"Ah, so you're the famous Bella," said the big guy, wrapping me in a huge bear hug, lifting me off the ground.

"Emmett, put her down," Alice said giggling. I would have said something but unfortunatly I was lacking oxygen at the moment. He finally put me down.

"Hi, Emmett," I said grinning. I could tell I was gonna like this guy. I turned to the guy next to him.

"And you are?" I asked politely. I was very confused by his expression but I just pretended I didn't notice.

"Edward," he said, sticking out his hand. I shook it. Hmmm... so I could tell he wasn't anything like Emmett, but I still think we would get along very well. I mean, he was related to Alice.

"Well, it was nice to finally meet you both," I said, then turned back to Alice. We immediatly went into a conversation about what we've done since Alice left Pheonix, but it was cut short when class started.

I tried my best to pay attention, but my mnd kept wandering off, and then I suddenly felt the urge to draw, and I decided to give into that urge. I decided to draw a tulip, seeing as flowers are my specialty.

I was almost finished with it when I heard my name. I looked up to see the whole class staring at me. I heard a few snickers. I then realised the teacher must have addressed me.

"Um, yes, I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked politely.

"I said,"said Mrs. Allen , sounding impatient,"since you're new, why don't you come up and tell everyone about yourself." Crap. "Now stop doodling and pay attention." She motioned for me to come to the front of the room. God, this sucked. I hated being the center of attention. Oh well, better get this over with.

"Um, well, my name is Isabella Swan, but I prefer Bella. Uh, I just moved here from Pheonix, Arizona. I love to draw, I plan on being an artist. My best friend is Alice Cullen," I smiled at her, and she returned it, and stood up and bowed to the class. I laughed, "and well thats about it." I smiled one last time and went to go sit down. Amazingly without tripping. I am just so proud.

"Thank you, Bella," Then she continued talking about whatever she was talking about, and I continued drawing the rest of my tulip. Then the bell rung, causing me to jump and drop my notebook. When I went to pick it up I saw a figure approach me.

"Let me get that for you," some guy said, picking it up. I looked up. The guy had dirty blond hair and light blue eyes.

"Thanks," I said as he gave me my notebook.

"No problem. I'm Mike," he said, sticking out his hand.

"Hi, Mike, I'm-"

"Bella," we both said at the same time.

"Yeah, I know. It was just awful for Mrs. Allen make you go up in front of the whole class on your first day."

"Yeah," I said. "Well, I got to get to class, So, uh, bye, Mike." There was something about this dude that I really did not like.

"Wait!" I heard him call. "What class do you have next?" Oh my gosh, this guy was staring to get on my nerves.

"Uh, art," I said, silently hoping he didn't have it, too.

"Oh." He looked slightly disappointed, then his face lit up like the forth of July. "Well, that's on the way to P.E, mind if I walk you?" Say no, Bella, say no!


"You know, Mike, I think Bella would be more comfortable walking with someone she knows," said a smooth, velvet voice from behind me. I turned around to see Edward. "Right, Bella?"

"Uh, yeah," I agreed. "Bye, Mike," I said, giving him a quick wave. Then I hurried along with Edward.

"Thanks, but you know, I know Mike more than I know you, but I still appreciate it. There was something about that guy that made uneasy," I told him when Mike was out of veiw.

"Actually, I think you know me more. You've actually seen the real me. Trust me, that guy you were talking to was not the real Mike Newton. The real Mike Newton is a huge jerk. Most likely, tomarrow he'll treat you like you're a peice of meet. My advice, stay clear of that scumbag." I did not expect all that, I was really surprised. I saw something in his eyes that looked a lot like pleading, but I think I might be mistaken.

"Um, I'll keep that in mind," I said when I found my voice. He nodded.

"So, anyway," he said, "how do you like Forks so far?" His sudden change in attitude almost gave me a whiplash.

"It's ok, I guess, I haven't found any faults yet, other than it being cold all the time." He laughed. I hope he doesn't think I'm joking, because I'm dead serious.

"Yeah, it takes some getting use to."

"How long did it take you?"

"Hmm, about... 4 years?"

"What!?" I yelled a little too loud. People in the hall turned and stared at me.

"Bella, relax, I was only kidding."

"Oh, good," I said, relieved. We were at the door of the art room now. "Well, see you later, Edward."

"Actually, this is my class, too." For some reason, that made me really happy.

"Oh, ok then."

All we had to do in class was draw whatever we felt like drawing. I chose a rose. I tried to do ever line and curve perfectly. When I was finished draw I decided to write something inside it. I didn't know what to write, so I just let my hand decide ( I swear it has a mind of it's own). So basically I had no idea what I was writing. The bell rung before I could even write the second letter, but the first one confused me.

What could I be writing that started with an E?

So, whatdya think? Did you liiiiiiiiiiiiike it? Did you loooooove it? Review!!!!!!!!!! And if you don't like it, and you have some advice on how to make it better, tell me!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!