a/n Dylan/Cole twincest romance inspired (and based on) the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift, which in turn was very loosely based on "Romeo and Juliet", so this could be considered a modern version of that, with Dylan and Cole (but different plot/ending). My first attempt at fanfic, so I apologise if it isn't very good.

Chapter One

See the lights; see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd to say "hello". Little did I know...

Everyone at the party seemed to be celebrating and enjoying themselves, but as he stood by the punch bowl, Cole just felt this strange empty feeling. He had been getting it a lot lately.
They were there to celebrate having finished filming the first season of "The Suite Life on Deck" and that a second season had already been commissioned by Disney.
So Disney had arranged a formal party for the cast and crew. They were all required to dress in evening wear (ball gowns and tuxedo's) and to take a date.
Dylan had asked Debby Ryan to go with him pretty soon after they were told about it, and for some reason watching him do so made Cole get that empty-lonely feeling again. But he didn't know why. It wasn't that he wanted to take Debby himself. It was when he saw Dylan ask her to go with him; it had felt like he had just been kicked in the stomach.
Maybe it's just because me and Dylan do everything together, he thought. It's just weird spending the whole evening separate, that's all.
He looked across the room and saw Dylan dancing with his date to a slow song. Dylan's arm was around her, her head resting on his shoulder. He looked away quickly, eyes watering and with that awful sinking feeling again.
It sounds weird even to admit to myself, but...I think I'm jealous of Debby. I want so much for it to be me over there, being held by my brother.
He knew that he and Dylan had always been very close, that was normal for twins. But he thought maybe...maybe he loved him as more than a brother. In fact, Cole was pretty sure that he was in love with his twin.
He imagined what it would be like to have Dylan love him back, to be held by him – maybe even kiss him....

Lost in his thoughts, Cole looked up several minutes later to see Dylan making his way through the crowded ballroom, smiling at him in that cute way that caused Coles heart to beat a little faster and made his mouth go dry.
"Hey, having fun?" Dylan asked him.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool", Cole replied, trying to look as if he were enjoying himself – he didn't want Dylan to know how painful every minute of the last hour had been, watching his twin with someone else.
Dylan frowned, a concerned look passing across his face. "What's wrong, Coley?" he asked, putting his hand on Coles' shoulder and squeezing gently.
I've never been able to lie to him. We just know each other too well. We are each other.
Cole felt all anxious and squirmy inside. Could he really tell Dylan how he felt? Tell him how badly he just wanted to kiss him then and there, how he never wanted to be apart from him, not even for a second?
"Alright, I – " he started to speak, but was unsure how to begin. Looking into Dylan' eyes, he saw nothing there but love and concern and he felt himself blush and he turned away slightly, looking at the ground.
"Hey, c'mon...you know you can tell me anything, right?" Dylan asked, moving his hand from Coles shoulder and brushing his cheek with it. He gently pulled Cole towards him, facing him. "I love you, Cole" he said.
It sounded so heartfelt that Cole felt himself tearing up and blurted out: "I love you too, Dyl, but not just as a brother I mean I really love you...I think I've fallen in love with you".
As soon as he had said it, Cole felt panic-stricken and wished he hadn't said anything. Tears escaped his eyes once more.
"Dylan – I'm sorry. Please – please don't hate me." He looked at Dylan, desperately trying to reads his face for a sign of how he had reacted to what Cole had just told him.
"I could never hate you, Cole. And I love you, too. I mean really love you."
Cole looked up at Dylan. He had never felt so relived in his life. He was literally lost for words and could only stand there, tears drying on his cheeks and smile at Dylan in adoration.
"Hey, come on" Dylan said, taking him by the hand and pulling him into the crowd towards the middle of the ballroom. He stopped near the center, where all of the couples were dancing, put his other hand on Coles' shoulder, moved closer until their bodies were pressing together and looked him in the eyes.
"Dyl, we can't, not here. Everyone will see us together."
"I don't care, Cole, I love you. I want to be with you here, dance with you here. Now".

a/n I do intend to do several more chapters in the story, but this is my first fic and don't know if people will like it (no point updating if they don't). If you enjoyed it so far, please review :).