Day in the Life of Inuyasha
(all times are approximate)
By Icka! M. Chif

6:47 - Wake up.
6:48 - Stretch.
6:49 - Yawn.
6:49 - Find Kagome with Shippou asleep under tree limb.
6:50 - Notice Kagome looks cute when she's asleep.
6:53 - Berate self for previous train of thought.
6:55 - Wake Kagome and Shippou by 'accidentally' dropping pieces of bark on them.
6:55 - Snicker as Shippou curses.
7:06 - Have breakfast of 'instant noodles' as Kagome packs.
7:08 - Ponder what exactly is ramen made of.
7:11 - Ponder why the wench packs so much.
7:15 - Ponder what the heck is all that junk.
7:16 - Bop Shippou for trying to steal noodles while pondering.
7:25 - Finally take to the road.
8:03 - Appear disinterested as the girl rattles on about weather.
8:04 - Ponder weather.
8:06 - Silently agree with Kagome.
8:06 - Make off handed comment contrary to previous thoughts.
8:07 - Find self walking alone as the other 2 walk ahead and threaten to use dirty 3 letter words.
8:08 - Wonder what the hell just happened.
8:25 - Ponder similarities between Kikyo and Kagome.
9:14 - Notice Kagome playing with Shippou as they walk.
9:17 - Think Kagome would make a good parent.
9:21 - Ponder differences between Kikyo and Kagome.
9:58 - Realise train of thought.
9:59 - Get pissed.
10:01 - Berate self for becoming weak.
10:04 - Sulk.
11:38 - Wench senses jewel shard.
11:41 - Smell deamon.
11:53 - Find deamon.
11:54 - Taunt deamon.
11:56 - Crack claws.
11:56 - Win taunting match.
11:57 - Get attacked by deamon.
11:57 - Fight deamon.
12:02:08 - Get thrown into a tree by large angry deamon.
12:02:17 - Watch Kagome fire arrow at deamon.
12:02:19 - Watch arrow miss deamon.
12:02:23 - Curse.
12:02:47 - Get pissed.
12:04 - Defeat deamon.
12:06 - Gain jewel shard.
12:10 - Hit the road again.
12:36 - Get nibbled on by fox-boy in balloon form.
12:37 - Pound Shippou.
12:37 - Threaten to have Shippou for lunch.
12:45 - Stop for lunch (Not Shippou) under the God Tree.
12:47 - Watch wench dig through pack.
12:48 - Wonder if she's gonna be swallowed by her pack.
12:51 - Ponder how the hell she carries so much junk.
1:02 - Get tricked into trying new food.
1:03 - Decide instant wonton soup is good, but still prefer the instant noodles.
1:12 - Kagome mentions going to her time for a brief visit.
1:12:44 - Panic.
1:16 - Fight with the slut over going back to her time.
1:25 - Attempt to steal the iron horse.
1:27 - Find self kissing dirt.
1:27 - Get pissed.
1:28 - Watch the bitch go through well anyway.
1:28 - Think mean thoughts about a certain wench in a short skirt.
1:29 - Curse.
1:32 - Threaten to kill Shippou for making fun.
1:32 - Wait for back to stop hurting.
1:34 - Curse some more.
1:37 - Find self able to stand up, bop Shippou repeatedly.
1:39 - Climb into tree.
1:41 - Sulk.
1:43 - Ponder why 'Sitting' makes one's back ache so much.
1:45 - Ponder putting similar spell on Sesshou-maru. Smirk.
1:46 - Ponder certain females.
1:49 - Ponder killing certain females.
2:03 - Sulk.
3:13 - Decide enough is enough.
3:15 - Go through well to retrieve the girl.
3:16 - Find Kagome counting down to self's appearance other side.
3:16 - Feel foolish.
3:16 - Get pissed.
3:17 - Curse.
3:17 - Find self kissing dirt.
3:18 - Curse as the slut smirks in front of self.
3:19 - Realise vantage point is straight up Kagome's skirt.
3:19 - Sense dangerous situation.
3:19 - Decide for once in life discretion is called for.
3:19 - Keep mouth shut.
3:43 - Wait for girl to say good-bye to mother as pain in back fades.
3:47 - Trade insults with the wench.
3:49 - Go back through well.
3:51 - Bop Shippou for trying to scare Kagome when she comes out of well.
3:56 - Decide to spend night in village, start moving that direction.
4:02 - Ponder polka dot fabric.
4:15 - Agree not to watch the wench as she takes a bath.
4:16 - Appear disinterested as she walks off to the pond.
4:25 - Debate making sure she's okay.
4:26 - Notice Shippou watching, decide against it.
4:29 - Bop Shippou for teasing about wanting to watch Kagome bathe.
4:30 - Sulk while pondering accuracy of Shippou's comments.
4:34 - Appear bored when Kagome returns.
4:36 - Trade insults with the wench.
4:52 - Make mental note to remember some for later. The wench has gotten better.
5:09 - Enter village, still trading insults.
5:10 - Silently acknowledge the old hag.
5:11 - Trade barbs with the old hag.
5:14 - Grudgingly accept invitation of dinner.
5:16 - Tune out the wench's and hag's gossiping.
5:45 - Blatantly ignore giggling from said females.
5:46 - Bop Shippou for laughing.
5:59 - Eat dinner.
6:21 - Scowl as said females fawn over kitsune-boy.
7:28 - Watch from corner as others get ready for bed.
7:34 - Feign disinterest when Kagome wishes everyone goodnight.
7:48 - Wait for them to fall asleep.
7:53 - Wonder why girl is so cheerful.
8:03 - Check on Kagome and Shippou. Both are sleeping peacefully.
8:05 - Ignore hag's knowing smile.
8:06 - Go back to corner and curl up to sleep.
8:08 - Wonder why hag was smiling.
8:11 - Fall asleep. Dream.
