Author Note: Well this is the first proper, decent story i've done in a while! Sorry about that!! Lol but okay, i got the inspiration for this while i was at school last week, i think. I had a free and nothing better to do but sit and annoy Lauren and Caroline XD I knew i wanted to write summat before christmas, maybe with that theme, i dunno. But Caroline randomly gave me a massive wedge of lined paper (she said she couldn't use it cos it was thick lined.... i didn't have a clue what that meant either, so don't worry XD) and i ended up just thinking 'What the heck?! Might as well put it to some use!' and so i spent that free, all lunchtime and the free after that writing this, and then i wrote even more when i got home. 12 sides of A4 altogether XD I've only typed up like... 3 sides and this is them, so i'll get round to typing the rest up soon =)

Anywho, a massive thank you to Lord Jellyfish for betaing this!! Even though he's been unbelievably busy lately he still found time to help me out and rectify all my horrible mistakes XD you totally rock dude =)

On with the show then.

Disclaimer: I do not own Camp Rock or any of the characters!!

Caitlyn's POV

I hate this time of year. It's so depressing! I don't get what the big deal with Christmas is, if I'm really being honest, I don't see the point in it at all. So you get presents, and there is always decent food... but then what? People always drink too much, you have your family round, or you're supposed to anyway, but that's when the arguments and the yelling begin. The reason you don't see the other side of your family other than once a year at Christmas, is because one side hates the other and vise versa. In my family, the good stuff is always greatly outweighed by the shit stuff, so I just make sure to stay well out of the way of it all.

I knew this Christmas would be no different than any other in the Gellar household, but since everyone was meant to be coming to ours this year, at least I'd be able to hide out in my room, or escape via the drainpipe outside my window if I get really desperate.

In fact, I was actually planning the best escape route when the house phone rang. I didn't even bother moving, I'd given up answering it since it was never for me and anyway, I hated all my parents' friends. As I was leaning out of my window to see if I could still make the jump from it to the garage roof, I heard my name yelled up the stairs.

"Caitlyn? Caitlyn, it's for you, get down here now!" I frowned, closed the window and trudged down the stairs. "What were you doing up there?! I've been yelling you for ages!" I ignored my mother and grabbed the phone out of her hand.


"Caitlyn?" It took me a second to realise who exactly it was, understandable since I hadn't heard her voice in months!



"Oh my god, Mitchie! How are you? It's been for-bloody-ever!" I disappeared back upstairs, thankful that we had a cordless phone, so I could get out of earshot of my mother.

"I know, it's been far too long since we last spoke, but I'm good, you?" She sounded like she was actually sad about the fact we hadn't talked, my grin got wider.

"Heh that's good. I've been... well, I'm not missing any body parts so I guess things are going okay at my end too. So... what's up?" I threw myself onto my bed and stretched out.

"What, I have to have a reason to call my best friend who I have missed terribly the past few months?! I am hurt, Caitlyn, hurt!" I could hear the unmistakable note of humour in her voice, but I still felt kinda guilty.

"Well no, but-"

"But nothing, Caitlyn! I'm upset now, haven't you missed me even a little bit?" Now that she mentioned it, I really had! I'd missed her far more than I'd first realised.

"Of course I've missed you, Mitch! I always miss you."

"Good! Now that we've got that cleared up, I actually did call for a reason." She sounded kind of sheepish, and guilty, but I just laughed.

"I knew it! So c'mon then, spill it you!" I rolled over and propped myself up on my elbows.

"Well it's about Christmas actually. I kinda have a favour to ask you..." I waited but she didn't say anything else.

"Okay... so what's the favour?"

"Well the holidays are coming up and we have a while off from school, my parents are going to visit some of our relatives for a few weeks and I'm being forced to go with them cos apparently I'm still not allowed to stay at home on my own. Not after last time anyway..."

"Right... I still don't get what the favour it, Mitch! You are gonna have to spell it out for me!" She sighed then I heard her take a deep breath.

"Our relatives live in New York, and you live in Ohio , which is on the way so, I was wondering, if it's okay with you and your family, would it maybe be possible if, you know, just for a while-"

"Mitchie! I'm getting old here! Spit it out already!"

"Could I stay with you for the holidays?" I froze, my eyebrows shot up and my mouth fell open.

Mitchie... stay here... with me... and my family... over Christmas... I'd get to be with her... but what about the drinking and the arguing and-

"Caitlyn? You still there?" I realised I'd been completely wrapped up in my own thoughts that I'd forgotten she was on the other end of the phone!

"Err yeah, sorry, Mitch. I was thinking. So when would your folks be in the area?"

"Umm tomorrow actually. I know it's short notice, I'm really sorry but you are completely free to say no, I'd totally understand so-" She was ranting now.


"Yeah, Caitlyn?"

"Shut up for a second, will you?!"

"Sorry..." There was silence at her end, so I had time to think it through.

Could I convince my parents that this was a very good idea and that they should do it because they love me? ...Probably not. But I was gonna try!

But what should I say? How was I going to protect her from the insanity that is my family if they do say yes?!

Only one way to find out, I'd just have to ask.



"Let me go ask, kay?"

"Umm sure, Caitlyn. But seriously, don't worry about it if they don't think it's a good idea-" I didn't catch the rest of the sentence; I'd already sprinted downstairs, almost killing myself in the rush.

My heart was beating so loud, I could hear my pulse in my ears. A wide grin spread across my face, and I was slightly panting from running around the house to find my mother.

"Mom? Mom?!" I dashed into the kitchen to find her reading one of her many cook books at the table.

"What? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" she snapped at me, but I was too anxious and in too much of a hurry to care.

"You know Mitchie, from Camp? That was just her on the phone, her parents are coming up this way tomorrow, and I was wondering if she could stay here for a while? It's the holidays and her parents are off to visit relatives in New York... so would that be okay?" I rushed to get it all out, tripping over my words as I went.

She glanced up from her book for a split second before going back to it and sighing.

Author Note: Sorry about the cliffhanger, i shall type more up asap, i promise =) it shall be my christmas present to you all for being such awesome readers =) so lemmie know what you think, kay? You guys rock!! Later all.