Alright here it is! Hopefully it'll be so much easier to write, but still as good! Also I'm going to accept OC's, but I'm still going to use the ones from the other story!

And now to the ever-so-present Disclaimer! Brought to you today by the characters Vivi and Matt!!!

Vivi: *hits Matt over the head with a rolled up newspaper* we're on! Stop playing that game!
Matt: Hmm...Wha? Oh yeah, PiScEs-BlOsSoM69 does not own either Death Note or South Park, nor does she own Mario...wait Mario? SWEET!
Vivi: But she does own me!!! And little Teddykins! And the plot!
Theo: It's Theo, not "Teddykins"
Vivi: Hmm? Say something Teddykins?

"South Park? What the hell kind of name is that?" A blonde haired male spoke from the passenger seat of a black Mercedes Benz. A white haired male beside him agreed, his hands occupied by an Optimus Prime figurine
"I agree L, why do we have to live here? Can't you and Light think of another place?" The raven haired male, known as L and his partner, Light, the brunette currently driving, both shook their heads and L simply said
"We did "die" for a reason, Near; we will live here simply because of the solitude. Also here there is no need for you to use your aliases, however feel free to keep using them as "nicknames"."
"L, where in town is the game store? There's a new Mario game coming out." Light's eyes flicked to the red haired male in the backseat through rear-view mirror before saying "There is no game store in South Park, you'll have to drive your Camaro to Denver if you need any games." There was a dull thud as Matt dropped his PSP, eyes wide and mouth gaping open.
"Ok, now I agree with Near, we'll find someplace else, preferably near a GameStop or something, I'm not picky." Mello snorted and bit the corner off his block of chocolate. A hand came from over the seat and snapped off another piece and retreated to the very back of the car, where two other teens were seated, both male, one with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and another with raven hair similar to L's and blood red eyes. Mello glared at them both but stayed in his seat. The blonde male looked up from the book he was reading saying,
"See, it's not too late to turn back." L looked irritated, and sticking butterscotch into his mouth he swivelled in his chair to face the people behind him.
"We will not be turning back or living anywhere else, I'm certain nobody here has heard of neither L nor Kira, so it will be a fresh start. You are all simply making mountains out of mole hills."

Meanwhile, near Stark's Pond

"I surrender!" Lucy Montgomery screamed, holding her hands in the air. Lucky Day grinned dropping the snowball she held in her hand.
"Okay Luce, but next time you're going down." They then were pelted with snowballs from Clyde and Craig, who had snuck up on them from the side. Their attention was distracted as a shiny black car pulled into a large house and a group of males got out. Clyde whistled and said
"Hey those kids look around our age; maybe we'll see them in school Monday? Poor guys, don't even know what's coming to them." The rest of the group snickered before resuming their game.

And finished! If you would like to submit your OC, feel free! But be warned, your OC may not be in every chapter, because I find some OC's easier to write than others, but they will be in there!

I'll need the basics, Name, appearance, clothing, personality (try to be as descriptive as possible!), family, and anything you think I'll need to know! The ages of South Park kids are 16, but if you want them younger or older, then don't forget to put it in!

Also I'm taking suggestions for B and A's real names. B will not have the Shinigami eyes, and I'm making him L's brother, cause I want to! So I only really need a first name for B!

And with crushes here are the one's currently taken: Craig, Clyde, Ike, and Stan.

Creators of the lovely OC's I've used so far are:
Lucky/Vergil Day: Doomed-Orange-Parka
Lucy/Bugs Montgomery: Kootie Bomb