Title: Someone In Control
Author: Lacey
Rating: M
Pairing: MarVex
Chapter: 1/12
Inspiration: Stand Up - Trapt
Summary: Marluxia sells his body to Science. Little does he know that Science will overstep his bounds.

Part One: Stand Up

Never in a million years would Marluxia have thought his whole world would crumble beneath his feet like it had leading up to this. His father had cast him aside, his wife had left him, his company booted him out like yesterday's garbage, and all because of one little confession; he was gay. So what? People couldn't already tell? How sad. His inheritance had even been ripped out from under him, and soon he found himself before a laboratory; Organization XIII Research Facility. He'd already sold himself to the head scientist, Vexen, for the simple things; shelter and food and drink. And a bathroom, you could never forget the bathroom. When he walked in, he was greeted by someone he knew.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU ARROGANT ASSHOLE!" That shrieking could belong to no one but Larxene, his (ex) wife. Apparently she was the secretary here. After settling things down, a large man named Lexaeus led him down to an underground laboratory that would soon be his home. Well, rather, he'd be led to a large glass box that would become his home.

That was exactly twenty seven days ago today. Vexen had since put him through all sorts of excruciating experiments; things that tested his heart's health, his mind, his lung capacity, the impulse transmitters in his brain, the effect certain amounts of electricity had upon his body, what certain injections did to him, what happened when he ate something he shouldn't....this blond menace had put him through far too much, and while he felt weak, as soon as he saw those green eyes in front of him, he suddenly had the strength of ten Lexaeus'. He beat on the 'cage' with both fists, crying out behind the soundproof transparency. Vexen pushed some sort of button and suddenly everything Marluxia said could be heard.

"Why can't you leave me be? Leave me alone?" He growled, "You wanna see a reaction?" He'd give him a reaction. Something he'd been injected with gave him some kind of power; he concentrated hard and suddenly large roots crashed through the floor of the box, suddenly filling it so that the pinket was completely concealed. Of course, Vexen simply wrote it on his clip board, looking almost disinterested in his most prized experiment. He'd created his own genetic mutation; something the other scientists would frown upon, but did he care? No! He may have created a very lousy representation of a "super hero" or some form of Ex-Man or something, but he was proud none-the-less.

"Calm down, Eleven, there's plenty more where that came from." The scientist spoke evenly, almost calmly.

AN: Okay, so...I dunno how good that is, but it's for someone special.