Disclaimer: Violets are blue

Roses are best

I don't own the rights


For Haykatsi, who has been waiting forever. I hope it's everything you could want in a story about muffins.

The Cloudy Side of Life: Loss

Once upon a time in a magical place called Welton Bakery lived 7 mischevious little muffins. There was Neil, the chocolate chip muffin who wanted to grow up to be a chocolate cake, even though his father thought he should be a pound loaf. Next there was Todd, a freshly baked blueberry who Neil had taken under his wing, er, wrapper. Charlie was a rather frivolous muffin, coffee cake, hardly even a real flavour according to his father. And Knox, sweet lemon cranberry who had gone and fallen in love with a cupcake who wouldn't even give him the time of day. Though why muffins would need to know the time is a mystery to me.

Anyways, where were we? Oh yes, I was just about to introduce Cameron, now he was an oatmeal muffin, a flavour which nobody really likes but puts up with. As opposed to Pitts who was delicious and nutricious chocolate bran, which was hands down everyone's favourite flavour. And of course last, but not least was Meeks who was Ginger flavoured.

Also a mini-muffin who was named either Skippy or Sam (nobody really knew) but he's not important to the story.

Neil, Todd, Charlie, Knox, Cameron, Meeks and Pitts spent their days learning how to grow up to be successful baked goods by following the four pillars. Taste, Homemade, Decadence, Excellence. They were all content with this life, if not slightly bored, but they were all satisfied with life at the Bakery.

That was until a new cake rolled into the shop. His name was Keating, a lemon loaf as wise as he was delicious. He filled the boys heads with ideas about the world of baked goods that they had never experienced before. He told them to rip the introduction out of the cookbook and he encouraged them to go after their dreams. However it was only when the boys discovered about the Dead Pastry Society that they really started living their lives to the fullest. Inside the old Indian Oven (which I guess you'd make naan in) they told stories and read the works of great pastries past and living deliberately sucking all the cream out of life. (Which Charlie made many a dirty joke about.)

Unfortunately this couldn't last forever. Neil's father found out about his dream to be a cake, which he called selfish and shallow. Neil tried to argue with him but in the end it wasn't enough and he was sent by his father to another bakery. Poor Todd was left all alone in his display case while he waited for Neil to come back, not knowing that he had been sent away.

Charlie had the duty of telling him that Neil and all his chocolately goodness were gone. Todd was not going to give up on his friend who had never given up on him. And together with Charlie, Knox, Pitts, Meeks, and Cameron (but mostly Meeks) they came up with a cunning and clever plan to save their friend.

Bouncing one after another they quickly escaped through the backdoor that night while everyone else was sleeping tucked into their display cases. They made a tower, one on top of the other so that Todd could jump onto the back of a delivery truck to search for Neil.

In quite possibly the best twist of fate ever Neil had had a simillar idea and had escaped from the military bakery he had been sent to and made his way onto this same truck. He had just been contemplating jumping off the back end off the truck when Todd jumped into it. They both turned and stared at each other while everything went into slow motion and music started playing. Neil jumped over to Todd and tackled him passionately while the others cheered below.

So after that Neil's dad was totally cool with his acting, er, I mean cake thing. Everyone learned how to live deliberately and suck the cream out of life (shut up Charlie!), They all grew up together and Neil and Todd had a whole batch of adorable little chocolate-blueberry muffins and they all lived happily ever after!

The End.


"Ya Todd?"

"That is the last time we let Pitts tell a bedtime story."


A.N. MUFFINS! I hope it lived up to it's expectations, and that the 'talking' type style was realistic and not annoying. Anyways, this is the last one so I hope everyone had a rocking ride and I just want to say thanks to everyone who's supported me and the fandom in general. Especially Thyme who has been there from the beginning and gave me the kick I needed to branch out into different styles of writing.