"DUDES! COME ON! IT'S PARTY TIME!" Beastboy shouted, as the other titans slowly took their places on the sofas in the living room. It was the holiday season, and Beastboy had insisted on celebrating, and somehow convinced Robin to let them each pick a game to play, when their name was pulled out of the hat with all of their names in it. Today, it was Beastboy's turn, and he insisted on making his game a surprise. "Okay! Today, for your ultimate entertainment and enjoyment, you will watch as you find out things you didn't know about each other, and maybe not even yourself! We are playing the one, the only… ULTIMATE TRUTH!" Raven rolled her eyes, and told him to get on with it.

"Hey, I sat through your game night! You're stuck here! Now, there's some chant thingy we have to say before we play…" he shuffled through a pile of papers, which had example questions, ideas, rules… "There it is!" He began the chant as the titans sat around in a circle:

"The truth that is asked will be told,

Lies will not come from young or old.

Whether you want to or not,

Once you start playing the game,

The truth will come out

And not one will hold shame.

"Try to tell a lie and the truth will go deeper,

Try to back out and the questions get steeper.

The only way out is if the question does change,

The only way onward is to dig through the pain.

"If you do not want to know then don't ask,

If you do want to know then don't bask,

In the way it's answered or you'll go crazy till,

You go into the darkness where mind will go still.

"To exit the game you must answer,

Till there is nothing left on questioning minds.

The game is not over when more questions form,

The game will not stop until all reach a peace in their minds.

"To stay you must play and now head my warning

Don't ask to hurt,

Don't ask to blame,

Don't ask just for personal gain.

"Why so serious?

It's just a game

Now go have some fun,

And ignore hurt and pain!

The titans sat in silence as they let the meaning of the words seep in. They all felt a change, and Raven realized, "Beastboy, that wasn't just some silly chant! That was a truth spell for the game! Now we have to tell the truth no matter what is asked, and have no control over our answers! I think that if you desperately don't want to answer, that you should do some sort of signal before opening your mouth so the question can be changed." The other four bobbled their heads in agreement, and Beastboy went on to explain the game in more detail.

"The person who starts picks a question from either on one of the cards or your own question. They get to pick who is asked. After you answer a question, it becomes your turn. No repeats of a question on the same round. So, I guess I'll start since I picked the game." The other titans nodded, and he looked at the first row of questions. "The questions we ask are supposed to get harder each round, so this round is sort of like a test run." He looked up at his friends, and decided which one to pick.

Um… Starfire! Um… what is the stupidest thing you have ever done?"

Starfire blushed. "Well, once on my home planet of Tamaran, I went to go see my fellow neighbor one morning. When I reached his house, I realized I was still in my pajamas!" the others laughed a little, but didn't see what was so bad about it, until she said, "Pajamas on Tamaran are… how you would say, skimpy? Yes?" she blushed a deeper shade of red, and said, "It is my turn to do the asking of questions now, yes?" the others nodded.

Like Beastboy, she scanned the list, not being able to think of a good question. "I choose to ask the question of friend Cyborg!" He looked at her in shock, with a little bit of worry on his face. Sometimes the Tamaranian girl would ask questions that are a little uncomfortable… He let go of his breath and sighed, once he heard the question. "What is your favorite thing to do, and why?"

"Aww, well that's an easy question! I like to go dancing late at night, to try and impress the ladies." He gasped, and covered his mouth. He had meant to say "Working on the T-Car", but his mouth had other ideas. The non metal half of his face turned bright red, as he watched Robin and Beastboy shake from laughter. They nearly fell over they were laughing so hard! "That's not what I meant to say! No fair!" he looked at the chant they had said, and read over the part that said,

"Whether you want to or not,

Once you start playing the game,

The truth will come out…

"Aww man! That ain't fair! Come on!" He looked at the boy wonder and the little green changeling. "Okay, well let's see how funny it is when you answer Mr. I think I'm so in control! Robin! I got a question for you!" Robin stopped laughing almost immediately.

"Yea? What is it Mr. Ladies man!" even Raven had to smile at his sassy comeback. In his head he thought, "Shoot! Ok, just gotta keep cool! It's just Cyborg, how hard could it be?"

"Okay… what is the stupidest thing you've ever done to get a girls attention?" Robin's face turned tomato red. "Well, go on now! It isn't that bad of a question…" he peered into his red face. "Or is it?"

"Fine." Robin scowled, not liking the fact that he had no choice but to answer. "Once I had a fight with my old girlfriend, and I still really liked her, and I thought she still liked me. So I went outside her window, and played guitar and sang a song for her…" even though it didn't seem possible, the boy wonder face seemed to get a deeper shade of red. Cyborg got annoyed, because instead of laughing at him, the girls expressed how cute they thought that was.

"Man, the chicks are always on that little spiky-haired shorty's side…" what Cyborg didn't realize, was that because of the truth spell, he had actually voiced his opinion out loud. When Robin shot him a look that clearly stated: even though I'm shorter doesn't mean I can't kick your….

"Let's get on with the game, shall we," asked Raven, before the two boys started another one of their famously scary fights. The guys sat back down.

**Okay! That's the end of this chapter! I would have continued but I didn't want your ears falling off listening to me blab on! PLEASE comment and review! I want your opinions! Send in questions you'd like the titans to answer! I want the story to be what you guys want it to be! L8R!!!