

"Why am I like this? Why did this have to happen to me out of all people, me, Ling Xiaoyu?" I ask myself. The cold wall touches my bare back that is revealed from my black tank top. As of now, I'm staring blankly at a positive pregnancy test, and the father of my unborn child is no other than Jin Kazama, the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu. I found a razor on the counter-top of the sink, I grabbed it and put it to my wrist, but suddenly stopped. "No, this isn't going to solve my problem, but abortion will! No, that won't work either." I put it back on the counter, put my hands on the edge of it and looked at myself in the mirror. I am 18 years old, light tan skin, a fit body and long dark brown hair that stopped at my lower back, my face was bland because I didn't have any make-up on and its 10:00 in the morning. I live with my older brother, Toshi, ever since our parents died in a fatal car crash when I was four and he was seven, we still live in the old house. If Toshi found out I was pregnant by Jin Kazama, he would kill both him and my baby, I mustn't tell him, but I know that he'll find out eventually, so I decide to run away and raise the baby myself. It isn't the baby I'm worried about, I'm worried about telling Jin and wondering if he'll help out with it, knowing him, he would probably reject me, just like he always did. Matter of fact, it was more like rape than anything, it really wasn't a matter of love, Jin never loved me, he only used me for sexual needs and it finally caught up to me. I decided to leave as soon as the sun goes down and when Toshi is sleep. I hear a knock on my door, my brown eyes look towards the door.

"What is it Toshi?"

"I uh, just heard some rattling and things being tossed around and wondering if you're alright"

"You hear my voice right?" She asks in a dry tone


"That means that I'm alright now leave away from my door"

"Alright, Ms. Grumpy, breakfast is downstairs if you want any"

"Ok, thanks, now leave!"

I hear his footsteps walking on the hardwood floor and back to his room, Toshi has always been overprotective of me and I hated every bit of it, and I couldn't wait until the nightfall came along.


The large, white, Japanese moon, glowed outside my room, gleaming on my hair as I pack my luggage in a large purse, Toshi is gone with his girlfriend, which gives me plenty of time to take his money that he left under his bed, I stuffed it in her bag, I turned off my phone completely just in case he thinks about calling me. I open my window just a little, and climb down the ladder on the side of the house, jumps down and runs down the pathway that leads to my freedom. An hour later, Toshi returns home from his date with his girlfriend.

"Xiao, I'm home" He says

All he heard was his echo throughout the home

"Xiao, Are you here?" His eyes search the house

"Ok, Xiao, this is not funny, if you're hiding, come out"

No response

"I'm tired of your childish games, Come out now!" He yells

His echo returns the only response; he begins to panic and runs franticly through the home, searching through every place in it. The last place he checked was her room and he made the most shocking discovery in his life, he found the window open, the breeze blowing in the distance, he looked to his left and found her phone on the counter, he tried everything, but to find out that the battery was missing, all these signs mean that Xiaoyu ran away from home. He was furious, so mad, that tears escaped his eyes and ran down his cheeks, he couldn't overcome to the fact that he lost his little sister for good this time.

"No, more must be done, drastic measures must be taken" He says clenching his fist

"I will find you Xiaoyu if it's the last thing I'll do"

5 years later:

Toshi, who was still searching for me, decided to finally stop, it was time for me to leave the nest anyway, besides he didn't really care. Actually, no one knew where I was, the only person that knew was me, I moved to the mountainous, elegant, beautiful place of Kyoto, Japan. Where the cherry blossoms peaked, the sound of rushing water from lakes and streams, it was just serene. Not only that but I managed to raise an adorable daughter by the name of Yuri. I wanted the best for my daughter, that's why I moved all the way to Kyoto. It was early spring, and the flowers were blooming, so Yuri and I decided to pick flowers.

"Are you ready to go Yuri?"

I hear the sound of my daughter's feet hitting the floor; she stopped when she saw her me.

"Yes mommy"

I smile at my daughter and say

"C'mon, before it gets too late"


We then walk out of the home; I then take a smell of the fresh air and say

"You smell that?"

"Smell what mommy?"

"The smell of freedom, and eternal serenity"

"Oh, I just smell flowers"

"And don't they smell pretty?"

"Yea, I'm ready to pick them now"

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!"

After picking the flowers, we found a butterfly, it caught Yuri's attention and she tried to grab it, I notice my child and say

"No, no, you have to do it gracefully, like this see?"

I let out my hand and the black and orange butterfly fell on my hand, it flew over to Yuri's nose and stayed there, my child giggled and laughed as it tickled her nose.

"It tickles mommy"

The butterfly soon, flies away and I poke my daughter's nose, we both laugh in unison. I pick my daughter up and spins her around, I fall into a pile of golden-red colored leaves, I am amazed at daughter, just looking at her makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, but I also feel guilty bringing Yuri into the world without her father being around her, it's hard because I have to be both a father and a mother towards Yuri, I know that I can't take care of her by myself and it kills me on the inside and I hate Jin for not being there. But then again, I didn't tell anyone I was pregnant all except one, Hworang, who was like a second brother to me, I couldn't hide myself from him any way I tried, he has been in and out of both Yuri and my life, with the tournament and things. But, every now and then he comes by for Christmas and brings gifts on Yuri's birthday, some of the simple things that Jin possibly would've never thought of only if someone told him to. I also told Hworang that when he sees Jin, to not speak of Yuri to him until I was ready; I wouldn't feel right if Hworang would've told Jin. Nighttime hit Kyoto and it was time for Yuri to go to bed, I sat at the end of the bed and tucked Yuri in and kisses her on the forehead.

"Night sweetie"

Yuri yawns while saying

"Night mommy"

I pat her foot and prepare to walk out the door before Yuri said

"Mommy, I love you"

I smile at my daughter and says

"I love you too Yuri, now go to sleep"

"I will"

I shut the door slowly before walking towards my room, when I got there; I just sat on my bed and layed on my pillow to relax my mind, my mind started to wander, thoughts about Jin, even though he doesn't pay any attention to me at all, I still have feelings for him, but not enough feelings to tell him that he's the father of my daughter, if Yuri saw the type of person her father is she'll never forgive me but worse of all I wouldn't forgive myself, Yuri and Hworang are the only people in my life right now, I have to do my best to protect them both.

The next morning, I woke up and noticed that it was a letter in my hand, I decided not to open it, the clouds old and gray lurk Kyoto, but the sun made little peaks, it was peaceful, just how I liked it, I walk over to the window to adore the sight, when I felt a tug on my white night-gown, I looked down to see Yuri. Her smile lightens my heart, but it kills me to know that Yuri is an mirror image of her father. His hazel eyes, his raven black hair, his smile, his skin-tone, his everything, the only things that Yuri has of me are her eyebrows, nose, lips and personality. But either way she puts it, Yuri is my daughter whether she looks like Jin or not and I love every part of her; to her ten fingers down to her ten little toes. Yuri then asks me

"What are we going to do today mommy?"

I look out the window before saying

"It looks like it's about to rain pretty bad, so going outside is not an option. But! You know what we can do?"

Yuri's eyes lit up with excitement before asking



"But mommy, how are we going to do that? It's not even night-time"

"Who says it has to be nighttime to have a slumber-party?"


"Exactly Yuri"

"What do we need to get?"

"What do want to get?"

"Sleeping bags?"

"Yuri, we're not going outside sweetie, think of something else"

"Popcorn and a movie?"

"Good idea, honey, I'll go and get them. C'mon"

"Okie dokie" Yuri says as she follows behind the footsteps of her mother

I popped the popcorn in the microwave and we and sat down to watch Yuri's favorite movie Spirited Away, I loved this movie as well, at least the child in me did. We sat and watched until a sudden ring at the door came along, I sprung up and walked over to Yuri and assured her that I'll be back, Yuri nodded in agreement. With that, I walked towards the door, the bell was still ringing.

"Alright, Alright, I'm coming, geez louise" I say

I then put my hand on the cold, silver doorknob, twists it and opened it, my eyes almost fell out of their sockets from the person that stood in front of me, that person was Jin. He was drenched from the rain that fell outside, I couldn't move, all I did was react, I slammed the door in his face and locked it, and ran back to my daughter, Yuri couldn't help but to notice that I was acting weird.

"Mommy, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh nothing sweetie"

Yuri then said

"You're lying"

"How dare you say that I'm lying, what makes you think that?"

Yuri examines me before saying

"Well, you're shaking, you can't stop staring and you're acting as if you saw a ghost"

The doorbell rings again, and again and again, I couldn't move but I shot up from the couch when I saw Yuri walking towards the door, I immediately ran and picked her up before she got too close to the door and put her in a spot where Jin couldn't see her and said

"Don't go near that damn door, understand?"

This was the first time Yuri ever heard me curse, let alone in front of her. She looked down, but I picked her head back up and said

"Do you understand me Yuri? Do not go near the door for any circumstance..."

I then look at a nearby closet and had an idea, I opened the door of the closet and put Yuri in there, she then started to cry. It broke my heart to know that I was the cause for Yuri's pain, I then wipe her tears with my thumb and say

"Don't worry baby, it will only be for a little while okay?"

Yuri sniffles before saying


"Now, if you see a man with black hair, and it's spiky come in here, do not and I repeat do not! Open the door or come out until he leaves, understand?"

"Yes mommy"


I put Yuri in the closet, and put her in the corner sitting down behind coats and jackets and shut the door. I then walk back towards the door, sigh before opening it, there I saw Jin's face.

"You know? That's not a good way to treat your guest, Especially on a rainy day such as this. What took you so long anyway?" He says

"Had some business to take care of, what the hell are you doing here anyway?"

"Can I come in first? It's very cold out here and the rain isn't making it any better for me"

"Fine... But take your shoes off before you come in, I just cleaned the floor, I don't want mud tracks on it"

"Fine Xiaoyu"

He does as instructed and takes off his shoes and walks into the home, he examines the nice scenery.

"Nice place you have here" Jin says

"Thanks" I say

Meanwhile, in the closet, Yuri heard a very musculant, manly, but charming voice, that she knew was unfamilar because it was only her mother and herself that lived in the home. She automatically knew that it was the mysterious man that her mother spoke about earlier.

"It's him! The man mommy was talking about" She thought to herself

She then quiets her thoughts so she can hear their conversation

"So, what brings you here? Thought you were in the tournament?" I ask

"I was, but I forfeit, fighting just doesn't seem the same anymore" Jin explains

"Can I believe my ears? Jin Kazama? Forfeiting? Never thought I'd hear those two things in one sentence in my life, Tell me, what happened to the old Jin Kazama, You know? The self inherited, adrenaline rushed, teenager I used to know?"

"Long gone, ever since the Devil Gene has gotten away from me, I felt like someone new, someone different"

"But, you still haven't told me why you're here?"

"I can't see an old friend?"

"Old friend huh? What's the real reason you're here Kazama?"

"Heard from a friend of mine that this place is where you release your thoughts, I think he was right" Jin says

"What old friend?"

"You don't know him"

"Bet you I do"

"Better yet, yea, you do...Hworang is the old friend of mine. Doesn't it ring a bell to you? Bet it does, he told me everything about the events that took place from the last five years!"

"Everything? How?" I ask Jin

"Apparently, you're little so called brother, couldn't keep his mouth shut. I heard him talking to you one day in the tournament, saying something about Kyoto and some girl named Yuri, saying that Valentines day is on the way and he wants to get you two something special, So I figure that I beat him to the punch...literally and figure out what's going on, which leads to where I'm standing right now" Jin explains

"So... you beat the living shit out of Hworang to get answers?" I ask

"What was I suppose to do?" Jin responds

I get pissed and pushes him towards the wall and then say

"You're suppose to ask, not pulverize him and beat him to a bloody-pulp!"

He pushes me off of him and says

"I don't ask, the only way I'll ask is through force!"

I regain my composure and ask

"So was that asking through force when you had sex with me five years ago?"


"Then what was it, was it rape?"

Jin looks at me confusingly and ask

"Now, what the fuck makes you think that I would rape you, let alone anybody?"

"Then what was I, one of the little hoes you used to fuck?"


"Then what was I to you?"

"You were..."

"I was what?"

"You were...dif-"

Just as Jin was about to say his response, Yuri popped out of the closet, when she looked she had two people looking at her, one pissed looking and the other one confused, Jin instantly forgot what he was going to say and turned to me and asked

"Who the hell is that child?"

"She's my brother's child... Ameko"

"Why was she hiding in the closet then?"

"She likes to do things like that, don't you Ameko?"

Yuri looks at me confusingly and says

"Ameko? My name is Yuri, mommy"

Right then and there I wished that I would've considered abortion, I look back at Jin who looked at me distgusted, he just laughs and says

"You must think I'm stupid, I know a Kazama when I see one, and Yuri is a Kazama. Besides, she looks exactly like me"

He then walks over to Yuri, my heart was beating out of my chest, five years of keeping her a secret from Jin...gone, I'm fucked....

He kneels down in front of Yuri and says

"Hi Yuri, I'm your father...."

I soon feel dizzy and soon blacks out, the only thing I hear is Yuri calling my name as I fell to the hardwood floor....

Let's rewind my life, before Yuri was born, before I met Jin, before I became addicted to him, before I became... manipulated.

A/N: Wow, I did a good job... I fooled myself! Lol, rate and review please, I'll return the favor!