Inuzuka-Okami: I don´t own any of the characters... is my first fan fic (in English), please, be gentle if you review...

Chapter one

It was a really peaceful day, Naruto and Kiba were walking around the town, the day was pretty, calm and even boring...

"Hey! Guys!" a voice called them, Naruto was the first in speak "Sakura chan? What happened?" said the blonde. The young girl ran to them, holding a very odd box in hands. "I need to ask you for a favor, can you help me?" Sakura said with a very sweet voice, Kiba looked at her with distrust, but he doesn´t said anything.

"Of course, Sakura chan!" Naruto smiled at her, in the only way he know how to do. Sakura smiled to herself "I have good luck today.." she thought. "Well... I have to reorder these bottles in this box, but I don´t know what is inside... so..." "You want us to drink whatever is inside to know what is it, don´t you?" Kiba interrupted her. Naruto smiled again "Okay! I will do it!" the boy shouted.

"What?! Are you crazy?" Kiba shouted at him, Akamaru barked too. "Come on! She doesn´t try to kill us..." Sakura and Akamaru looked to Kiba and then to Naruto and Kiba again and Naruto again... "So...? What do you say?" asked the girl finally. "Okay... I will help too..." said Kiba defeated.

Sakura gave to Kiba a bottle with a strange pink liquid, the boy took the bottle, but before he can drank it, Akamaru took it and drank it first. "Akamaru! What the hell are you doing?" Akamaru only could said a weak "auurff" before collapse and be covered by smoke.

When the smoke disappear, Akamaru wasn´t there, "Akamaru?... where are you?" Kiba was worried for his best friend. "Kiba... Is he... Akamaru?" said Naruto, looking to the smoke. There was a young boy, practically like Kiba, but his hair was white, and the Inuzuka clan´s tattoo weren´t on his cheeks, he didn´t have a ninja protector, but he had a very cute protector with a dog mark printed on it. He was dressed in white clothes similar to Kiba´s clothes too and his eyes were yellow.

"Akamaru... is that you?" said Sakura, Naruto and Kiba at the same time. The boy looked at them and smiled "Yes... master, I´m Akamaru..."

Inuzuka-Okami: Sorry if it suck... I will write the next chapter soon...