To start, I know the time lines gonna be kinda off, but for the most part this takes place a little after the anime ended (after the fight with the Level 4 and the revelation of the 14th). So the stuff after that didn't happen but small amounts of information may be used so you're aware. I'm using the old HQ too but that's about all I think I need to cover…

The first part is a foreshadowing of what will happen near the end and then we hit the story. This was a random idea I had when my bestie and I wanted to make an RP, random little plot wouldn't leave me alone so here we go.

I own nothing… sadly I'm just a poor college kid.

Of Dreams and True Histories.

She stood there, unsure of the events that were about to take place, unsure of whether or not what she was doing was right or wrong. At this time she didn't know if there was even a right or wrong answer; she was fighting in a war, a war that included both of her parents, one on each side. The only difference is that one of her parents was more than just participating on one side of the war, but rather someone watching and recording the events.

She could feel the enemy moving closer to her position, her comrades all around her frozen for the battle they didn't expect to happen this day. She inhaled deeply and slowly, trying to calm her shaking nerves as she felt her blood burn with a battle lust that she still wasn't used to. Her powers were fully awakened and her mind finally at ease, but despite all of that, this battle would tear at her heart. To fight on her father's side would make her an enemy to her mother and vice versa. So how did she know if this was where she should be?

Defense… That's what I'll be right now. Just defend those around me; I don't need to fight my family, she thought when she felt them get brutally close.

"Get ready," she muttered and everyone became more alert.

It wasn't until the battle actually started that her mind was rocked. She watched him fall from beside her, unable to warn him of the attack she could feel coming. A few of their comrades ran to his side, calling his name in shock and horror. Her mind was foggy as she looked down at the small weapon that lay at her feet; she couldn't even see through the fog in her mind to see if he was breathing.

That's when the reality they all knew was ripped apart.

She leaned against the building, breathing slightly heavier than normal. She wasn't expecting this, not at all.

'Where are they?' she wondered before fanning out her senses and finally discerned them fighting against yet more Akuma. 'No way could they know what's here…' she thought just before hearing a voice call out to her.

"Come on out, little exorcist," a male voice called out. "Don't think I didn't see you."

Nami pressed harder against the wall, hearing the man's soft footsteps nearing her hiding spot. She knew she couldn't simply hide until he went away, especially if he already saw her, but she couldn't just come right out and fight him.

Why, she wondered silently. Why of all times did we have to walk into a city full of Akuma and why in God's name is there a Noah here.

It was the child's first time out of the castle; she was dragged by Lenalee, Klaud and Miranda for a 'girls day out' they had said after finding her in the library with her father. He wasn't about to save her from the three women as they somehow got clearance for her to leave the castle which was strange enough on its own.

Three years the small redheaded child had been with the Order and had her Innocence, three years of being locked up and unable to leave. She wasn't like any other exorcist. Yes, she played host to a fragment, but in her blood was something much different. She was found while a group of exorcist had been within the Noah's little hideaway home. Allen had been looking for a way out and stumbled across her; Lavi soon joined the white haired boy and saw the child, and deciding she could do no harm they took the child with them.

Her appearance had them spooked at first. After all her red hair and green eyes were bore an uncanny resemblance to Lavi's, and even Bookman couldn't deny that. On their way back to the Order they had called Komui and told them of the child. They realized before contacting Komui that she was a host already, reacting to the Innocence Fragment while the others were being attacked by Akuma, and that she didn't remember anything before Allen had opened her door and found her. Curious, Komui sent for Reever, telling him to keep silent about everything but to go and run any test he needed on the child before they allowed her inside the Order.

They learned that she was exactly what she appeared to be and saw no reason to fear the child. Only, once she actually got there she wasn't allowed to leave, the reason being it was too soon for her to do missions, then changing to it being too dangerous because no one knew what would happen if she was to run into a Noah…

'Well apparently I'll hide like a coward,' she thought, and she listened as the male voice called out again.

"I wouldn't advise making me mad, child," he said this time.

'It could be worse,' she thought as she took a deep breath before stepping slowly away from the wall.

"Happy now?" she muttered. Her Innocence was no longer activated as they had reverted back to their small, demi-Gauntlet forms around both wrists.

"Well… You exorcists keep getting younger and younger, don't you?" he commented with a smirk.

Nami stood very still; she was suddenly unsure of what to do with herself. She knew she'd have to fight at some point but was not sure if she could. His voice sounded familiar from the small flashes of memories she would sometimes get of her past, but she never saw faces or anything. She knew after hearing about the Noah exactly who was who and what was what. It just unnerved her to be actually standing by one, even though the situation could be worse.

'What if he recognizes me,' she worried.

"Quiet one, aren't you? You haven't even attacked yet." His eyes narrowed slightly.

"What exactly do you wish for me to say?" she snapped back. "And you haven't made a move either."

"Good point," he muttered, looking away slightly.

She saw something moving out of the corner of her eye; it wasn't heading towards her but she no longer wanted to risk taking chances anymore and activated her Innocence. The silver demi-gauntlets changed; both of her arms became shrouded in silver, and the tips of her fingers extended into vicious looking claws about an inch long. The silver coving her arms could block almost any kind of attack, physical and non-physical.

"Seems like you want to fight after all," he smirked.

"Like I have much of a choice."

"True," he muttered as his Tease took form around his forearms.

The two circled each other for a few moments, and the Noah was the first to break the silence. "Still you don't attack," he questioned.

"Ever hear the phrase 'first to strike is first to fall'?" she answered him with a smirk of her own. His right eyebrow lifted slightly in mild amusement.

"Tell me child… Have we met before?"

'Shit,' she thought and was immensely relieved and grateful of her ability to control her facial reactions. "I've never faced a Noah before," she lied.

"Hmmm… Really, now? You seem familiar," he pressed.

'Damn it,' she kept thinking over and over in her head. "Guess I just look too much like my father, is all." She couldn't think of anything else that could possibly get him off of this topic besides actually starting a fight, but she wasn't about to make the first move.

"Well, well. A father-daughter pairing within the Order; how interesting," he mocked.

"I guess." Nami was getting tired of standing around doing nothing. "We here to chat or fight?"

Nami sighed just as he came towards her. His Tease weapon and her arm collided heavily before they started trading blows up close. Even though she was focusing mostly on blocking and not directly attacking (she didn't really trust herself to attack), at some point during their fight, Nami began to notice eerily how similar their fighting was turning out to be.

She backed off after a few moments knowing she couldn't keep up a close combat fight with this enemy, focusing her claw like fingers glowed a light blue color, just as she focused she saw more of the butterfly like creatures flying at her, "Ice Shard" she hissed out as she slashed her claw like hand in the air, a group of sharp ice like spikes flew out and stabbed each little creature.

"Seems the little child has some bite after all," the Noah called out.

Nami smirked as she focused again, raising her one finger in the air the tip glowed blue again, but this time the glow formed into ice in a thin arc shape. "I have more up my sleeve than you seem to realize." She span the small ice like weapon around the tip of her sharp finger, as the Noah went at her again she twisted her hand sharply as the small arc flew out at her attacker with a small cry of "Glacial Blacklash!"

He easily dodged the small weapon and as he went to attack the small child again, she moved quickly and was still smirking, she twisted her hand again and the Noah looked over his shoulder just in time to see the small arc like weapon returning.

Easily he dodged it again as Nami caught it, but before she could attack again she was hit hard in the head, taking her off guard for a moment as the Noah kicked her hard in the stomach sending her flying backwards and into a building. She sat there for a moment coughing trying to shake the small amount of pain in her body as she heard footsteps towards her.

Groaning she started to stand up, "Perhaps we both under estimated each other," he spoke as he walked in.

"I didn't under estimate anything," she hissed standing up straight just to receive yet another kick in the stomach sending her back into the wall and falling towards the floor.

She felt the small amounts of Dark Matter that made up the Akuma in the area start to fade and knew the battles taking place around her were almost over. 'I might be getting some help soon' she thought as she tried to stand up again.

It seemed Nami wasn't the only one aware of the fact there was three other exorcists around, and all of which would be heading this way soon, Tyki turned his head towards the way he came.

"Seems you have some backup, child. Pity, I'm not foolish enough to take on four of you at once," he smirked as he turned away taking his leave. "We'll meet again, child."

She was slightly shocked at the abrupt departure and sat there watching the space that the Noah had occupied just moments before. She stood slowly and ran out of the building and stood there in shock. As the events of what happened sank in she sank to the floor, barely paying attention to the arms that wrapped around her to hold her up.

"Nami!?" It was Klaud's voice.

"Is she okay?" she heard Lenalee ask with concern.

"I think she's just a little shocked." Klaud lifted the child up in her arms and the three of them made their way back to HQ.

Because of the fact that only few exorcists, Komui, and Reever knew about her strange parentage and bloodline, three of the women believed the child's shock was nothing more than the fact that she survived an encounter with a Noah; Klaud was the only one to know it was more than just that. Thankfully they didn't have too long of a trip to get back, just being out in the small towns surrounding the castle.

The entire way back, Nami's mind was running marathons, but somewhere in the back of her mind she kept thinking 'it could have been worse'.

'But fighting against your family still isn't pretty,' another voice niggled in her brain.

'He wasn't family,' she thought back.

'Just because you think you've accepted living in that castle and are with your father, doesn't mean you don't have any other family,' the voice scolded. 'Wake up, human. The Noah are your family too, or are the markings around your forehead not enough proof?'

'Then why did they allow me to be taken so easily? Why was I left alone during a raid of their home? Why was I not looked for?' The voice quieted momentarily, and during this silence Nami realized that they had made it back to the castle. Then the voice spoke again.

'Perhaps you don't know as much as you think,' the other part of her thought before Komui's voice took precedence.

"Nami? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she muttered. "I can walk." She felt Klaud let her go. Nami noticed her legs were shaking a bit and couldn't believe she let herself go into shock over something so small.

"What happened?" Komui asked.

"We had a run-in with Tyki Mikk," Nami answered.

"Correction. You had a run in with him; by the time we got there he was already long gone," Lenalee pointed out.

"What happened?" Komui repeated.

"We had a tea party," Nami responded sarcastically. "What do you think happened? We fought until he realized he would be severely outnumbered if he stuck around. Can I go now? I just want to lie down and sleep."

Komui nodded. "Go ahead. Sorry for all the questions."

"It's fine. It might be better if I was let out of the castle more than once every three years though," she muttered before heading towards her room.

Theres the prologue and first chapter, I'm not sure how well this will do but thought why not give it a change, so please Review, comments, questions anything! Thanks greatly, chapter 2 will be up no later than a month!