Chapter: 3/12

Word Count: 1015

Pairings: Vexen/Marluxia

Characters: Vexen, Marluxia

Warnings: Implied abuse, seclusion, spooning

Chapter Summary: Inspired by: Disconnected (Out Of Touch) by Trapt. Marluxia finally gets what he has craved for nine long months.

AN: I miss this story, and I decided I wanted to write some more detailed stuff with these two. I'm not quite ready to start another story, but I am very happy with adding to this. I have figured all of the chapters out, they just need to be written. I hope you guys enjoy this~ I'm going to have so much fun.

Chapter Three: Disconnected

Five months. It had been five long, grueling months since the last time he'd felt human contact. Marluxia almost missed the sting of Vexen's sharp slap to his cheek; it had faded in a matter of hours, and he'd taken it for granted. Had he thought that, maybe, if he slapped himself he'd get the same lovely feeling, but there was no way that he could even try. By this point, his human contact was so low, as a punishment, that he found himself sprouting small plants all over his little glass cage to talk to. They caressed him lovingly, kissing him with soft, velveteen petals, and he cried to them. Unable to think of just how sad this seemed, that he was forced to speak to plants, he reaped the benefits of their excited growth the more he spoke with them. Flowering vines filled his little home, and he couldn't really seem to escape them; always laying with them or sitting with them, they wouldn't leave him be.

It was the day before the six month mark when ash-blonde hair shocked his vision like a rare treat. The juice of a rather perfect peach dripped down his hand and chin, but was quickly abandoned when the other came into view, pushing up his thin, silver framed glasses and gazing at his clipboard. Green eyes were everywhere but on the blue ones begging for his gaze, on his hands and knees, the pinket's state of undress forgotten. Thin cotton briefs kept his modesty, but otherwise he was nude, due to the juiciness of the fruit his vines presented him. Three weeks prior, he'd been put on a diet of strictly only the fruit he produced, and so far it had seemed to do him well. Pressing the button to allow free communication, the taller male shook some hair from his face, speaking in a dull tone as he scratched away at the forms before him.

"Eleven." The greeting was barely there, "How have you been holding up? Hm? Is the fruit safe? How is your weight? Your bowels? Are you surviving well enough? Do you need more water?" The questions came out slow, one after another, like a list as he pursed his lips.

"Look at me." The plea came out on a shrill whine, and those baby blues looked up with a near-manic edge to their stare.

"Yes, yes. Now, answer the questions." It seemed Vexen refused to acknowledge him if he didn't play his games.

"No!" That sharpness had not been in Marluxia's voice for five long months, now, and it seemed to shock the scientist enough to jar him from his paperwork. Wide ivy eyes met enraged sapphire for a long moment, and the pinket continued, "You don't listen to me! Not unless I answer your stupid questions! I've been alone for too long, Mr. Frieze." The keening whine and use of his last name seemed to further shock the elder man, who pushed his glasses up his nose slowly before gently setting his clipboard down a short ways away.

"Very well, then, Eleve-"

"No, Marluxia. Call me Marluxia." A thick vine slammed into the glass by his head and he pleaded with his eyes while his mouth twisted into a snarl. Those luscious, kiss-worth lips pulled back to show impeccable white teeth, even under these circumstances, and he waited impatiently.

"Marluxia." The name tasted foreign on his tongue, and red flags began to go off in his head; he shouldn't be doing this. "Very well. What is it that you would like to talk about?"

Having Vexen's pure, undivided attention was almost too good to be true. The vine beside his head suddenly shot open with rich, orange honeysuckle blossoms, blooming almost instantly as a show of his mood. Now that he had this audience, however, he wasn't quite sure where to proceed. With a slow, dawning realization that he talked to plants easier than people, he finally sighed.

"Come in here." He instructed, voice low and dangerous, "I want to feel you." He offered softly, "Just… Just lay with me, for a little bit."

Making a mental note that the other was starved for human contact, the blonde acquiesced with a heavy, put-upon sigh before rolling his eyes as he entered the makeshift greenhouse. In seconds, Marluxia was on him, dragging him to the bed and pulling him down. Laying rather stiffly on his back, it seemed this didn't bother the pinket, who very happily spooned up against his side and closed his eyes, one leg thrown over his crotch and one arm over his diaphragm. Heart hammering in his chest, he was sure the other could hear and feel it beneath his ear, though he decided that it was nothing so long as they didn't mention it.

"When was the last time you felt someone against you?" The shorter male asked, hand smoothing out the pale blue button up before his eyes, the fabric making his hand tingle a little as he smiled at it.

"I don't think that-"

"Answer my questions, for once." The other implored, and he finally sighed.

"It has been a long time. I do not usually think about it, so I don't know exactly how long." His voice was carefully clipped, going slightly shrill as that hand flattened his shirt all the way down to where it tucked into his nice, black slacks. "Marluxia, this is hardly appropria-"

"Shhh. Just… Just let me have this. Please. You can do whatever you want to punish me, after. I just… Really need something." Came the tight, strained whisper that seemed deafening in the room. His hand moved to the thin, shiny black belt and began to tug at it slowly, almost lazily, as if he'd lost all of his finesse he'd once announced happily.

Vexen was certain that this was a dream. It had to be. But when he felt a hot hand pressing into the tender flesh of his hip, he had to question his own reality.

AN: Next chapter will be fun, I think. I hope you guys are geared up for this, I know I am!