My very first one-shot!! Oh, burn!! It has a quite unexpected ending... :D

A boy clad in green smiled across the courtyard. His straw-colored hair shone in the sunlight. His cobalt blue eyes glinted. His tan skin seemed to glow.

A girl dressed in a light blue dress giggled at the attention. Her golden hair spilled down her back, clipped in diamond barrettes. Her powder blue eyes sparkled. Her ivory skin made her seem luminescent.

The boy, the Hero of Time, stepped forward.

The girl, the Princess of Hyrule, neared him.

"Link, why are you here?" spoke the girl.

"Well, Zelda, I have to say... I just... couldn't stay away," Link beamed.

"Oh really? Couldn't find any takers out there in the real world?" joked Zelda.

Link shook his head in mock disappointment, "It doesn't bother me, though..." He looked down at his companion, a dubious look in his eyes.


"Yes... I've had my eye on someone for a while now. I thought I could get over it by finding someone new, but I guess I can't," Link shrugged.

"And who is this lucky lady?" asked the princess.

"You," whispered Link, taking her face in his hands. He lowered his lips down unto hers. Softly, their lips touched. He let go of her cheeks and studied her reaction.

It appeared as though Zelda was dazed. She had no idea where she was. She could thinks straight, "Did... you.... just..."

"I do believe I did," answered Link, his voice smug.

Zelda looked up at him in wonder. This was the boy she had seen years ago? This was the boy who came from nowhere, yet aspired to be great? This was the shy boy she had met so long ago? She couldn't think of anything else to do but just get on her toes, and look at him.

"Link... I..." she mumbled. The hero looked down at her, confused. A small tear fell from eye, "I'm sorry. But..." Zelda couldn't bring herself to say it, "I... I can't..." She turned and left, leaving Link there, confused and saddened.

Didn't see THAT one coming, didya? Isn't it so sad? I mean, I showed it to my friends and they were like, "NOOO!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!?!?" Now they have shunned me... Ah, the joys of being a writer... Please review!!