally had a meeting with Tatiana, which really means huge fight, and got the family and title she deserved. She also found someone to love who loves her back, Eric Badica. At last Adrianna is happy.

The last of our group of friends, little, doll- like Mia Rinaldi, an enemy who became one of my closest friends. She also wound up happy and loved. No one saw it coming when she told us that Eddie and her were married, especially because he's her Guardian. But you can't always choose who you fall in love with. I would know, trust me. They had secretly eloped right after Eddie was assigned to her. They were only telling people about their marriage now because Mia is pregnant. Everyone's so happy for them.

We all got what we wanted out of life. We are all extremely happy at Court and couldn't ask for anything more.

"Mommy, can you help me?" Emilia's small voice rang out.

"Of course I can, honey," I scooped her up in my arms. Well, I guess some of us could ask for a little more.

(Okay well that's the end! I hope you liked it and thank you so much for reading!)