Disclaimer: We don't own Criminal Minds.

A/N: Hey guys. So sorry this has taken so freaking long to get out, and that it's so short. KDZL has started law school and I'm in my last few weeks of undergrad, and so we barely find time when we're both online to work on the stories we have. We've already started on the next chapter though, so hopefully it won't be such a long wait this time. Next chapter will be longer as well! Promise. :) Thanks for reading and being so patient. We love you!

Chapter 4

"Baby girl tell me you've got something" Morgan said anxiously as he stood in the hospital corridor waiting on Garcia to tell him the results of the fingerprints the Forensic tech had found in his mother's apartment.

"I do peaches, but it isn't good." Penelope sighed, frowning. "The prints belong to a very bad, creeptastic guy. A one John Davis Paulson. Our fair media maven was the lead agent on the task force that got him a ten year sentence in prison. It's the case that got her noticed by the BAU."

"Wasn't he the rapist from New York that raped women in all five boroughs, and his victimology was all over the place so that no one could figure out his next target or location?"

"One and the same, my sweet. He just got released two weeks ago, but there's no paper trail on him. I'm still looking but so far I can't find him."

"Thanks Baby Girl." Morgan sighed unhappily. "If you find out anything else--"

"You'll know as soon as I do." Penelope promised. "But watch out for that beautiful baby boy."

"I will." He replied as he ended the call. Looking up, he saw JJ and Henry emerge from behind the curtained area where a doctor had been looking at the little boy. "Hey my man." He cooed at the happy boy.

"Mo mo!" Henry cried, reaching out to him. Derek happily accepted the boy and turned to JJ.

"How is he?"

"He's fine. Your sister saved his life--Derek, I don't know--" Her voice caught in her throat at the sight of the child she loved so much, "I don't know how to thank you."

"You can thank me by letting the FBI put you into hiding, and letting me come with you." Derek responded seriously. "Garcia got a match on the prints they found. They came back to a John Paul Davidson."

"No..." JJ gasped, hugging Henry closer. "I thought he was in prison..."

"He was. Just got released two weeks ago." Morgan sighed sadly, "Please JJ. Just until he's caught, then you can go back to your life. I promise."

"Okay." JJ nodded, "As long as you stay with us the whole time."

"I promise." He vowed, grateful that the woman in front of him trusted him enough to let him help.

"Okay, so this is ten times better than any cover house they gave me when I first started." Morgan announced as he, JJ, and Henry made their way into the small three bedroom home on the outskirts of Phoenix that they would be staying in until the team could catch John Paul Davidson. "I usually ended up with a crappy studio apartment, but this is nice."

"And it's so warm here" JJ said in awe, bouncing Henry on her hip, "In Virginia it's always so cold."

"That's the desert for you" Morgan laughed, taking Henry from her. "So I take it you like the place Mrs. Holden?"

"I love it!" JJ smiled, feeling mostly at ease which was amazing considering the stress she had been under for the past week. Their cover identities were that they were a married couple, Paul and Rebecca Holden, and they had an adopted son named Henry. Rebecca, or Becca as she liked to be called, was a counselor at the local youth center, and Paul was Phoenix's PD's newest transfer all the way from LA.

"And our complex has a pool." Morgan added, still surprised the Federal Marshalls' had pulled out all the stops to ensure JJ's safety.

"I know. I'm not sure it gets any better than this." JJ smiled, happy that if she left her entire life behind, she could at least spend it with Derek.