Hey guys!! I told you I had a story in the works didn't I? Well this idea came to me after I looked through some of my stories. But I only own Savannah. THATS ITS...Until mayube I bring another OC in but until then just her. SO Read and review...Let me know what you think!
"I am just trying to figure out where I belong, Stephanie."
"You belong here with us Savannah." Stephanie said looking at her baby sister. "You belong with the WWE like me and Shane did." She added.
The youngest McMahon looked at her sister and smiled.
"I know that is what people think we should do." Savannah said looking at her. "You and Shane followed both mom and dad into the business. Maybe I want something different." She added.
"You can't be serious?" Stephanie asked looking at her sister "What other option do you have? I mean you have a college degree and yes you've been trained in wrestling. What else do you have?" She added.
"I have TNA." Savannah replied looking at her with a grin on her face. "They heard about me through me doing the INDY shows down in the south." She added
Stephanie looked at her youngest sister with wide eyes as she was just standing in front of her.
"Do Dad and Mom know?" Stephanie asked while her sister shook her head no. "Listen to me Savannah. WWE is what you were born to do. Don't go to another company who is completing against us." She added.
"What better way to take down a company then from the inside out?" Savannah said crossing her arms over her chest. "Just because I am the baby doesn't mean I don't think like you and dad. Besides the WWE has you and dad in it right now that's enough to keep them busy from worrying about me." She added.
Stephanie looked at Savannah who was the complete opposite of herself and Shane. She looked nothing like them or even their dad. Savannah looked more like their mom in appearance. She had the blonde hair and the green eyes she never grow out of it like Stephanie and Shane did.
"Do you seriously believe that you can hide the fact that you are a McMahon from the world?" Stephanie asked standing from her seat. "They will find out sooner or later you know." She added.
"Stephanie let them ok?" Savannah said putting a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. "If they so badly want to find something out on me let them. I am not going to seat around in fear waiting to hear what they say about me. Either they like me or hate me. Either way I don't care what they think about me." She added.
Stephanie just shook her head as the door opened as Paul walked into the room stopping in his tracks as he saw the sisters looking at him.
"Did I interrupt something?" Paul asked closing the door behind him.
"No honey." Stephanie said smiling at her husband. "Savannah was just telling me about some things. She is done." She added.
Savannah looked at Stephanie and glared then quickly smiled at her brother in law who was looking at her.
"I'm going to get my things ready I've got a plane to catch." Savannah said smiling at her sister. "If you know what is best for you Stephanie you will keep your mouth shut." She added.
"Savannah please doesn't go to Orlando." Stephanie said looking at her. "At least don't go until you talk to mom and dad." She added.
Savannah hated Stephanie when she used the mom and dad card against her. Paul looked at Savannah who looked as if she wanted to attack her sister.
"They are in the office down stairs go see them." Stephanie said looking at her. "Please?" She added.
"Fine you win." Savannah said through gritted teeth.
Savannah quickly turned on her heels walking out of the room leaving the husband and wife couple alone in the upstairs office.
"Why do you always sound like a mother to her?" Paul asked looking down at his wife.
"Come on Paul." Stephanie said grabbing his hand pulling him out of the office. "We need to make sure she talks to them." She added.
He rolled his eyes as he followed his wife down the stairs as Savannah was at the office door knocking on it.
"Mom? Dad?" Savannah asked as she looked at the door.
She opened the door to see her parents talking about something and stopped when they noticed the door open.
"Hey hun." Vince said looking at her. "Come on in." He added.
Savannah quickly entered the room closing the door quietly behind her as Stephanie and Paul got to the bottom of the stairs.
"I wanted to talk to you guys before I left." Savannah said looking at her parents.
"Where are you going?" Linda asked putting the file down on the desk.
Savannah looked at her mom then back at her father, who were waiting on a answer from her.
"John Laurinaitis wants me to go to Florida to the training camp to check out some talent." Savannah said with a smile. "He believes that maybe after months of progress that maybe I can spot talent like my father." She added.
"I don't remember anything about John calling me and telling me that he wanted you to go." Vince said looking at his daughter.
"He just called me a few moments ago." Savannah said quickly hoping not too quickly. "He said that with you and mom being so busy trying to get things in order that I should go in your place and he trust me to come back with a good report and maybe have somebody who we can bring up to the main roster for either of the shows." She added.
Vince nodded at her and smiled.
"In that case I guess this will be your first trip without either of us or even Stephanie and Shane." Linda said looking at her daughter. "I am sure that we can get the jet ready to take you down to Tampa." She added.
" No No No mom that won't be necessary." Savannah said looking at her. "I want to fly out there like you know normal person." She added.
"You aren't normal by any means Sav." Vince said looking at his youngest daughter. "You will fly out to Tampa on the jet and that is finial." He added.
Savannah just looked at her father and nodded at him with a smile.
"Glad to know I'm not normal." Savannah said with a small laugh.
"You know what I mean too Savannah." Vince said looking at her. "You're a McMahon and you aren't normally." He added.
She nodded at him as he got on the phone with some company people then looked at Savannah who hugged her mother.
"The jet will be ready when you get to the airport." Vince said looking at her. "Here take this." He added reaching into the drawer pulling out some money.
"Dad I have some." Savannah said as he pushed it into her hands.
"You know just in case." Vince said nodding at her.
She nodded at him and hugged her dad. She hated lying to her parents but this is something she needed to do to prove not only to herself but to others around her she was more then just her last name.
"I will be back in about a week or two depending how much they have progressed with their training." Savannah said nodding at them.
"Ok sweetheart call us when you get there." Linda said as Savannah nodded at her. "You make sure to talk to Dusty about everything he will tell you what you need to do." She added.
"Ok." Savannah said nodding at them. "I love you both." She added walking to the door.
She opened the door and made her exit quickly then turned around to see Stephanie and Paul standing there looking at her.
"You're going to scout the wrestlers in Florida?" Stephanie said looking at her with a smile. "You were suppose to talk to them about going to Florida." She added.
"I did and I'm going." Savannah said looking at her. "It's about damn time somebody knocks you off that little pedestal you've got your self on. You aren't high and mighty in this damn family Stephanie. I'm apart of this family too. So for once I'm doing what us McMahon's do." She added.
"What is it that we McMahons do Savannah?" Stephanie asked looking at her baby sister.
Savannah smiled at her sister making her look just like her family the McMahon side.
"We do whatever it takes to get what we want." Savannah said with a grin on her face. "You know better then anybody that it takes being a villain to make people see what we are capable of. I'm not daddy's little girl anymore. It's about time I grew up and do something for me for once." She added.
"Stephanie just let her go." Paul said looking at them. "Let her make her own choices." He added.
Stephanie looked back at her sister just nodding her head then Savannah quickly walked away from her sister and brother in law.
"What if she makes a mistake and we aren't there to help her?" Stephanie said looking up at her husband.
"You have got to let her make those mistakes Steph." Paul said looking down at his wife. "You can't protect her forever. Let her go out there make some mistakes maybe she will open her eyes and see where she really belongs rather it be here with us and the rest of our crazy nit family or with TNA or another company who knows." He added.
Savannah grabbed her bag at the end of the stairs then turned to see her sister walking towards her with a small smile on her face.
"Do you seriously believe you leave without hugging me?" Stephanie said walking up to her baby sister. "You remember if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING you call me and I'll be in Orlando so fast the cops will just see a flash." She added with a smile laugh.
"Thanks Stephie." Savannah said using her sister's kid name for her.
The sisters hugged then smiled as Paul started laughing and acting as if he was crying behind them causing them to laugh.
"Ok I've got to go the plane might wait but the boss never does." Savannah said with a smile. "Bye guys and Hey Stephanie?" She added.
Stephanie turned and looked at her sister.
"Thanks." Savannah said with a grin.
Stephanie nodded at her and walked to the doorway as her sister walked towards her bright blue 2009 Corvette zr1 that was her pride and joy.
"Bye Savannah!" Stephanie shouted as she pulled out of the driveway.
Savannah hit the horn on the car as she went down the road letting her sister know she heard her.
"Look out TNA here I come." Savannah said with a grin as she switched gears in the car.