Don't own Naruto or Tomb Raider
Chapter text
"Hello" = English
"(Goodbye)" = Japanese
Well here's the start of a new crossover. Hope you all enjoy.
=Chapter I=
=Lara's Discovery=
Sixteen year old Lara croft had once again slipped away from her father to do some exploring on her own. This time Lara was exploring a newly discovered Japanese temple that was dedicated to a group of nine Legendary beasts.
This place is amazing. Thought Lara as she walked down a lone corridor that was designed in the shape of a decagon {AN: A shape with ten sides}. Eight of the faces seemed to have one of the beasts engraved on it in such away that if you were to run down the corridor it would appear that the beasts were running along side you. Unfortunately Lara could only make out eight of the beasts as one of the faces had been destroyed. Hmm lets see there's a Tanuki, a Cat, A Turtle, A Monkey, what looks like a Dolphin or a Horse, a Slug, a Horned Beetle, a Ox and the last looks like it's been destroyed. It's as if they wanted to erase it from history. Thought Lara as she came to the end of the tunnel and entered a large chamber.
Looking around Lara saw what she guessed were the remains of a fairly large statue judging by the size of the four large stone paws that were on the ground. Looking around more Lara spotted what looked like a extremely complex design engraved on the ground. She also approached an inscribed tablet and while tracing the kanji with her fingers read it out loud.
"Of the nine great beasts … was the strongest and the guardian of the elemental fires. His rule of the nine was unquestioned . It was during the time of the Red Dawn though that … and his kin betrayed the lands that they had once sworn to protect. It was therefore that with heavy hearts that the elemental gods of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Lighting, Light and Dark destroyed the Nine and themselves. With the last of their power though the gods managed to appoint nine guardians who would watch over the essence of the nine until it could return to the…. The rest is missing" said Lara as she ran her hand over the damaged and worn tablet catching her thumb on a sharp area cutting her thumb.
"OW!" shouted Lara as she flicked her thumb away from the tablet so as to not contaminate the find with her blood. She never noticed the single drop of blood that sailed through the air that by chance landed in the very center of the complex design she had seen earlier. She did however notice the red light that seemed to come from the design upon the floor.
It was not long before the light intensified to such a point that young Lara had to shield her eyes. After a few minutes the light died down and Lara blinked the spots from her eyes. Once gone Lara saw that a statue had appeared In the room. Approaching the statue Lara saw that it was of a boy her age. Wow he's so handsome. Thought Lara as she looked at the face and saw that there were Blue Sapphires where the eyes were and Lara could make out three marks on each cheek that Lara thought looked like whiskers. Lara couldn't really tell what the statue was wearing… not that she cared as she was transfixed by the statues face.
Suddenly the statute started to glow blue. Slowly cracks appeared that seemed to shoot out the same blue light. Then suddenly the light exploded with out a sound and Lara felt a sense of calm wash over her as she once again shielded her eyes.
Once the light had died down Lara could hear the sound of heavy breathing as if someone had over taxed themselves.
Opening her eyes Lara saw a young man where the statue once was kneeling and trying to catch his breath. The young man was wearing a deep red short sleeved duster that had black flames around the base of the duster. Under the duster Lara could make out a pair of blue Pants with what she guessed was a holster of some kind tapped around his right leg and black sandals. On his upper body Lara saw what looked like a strange looking green body warmer over a black and orange sweatshirt. On his head was a dark red headband that had a metal plate attached to the forehead area via three small rivets on each end. The plate had what looked like a leaf… or it could be an arrow head engraved on it .
Lara quickly ran over and knelt by the boy who appeared to be he age to see if he was alright. "(Are you alright?)" Lara asked in Japanese figuring it was his native language because of where she currently was.
"(I am fine but where am I.)" The boy asked {AN: If you have not figured out who he is, then you suck.}
"(You are in the Temple of the Nine, in northern Japan)" Lara answered.
"(Who are you and Where's that bastard Danzo?)"
"(I am Lara Croft, I don't know anyone by the name Danzo, but if I may who are you?)" Asked Lara.
"(I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and as farfetched as farfetched as this is going to sound, I think I have been banished to another dimension.)"
Lara stared blankly as the boy she now knew was called Naruto. But as farfetched as his idea sounded no one would believe her if she said the boy came out of a statue.
I know its short of 1000 words but I think it is a good way to start this new crossover. Let me know what you think.