Here it is. The story everybody seems to be waiting for. This story is Rated M For lots of reasons. I put my hard work on this and all my other stories. Well I hope you guys like the first chapter of NIGHTFALL!!! This chapter will contain Blood, Violence, Strong, Strong Language, Some Sexual content and Abuse, And Drug and Alcohol uses. Hope you guys like it.

The Day was setting as six kids were walking as they were hiking in the woods with their things on their back and while a kid with glasses was looking at a map to see where they are going. A kid with spiky hair and piercings went from behind and hit the kid in the back. "So nerd do you know where we going" The kid said as he looked at the map. "Hey stop that!" The kids said as the other four started to laugh. "Hey Nerdy is your name right Nerdy Nerd?!" The kid said to Nerdy who looked down as the others continue to laugh. "Well at least I'm not a fag and don't go around giving BJ's just like your whore of a girlfriend" Nerdy said as The bully got angry and picked up Nerdy as he slammed him to a tree, as his girlfriend got angry. "What did you say about my girlfriend you bitch?" The bully said. "N-n-nothing" Nerdy said. "Yeah that's what I thought you said. Now hurry up so I can sleep." The bully said as they kept on walking. A Raccoon was walking as he saw something he wanted to see. "Dude! Look a marijuana stash!" The raccoon said as he bent down to get some but was pulled back by his friend who wanted some but couldn't. "Sorry man but were close to find a place to relax. Come on we'll come back if it's close around here ok?" His friend said as they kept on walking.

Nerdy was walking as the bully's girlfriend came up next to him. "I can't believe that you said all that about him and me. Your own little sister. Why would you do that?" Nerdy's sister said. "I'm sorry I just flip because I'm sick and tired of him. Why are you even going out with him anyway?" Nerdy said to his sister. "I don't know but I just love his personality and he loves to make me laugh." Nerdy's sister said as she looked at her boyfriend. "Hey Nerdy what are you doing with Betty?" The bully said as he walked up. "Were just talking that's all and we have found a spot for us to relax for the night." Nerdy said as he pointed to a big space for all of them to crash for the night. "Nice! I guess I won't hit you for today. You're really lucky." The bully said as he went to put up the tent. Nerdy and Betty said bye to each other as they went their separate ways. Nerdy looked around with a flashlight that he got out from his book bag and started walking around.

Betty's friend gotten tired of being with the two stoners as they kept annoying her as she left to talk to Betty but couldn't since Betty was helping with her boyfriend who told her to go do something. Then she saw Nerdy and had no choice but to go with him. "Hey Nerdy!" She screamed. Nerdy turned in annoyance and said. "What is it this time?!" She ran up to him. "Can I go with you since everyone is doing something?" She said. Nerdy shrugged and said "Ok but whatever you do, don't get lost because you can never find your way back." Nerdy said as he kept on walking. The Deer was surprise as she kept on walking with the Rabbit. "You're joking right?" she said. "No I never kid around Moody. Now let's go." Nerdy said as he kept on. "Wow what a loser." Moody said as she started to walk. Then a presence was around as somebody was standing there looking at the two that were walking then looked at the others. Then it saw the one of the stoners leave since he wanted to get the stash as the other stick around to talk with his other friend. Then the figure left as Betty turned around as she felt someone was looking at her. "Guys I think were not alone" Betty said as the other two laughed at her. "You get scared so easy maybe Gary is trying to scare the crap out of you." The bully said. Gary however was walking down as he looked at the pitch black sky as the moon was shown guiding him to the stash he found in the afternoon.

The light shining through the trees as Gary kept walking on the hard ground crunching the leaves. Then he tripped to the floor. He turned and saw a rock that tripped him. He turned and saw what he was looking for the whole time. "Yes! I finally found you at last!" Gary said as he got out and empty bag and started grabbing the marijuana and started shoving then in the bag. As he kept on grabbing more he hears a SNAP! Sound somewhere in the woods as Gary turned around and looked to see who made it. As he turned nobody was there as Gary started to stand up. "Who's there?" Gary said as he kept looking around. "Danny is that you man?" Gary said. As he kept on walking he heard more noises as bushes were rustling and the wind breezing by as it hit Gary's face as he started to get cold. He clipped up the bag and put it in his pocket as he turn to get his bag to try one out he saw a figure standing in front of him with a broken mask that was put back together. Gary backed up as soon he saw the mystery person.

"Whoa! What are you trying to do? Dude that scared the crap out of me man. Ok Danny takes off the crappy costume and try some." Gary said as he held up the drug up to the figures face. The figure just stood there looking at Gary then the marijuana. Then it went to its back pocket and pulled out a knife and then with a quick movement slashes Gary's hand off as blood gush out. Gary looked at his hand at first and said. "Awesome!!" Gary said and then looked up at the figure then screamed as he realizes what happen. "My hand! Who the hell are you!?" Gary said as he backed up and started running. The figure started walking after Gary as he kept on calling for the other crew as he held his bloody hand.

Nerdy was walking with Moody as they heard howls in the dark night. Moody started to get scared but then calms down as she kept on walking faster and closer to Nerdy. Nerdy was looking around and starts writing down things on his notebook. Then he runs into a pole which makes Moody laugh. "Nice I bump into a pole and look like an idiot to the girl I have a crush on. What else can go wrong for me?" Nerdy thought as he looked up and saw an old rusted sign that said…


A Place to….

But the rest was destroyed. Nerdy then was shocked to see where they are sleeping for the night. "Moody… do you know where we are?" Nerdy said with excitement in his body. "No why?" Moody said being annoyed by the rabbit. "We are at Camp NightFall. This place was a crime scene were all those kids and counselors all died in brutal deaths by the chef here that went crazy after his son was killed in a accident. Well this is the place." Nerdy said as he turned back to the sign as he walked up to go inside to investigate some more. "You're joking about this. This never happened. It's just a story made by the people here just to scare us when we were little. I heard that it was close down for good." Moody said. "Well that's wrong because my dad work here and was one of the survivors. Ask Betty if you want." Nerdy said as he enters into the camp. "That's bullshit! Ok I'll ask then." Moody said as she left to find Betty but then got scare as she heard growling and ran back to Nerdy.

"Ok everything seems good here. Betty said as she inspects everything and sits down as Danny and They Bully were drinking. "Harry I thought you stop drinking when we were dating for the first time." Betty said as she got mad. "What I love both of you but alcohol got to me first and it's great for you." Harry said as he kept on drinking just to piss her off even more. Danny who was stone then ever laughs as he waited for his friend to come back.

Gary keeps on running as he looks back at the figure that was walking still. Gary ran faster as he started to lose the figure and then smiles as he steps on wire which sends a branch that was pulled back right into Gary as Spikes impaled through his body as blood started gushing out of his body. As the killer went up next to him he grabbed his head and cracked it to make sure he died. Then he rips off the body from the spikes and throws him to the ground as he places the trap back to the way it was and then picks up the body and leaves.

Danny, Harry, and Betty were talking as noises were coming as a bag came out of the bushes into Danny's legs. "Thanks Gary!" Danny said. "What the hell is he doing?" Harry said. "Maybe he's using the restroom or trying one out so he won't bother you guys." Danny says as he picks up the bag with the marijuana inside as Danny went into his tent to get things to smoke. Harry and Betty were alone as they looked up in the sky to see stars shining. Betty started to smile as she put her hand on Harry's who burp out loud and laugh as Betty got angry and left to go into the tent as Harry got up. "Sorry Betty I am but come on that's funny." Harry said as he got in the tent. Danny came out with the stuff so he can have some with Harry but saw they weren't there. "Damn dude you can bang her another time. Come try some of this." Danny said. "Sorry man I would love two but I can't because Betty is pissed. "Yeah because she wants to get laid…Badly!" Danny said as he grinned as Betty came out. "Screw you dickwad! At least I'm getting laid unless like you." Betty said as Danny backed up. "Sorry. Well more for me!" Danny said as he sat down next to the fire to try some.

Harry looked and saw Betty came in. as she was about to sit down Harry slap her ass as Betty yelped and grabbed her ass and sat down. "Yeah you still like that." Harry said as Betty flipped him off. "Aww don't get mad. I'm here to help you." Harry said as he started to stroke her shoulders as Betty smiled at Harry. Harry also smiled at her as he started too pulled down her clothing a bit to continue stroking her back and shoulder. Betty then kisses him on the lips as Harry grabbed the back of her head as they continue to make out. Then Betty pulled up her shirt as she threw it to the side as she continue to make out with Harry as he went down lower and held her sides of her body as they continue. Danny was smoking out his mind as he heard the noises from the tent as more clothing went left and right to the sides of the tent. Danny blew out clouds of smoke. As the cloud disappeared the figure was in front of Danny as he shoves a machete into his face as Danny started coughing and making noises as blood was coming out of his face as The figure shoved the machete more into Danny's face as he pulled it out and then put his body in the fire as the fire arose with the flames crackling and then the figure turned as he heard moans coming from the tent.

Nerdy and Moody were walking around the deserted camp as broken-down cabins and the flag pole been destroyed. As they two walked the ground they saw yellow tape that were old police lines of people not crossing. "You were right." Moody said. "Yeah I know but something doesn't add up about this place. "Like there wasn't enough evidence to go around like this killer is smart and when the slaughterhouse came up when this place was opened up they said this killer was killed but the body was never found and I like to know more of this place and find more clues to prove what really happened here." Nerdy said. "Now I see why they called you a nerd so much." Moody said. "Look forget about that and help me around here for anything weird or out of place for clues." Nerdy said as they kept on walking.

"Oh yes! That feels good!" Betty said as she was getting fucked by Harry who was enjoying the most. As he kept on thrusting into Betty who kept on moaning he saw a shadow pass by the tent. "It's just Danny being stupid again" Harry thought. Then he went back and continued fucking Betty. Betty was Moaning more as Harry hit her pleasure points as she was about to climax. Harry who was about to climax kept on as he kept on drilling her. "Oh right there! Keep on Harry! Faster!" Betty said. The figure went up to the entrance of the tent and uses his machete to cut it open and then grabbed Harry by his head and dragged him outside as Betty started to scream. "Let go of me you motherfucker!" Harry said as he saw the figure rise up the machete. Betty picks up a rock and hits the figure in the face as the figure turn his head he hits Betty which sends her smacking into a tree as pain inflicted in her body. Harry looks up as the figure didn't pay attention as Harry hits him in the stomach as the figure lets go of him as Harry runs back to put his pants back on and grabbed his knife and runs out ready to face the ass that ruined his moment. "You're dead! I'm going to finish you off quick." Harry says as Betty gets up. "Betty run! Run and don't looked back!" Harry said as Betty started to run into the woods as the figure with his machete starts to walks toward Harry as he was ready.

Harry then runs toward the killer as he tries to stab the killer but doesn't as his opponent moves and then grabs Harry and throws him to the ground as he kicks him in the stomach as air is knocked out of Harry. Harry is then turned around as the killer brings up the machete quick and then sends it down as Harry moves out the way and watches it hit the ground. Then Harry runs up and punches the killer and then swing kicks him which doesn't do anything. Then the killer pulls out his knife and swings which Harry dodges and then uppercuts the killer in the face as the mask breaks more and then shatters in pieces as it falls to the ground. The hair of the killer blocks his face as he grabs Harry by the neck and crushes it as Harry couldn't breathe and couldn't scream or anything as the killer smashes Harry's head against a rock as blood gush out. Then the killer then walks into the forest to claim its other victims.

Nerdy and Moody looked around as Moody found the cafeteria building not boarded up or lines anywhere. "This is where that chef went crazy after his son died and started killing people." Moody said as she went in. The cafeteria was destroyed as tables were thrown as glass was everywhere as trays were scattered everywhere. She kept on walking as something fell which scared Moody as she backed up. "Damn it! I really hate that so much!" Moody said as she kept on walking. As she kept on walking she heard crying. As she kept on she saw a leopard sitting as it cried. Moody then walked up to the leopard. As she bent down to see what's wrong the leopard grabs Moody's arm as she screamed. "Help…me…please" The leopard said as she cried. Moody then bends down and hugs the leopard. "Don't worry I'm here to help you. Come on me and my friends are going somewhere. You want to come?" Moody said as the leopard nodded her head as she turned to look at the deer. Then the deer's smile went into a shocked face as the leopard's eyes were ripped out of her sockets as she put out her hands so Moody can grab them. Moody backed up and screamed as she then hits something real soft and warm. Moody then feels breathing on her head as she looks up to see a figure grab her and throws her on a table as he puts her paw into a grinder and starts to spin a lever which started slicing her paw as meat and blood was coming out of the little tiny holes as Moody was crying and screaming as the killer grabs her head and smashes it on a broken glass jar as it impales through her head as blood came gushing out. Moody's paws and legs were moving and twitching as she died as the leopard was calling her name as the figure came over to the leopard and picked her up and put her at the table. Then he grabs Moody's head and then rips out her eyes from her sockets then looks at them for a second then tells the leopard to shush her as he sticks one of the eyes into one of the sockets as the leopard hold in the pain and screaming. After a few minutes the leopard could see as he put her down and walk out of the kitchen as the leopard was by herself as she ran out the building to find her home.

Betty who kept on running saw the little leopard running toward the entrance. "What's she doing here all by herself?" Betty said as then she became worried as she might be next to die. "Psst! Hey over here!" Betty said as she called out for the leopard that turned and saw the bunny. As Betty saw her face she saw blood coming down from the eyes as she saw Moody's eyes in hers. Then the leopard ran over to her. "Why do you have blood on you?" Betty said to the little leopard. "Your friend got killed as somebody came by and help me give me new eyes so now I can see again." The leopard said as Betty then backed up and continue to run to find her brother. The leopard ran off as Betty ran into a building as then she bump into somebody as then she screamed. The figure jumped back as he held his hands on his ears. "Hey shut up will ya? Damn my ears hurt from the screaming" The voice said as Betty looked up as she remembered that voice.

"Nerdy!!" Betty said as she hugs her brother and started crying softly as Nerdy Grin at what he saw. "I can't believe it. Me being hugged by my naked hot sis. Nice!!" Nerdy thought as he hugs her back. "What's wrong Betty?" Nerdy said. Betty looked around and got into one of the rooms with her brother. "Look when I was making love for the first time some person or fucked up weirdo came and started attacking us which he killed Danny, Harry, and maybe Gary. And now I just found out Moody is also dead. We need to get out of here before he kills us! What do we do?" Betty said to her brother as he started to think of a plan. Then he thought of one. "Ok you want to get out of here alive right?" Nerdy said to his sister. "Yes you moron I want to get out of here." Betty said as she looks around for any signs of the killer. "Ok look I been checking around this place and found some things that might have a weakness on him. Come here" Nerdy said as he walks into a room. Betty then follows him as then the killer was at the window watching them go in. "Don't you even dare…" The killer said in a low voice as he walks to the door but then went around finding a place to surprise them.

"What is this place?!" Betty said as she looks around the room which dead bodies laid and there on a table had a journal and agenda of things listed over the years the camp was open. "Look right here on the twenty-third of March he wrote about his son dead then after the past few days he was normal until April fifth that he became obsessed and crazy and wrote about killing the kids and consular's and then write about his son then everything else went blank until the fifteenth of April that he wrote about his plan work and he escape from the cops. Do you think he disappeared and then came back here when all the murders began to happen again?" Nerdy said as Betty looked at him. "No wonder people pick at you at school." Betty said. "Hey I'm trying to save your damn ass and all you care about is me being pick on and crap. How about you shut the hell up and listen for once damn it!" Nerdy said. Betty mumble under her breath as then the killer bash through the walls and swung his machete as Nerdy and Betty dodge. "You see! That's him! He's the one that is killed them." Betty said as the killer grab Betty's neck and threw her out the window as he picks up Nerdy and then impales him with a flag pole through his body as Nerdy started to scream as the killer just looked at him. Then he lifted his machete and slice off Nerdy's legs as Nerdy kept on screaming with blood coming out of his mouth and so his legs as lots of blood was splashing on the floor.

Then Betty got up and saw her brother getting killed as the killer repeatedly stabbed Nerdy multiple times until he slits his throat as blood gush out and splattered on the walls. Then Betty screamed as then she began to run which the killer turned slowly and kicked down the door and went after her. Betty ran through the thick forest as the leaves rustle as the wind began to blow hard as it started to become colder. Betty ran and ran from the killer who continued to chase after her. Betty then saw lights as a house was shown were people were partying inside. Betty knew it was the same party she left from. Then she started to scream at the people to help her. "Help me! Help me please!!" Betty scream out loud until she then step on something as it close on her leg as a SNAP! Sound came to which Betty scream as she saw her leg snapped open as a bone stick out of her leg. Betty then touches it which began to inflict pain in her. Betty then try to scream again but didn't work as she heard leaves snap and heavy breathing as Betty turn she saw the killer with his machete as he raise it in the air. Betty looks at the machete knowing that she's doom.

"Please I beg of you…don't do this" Betty said as tears came out her eyes. Then the killer put his machete down as he left leaving Betty by herself. Then she sighs after she sees the killer goes into the forest. "It's over… and all I needed to do was beg wow. I should do that more next time." Betty said as then she saw bright lights coming her way as a truck then hits her as blood splats on the car as body parts were everywhere as Betty's head lands in the ground. Then the killer then drives into the house and runs over most of the drunken kids as he drifts the truck slashing most of the kids with the hook and side of the truck. Then he drives out of the house back into the forest as he cleans the blood off with the wipers. Then he grins and drives into the camp. Back at the house a survivor walks out as she screams in the air. Then it shows the sky.






Disco Bear












The Mole

And Sniffles

The morning came as the sun shine in the blue clearing sky as animals came out their homes to take their kids to schools as some kids didn't want to go as they whine and cried. Cub who became five years old was going to his first day in school. "I hope you like school son. If you like it I'll take both of us to that hiking trip we both been planning to do." Pop said as he spoke to his son who nodded and smiled. "Okay Daddy I will." Cub said as Pop put the key into the ignition and turned it and the engine came on as Pop lighted his pipe and started to drive Cub to school as Cub began to cough. Then it shows a house in the neighborhood as it goes inside we enter a room were an animal toss and turn as then scream as it woke up from a terrible dream. Then an adult porcupine ran in and went toward her child. "What's wrong honey? Do you have fever? Please tell me what happen?" The older porcupine said. The young porcupine started to breath in and out then looks up at her mom. "I had another nightmare of people dying in some camp. And this animal with a mask started killing all these people one by one and escape. And one person survives and screams. But that's all I know." The young porcupine said to her mother. "It's only a dream honey it happens to a lot of people." The Porcupine's mother says as she gives a kiss on her forehead and walks to the door. Then she stops and looks back at her daughter. Then opens the door and walks down the stairs to cook some breakfast.

The porcupine got up from her bed and yawn as she went to get her clothes from her drawers then went to the bathroom and started taking a shower. The mother started cooking eggs as she pour some butter on another pan as she started to cook some pancakes as she use the spatula to spin the butter then put some pancake mix in as the put it together as she went back to the eggs which became done. The young porcupine then got out of the shower as she wrapped a towel around her head and chest to dry off as she look at herself in the mirror as she knows it's her first day in high school as she Is about to meet some new people and possibly make some new friends. Then she started to put her clothes on and open the door and turned the light off and went downstairs to see her mom eating and looking at her daughter. "I made you some breakfast so you can have protein and be smarter than those kids. Now come and sit down honey." The mother said as the porcupine then sits down and picks her fork up and started eating.

After the young porcupine finish her breakfast she thank her mom, grab her backpack and open the door to her mom's car as her mom walk and open the door and unlock the other doors as the young porcupine went in and sat down on the comfy seat as her mom turn on the car and started to drive to the school as the porcupine look out the window. "Flaky I really hope your day goes fine ok?" Flaky's mother says as Flaky keeps looking out the window then looks at her mom. "Ok mom I'll make sure." Flaky said as she smiles when they stop in front of the school. They show different types of animals walking by as they were talking to each other as some were making out, and holding each other's paws as they went inside of the school. Flaky then open the door and got out as her mother said bye to her. "Bye mom I'll see you later." Flaky said. "I'll see you too honey bye." Flaky's mother said as she drove off which left poor Flaky to look at the other students as she started to become nervous and shy.

She started walking to the entrance of the school to find her homeroom as she look at the other kids that were happy to see some of their old friends, boyfriends or girlfriends. Flaky then gasp as someone slap her ass as she turn to see a purple beaver laughing at her. He had buck teeth and a purple tail as he had some friends who join in. "Hey w-w-what's y-y-your problem?" Flaky said to the bully. "Hey I like your ass so I wanted to slap it. You can't stop me a lot of boys here might do the same thing but harder. So move your ass before I slap it again." The bully said as Flaky started to get mad. "You better stop. And I don't want you to do that again…ever" Flaky said to the bully who pretended to get scared. "Oh what are you going to do about it? Bored us to death? Tell the principal? Oh I'm so scared guys." The bully said as he started to laugh again as Flaky slap him in the face. The bully then put his hand on his face then looks at Flaky as he got mad. Flaky backs up and starts to run as the bully and his friends grab her and bring her into the school.

They go into the bathroom and kick one of the stalls and then put her head into the toilet and started flushing it as Flaky was getting swirling each time as she screamed. The bully smile as it was music to his ears. The he place his hand on her ass and started grabbing it harder as it bruise her easily as Then he took out a paddle out from his friend's book bag and then slap it hard which made it red and some purple color started to come as the bully smack her behind three more times really hard as Flaky continue screaming as tears came down. One of the friends who were really perverted couldn't take it anymore as he started touching Flaky in the wrong places as the bully pushes him back. "Whoa dude! Are you trying to get us killed?" The bully said to his friend as he nodded slowly. The bully looked at Flaky who had tears coming down as he looks at her body. "Well she's good-looking but not like Petunia or Giggles, but hey I'll give it a try." The bully said as he was about to unzip her pants until the bell rang and the bullies then look at the porcupine and let her go. "You're lucky this time bitch, but next time you'll be not so lucky." The bully said as he leaves to his room with his friends following. Flaky began to cry as then a door open and then a blue skunk came out and walk toward the crying porcupine. The skunk bends down and put her hand around her. "Hey are you ok?" the skunk said to Flaky as she looks at the skunk. "No I felt bad that this might happen to me" Flaky said as she cried some more as the skunk then hug her. "Don't worry those assholes will get it. I'm Petunia and what's your name?" Petunia said as she was waiting for an answer. Flaky then look at Petunia as she was wearing a flower on her head with a white shirt and jeans with some shoes and socks. "My name is…Flaky." Flaky said as she stop crying for a bit and try to calm herself down. "Come on let's get you to your room." Petunia said.

"Ok Flaky said as she grab her bag and walk with Petunia to her Homeroom. After the walk Flaky found out that she had the same room with Petunia and also shocking the same bully who almost sexually abuse her as she started to get nervous when he started looking at her and grin evilly at her. "Oh you're dead porcupine girl you're dead." The bully said as then his name was called. "Toothy?" The teacher said as he raised his hand up. Flaky then looked at him. "So that's his name huh?" Flaky said as then he turned and saw her looking at him and then he began to growl at her which frightens her. As class went away some of the students began to get bored quickly. Nutty then fell asleep with Mime who fell out of his seat which made Toothy laugh a bit. Sniffles made a glare at Toothy who glare at him back. "What are you looking at you ugly ass nerd?" Toothy said as then teacher yelled at him. "Toothy what is your problem?!" The teacher yelled at Toothy who only grinned at her and laid back.

"Well Miss what can I say? He won't stop staring at me with his gay look and your hot body and ass won't stop shaking. And damn all you know how to do is yell at everyone. How about you shut up and give me a B.J while you're at it you hot whore." Toothy said as the teacher grew furious and yelled more in his face as she told him to leave her room and go to the principal's office. "Oh now I'm in trouble… wow I don't give a shit lady. Even the principal can't stand me going their every single time. I even lust her to give me a chance. So what chance do you have to get rid of me?" Toothy said as he lean on the door smiling. Sniffles was nodding no at him and looked at Flaky. "He never learns. This is all he does to all his teachers. Me as smart as him could get far out situations then him. Oh and my bad for not being a gentleman. The name's Sniffles it's nice to meet you." Sniffles said as Flaky gave him a handshake and smiled at him. "I'm Flaky." She said as The teacher then grabbed Toothy and thrown him out as Toothy then got mad and walk to the entrance of the school and left flipping the teacher off and went to his house. The kids kept on looking as the teacher then resume teaching. After the class ended the bell rang as Flaky went to her next classroom which was P.E since she took almost every elective in Middle school. As she went inside the gym was filled with kids who were sitting down and talking to each other. Kids were talking on the phones as others were making people laugh.

"Flaky!!" A voice shouted out in the crowd. Flaky looked around as she saw Petunia waving at her as Flaky smiled and walk over to her. "Petunia you have this class too?" Flaky said as they hugged each other. "Yeah I'm here to have a break from my classes you know and may find some luck finding that special someone." Petunia said to Flaky. Then a whistle was blown as everyone got up and went in a big line as the coaches then came in front of their faces. "Hmm… I see these kids will be perfectly fit. I might like this class. Ok Cadets this time you will work your lazy asses off during most of the class as you will have your "Break" and go talk to your all show off boyfriend who can get his ass whopped by a girl. Isn't that right Kelly?" The main coach said as he turned to a leopard who began sweating as the coach grinned. "I can't believe my own mother beat his ass in front of the school. He's smart to not come back." The main coach said as he return to his regular stand and turned to continue walking as Kelly looked down in embarrassment. "Um Coach Tuffy? Can you please be a little nicer to the kids here?" The other coach said as Tuffy turned and looked at the other coach straight dead in the eye. "Boy this isn't the day to be pissing me off…got it?" Tuffy said as the coach nodded.

Then Tuffy put up his clipboard and started calling names as some of the animals went to him as he gave them the dead look as one of them fainted in the background. "Coach Buffy and Coach Penny you guys call your students and get them in order now!" Coach Tuffy said as then he called Giggles and Petunia's names out loud. "Oh you got to be kidding me." Petunia said as she got up and walks over to the group of kids as Flaky look at the other kids who sat down at the bleachers so the coaches didn't get confuse. She looks down at the floor until she saw two dark purplish fur as she thought it was Toothy and his gang about to pick on her once again. She looked up to see a male deer with make-up on as he smiled and put his hand up. Flaky looked at him and grabbed his hand and shake it back as the deer sat down next to her. "So…what's your name?" Flaky said beginning a conversation with the deer only to see the deer making weird moves as he started moving his hands around. "Uh…I don't get it." Flaky said as the deer put his hand in his face. Then an orange beaver walked up to her and began to speak. "Oh I'm sorry to trouble you but his name is Mime. He's like one of those mimes you see at the circus or at France as a job." The beaver said as Flaky turned and look at the beaver. He was wearing a tool belt with a hard hat and had stubs on his arms that were covered in bandages. Flaky then looked at both of them and nodded. "Ok and thank you for helping me out um…" Flaky said as the beaver then spoke up. "Handy and it's nice to meet you…" Handy said as he put one of his stubs up. "Flaky" Flaky said as she then shake the stub arm. Then her name was called as she got up and walks over to Coach Tuffy who looked at her. "So you are one of the new kids here?" Tuffy said getting a closer look at her as she back up a little bit. "Y-y-yeah I am." Flaky said as Tuffy got up and put a checkmark next to her name then he said the last name on the clipboard. "Flippy! Come down here to meet your new coach and nightmare." Tuffy said as then the two doors opened and shows a green fur bear with a camouflage beret and jacket with two dogtails around his neck. Flaky looks at him as he walks to the coach and puts his hand up and make an angle as he salutes to the coach who also does it. "Cadet Flippy I see your training is almost done so you can go to your first real mission. I hope you have the guts for it like I did." Coach Tuffy said as Flippy smiles and nods his head. "Yes sir and I'm ready for anything." Flippy said as the coach smiles and pats Flippy in the back. "That's what I like to see. Courage and bravery from a soldier. I like to see more in all of you maggots." Tuffy said as Flippy went to the end of the line behind Flaky as he smiles at her. Flaky smiles at him and lightly blushes hiding it from the bear. Then class began as then Coach Tuffy then started teaching the kids as Flaky was walking on the plain grass looking at the clear blue sky looking around as someone called her name.

"Hey Flaky!" a voice said as Flaky turned to see Petunia running over to her. As she caught up she took quick breaths to regain her strength and energy. "Dang I should never do that again but Flaky since your new here and all I like to ask you if you want to come to a party tonight. You can meet new friends there and all. So what you think?" Petunia said as Flaky looked at her and started to think about it. "I don't know Petunia. I have to do lots of things at my house and help my mom out. I'm sorry" Flaky said as Petunia looked down to the ground. "Aw… I wanted you to come you know. But it's ok if you can't come and need to take care of your mom. "Petunia said as she walks toward Giggles and they began to talk about something which left Flaky to herself as wind starts to blow.

Girls were playing volleyball as they heard a wolf whistle as they turned to see a disco ball hanging on a string and a bear with a afro wearing a orange jumpsuit jump out and slide to the floor and began dancing in front of the girls at the very end he playfully growled at them and smiled as he winked at them to which the girls look at him with a disgusted face and turned back to continue to play their game. Then the bear then slide his feet next to a fox as he playfully growls next to her. "Hey good looking, you want to have some fun tonight with me? I'll take you to a very nice place for you to relax." Disco said as the fox turns to his face and slams the ball into his face and kicks him down to the ground and the girls leave. Disco Bear pulled the ball out of his face and got up from the ground to swipe the dirt off of his clothes and began walking, ignoring the laughter from the kids who saw what happened.

Flaky then walk as her phone vibrated. She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out her blackberry to see her mom texting her that she'll be out of town for a few days and left food, water, and money for her. Flaky replied back to her and send it before she put it in her pocket. Then she went to Giggles and Petunia and told them about the text she just receives. "So does that mean you can come?" Petunia said. "Well yeah since I don't have anything planned to do." Flaky said as Petunia smiled. "Ok wait outside here at 7:30Pm ok?" Petunia said as Flaky nodded. Giggles smiled at her and waved good-bye as Tuffy blows on the whistle which made everyone went up to the three coaches. Flaky began walking toward the big group as she saw someone behind a tree looking at her. Flaky's heart started to beat a little quickly as the figure kept on looking at her until it reach a handle and pulled out a bloody machete and pointed toward her indicating that she is next. "Who are you?" Flaky said as the figure then moved up which scared Flaky as she fell to the floor and then closed her eyes. As she opened them there was no one there as she looks around the area to make sure and began to run. Then it shows the back of the tree as blood began to go down slowly as it shows Cuddles body slice open and intestines ripped out except the beating heart. The legs twitch for a little bit but stop as Cuddles was dead.

Then the bell rang as Flaky left the P.E to her last class of the day which was World History. Flaky entered as the teacher was at his desk looking at the students and playing minesweeper at the same time since he had nothing to do. As she sat down she heard laughing behind her. She turned as she saw two raccoons who were laughing together as they were both the same except one was wearing a fedora hat. They went up to a bunch of kids as one without the hat started doing something amusing which distracted them as the fedora hat raccoon went into their pockets and book bags as they took their money. Then the distraction was over as they both went to their seats and gave each other high fives for completing their daily rob. Flaky then grabbed her book bag and put it close to her so it wouldn't happen to her. Then another animal came in and Flaky saw Flippy coming in as sweat was coming down his face.

The teacher looked at him then turned back to resume a different game. Flippy saw most of the seats taken as then he found one next to Flaky as he sat down and sigh and relax. Flaky then turned around as she blush once again as she looked out the window. She saw the same figure outside looking at her as wind was blowing against the trees. She blinks for a few seconds to only see the teacher in front of her with work in his hand. "Daydreaming I see. Keep on doing that and we'll have some of that in detention." The teacher said as Flaky then began to do her work. Silence went by as Flaky tried to get the image out of her head of that figure looking at her with the knife in its hands waiting, wanting her for torture and be murdered like the ones on TV. Then the timer goes off which knocks Flaky back to where she was in the last question as she answers it quickly and gives it to the teacher as then one of the raccoons put their foot out which trips the teacher and slams to the floor as the raccoon gets the wallet and grins as some of the class students began to laugh. Flippy then went and help the teacher up and see if he was ok. "Thank You Flippy" the teacher said as he continued to get the rest of the papers.

Flippy sat down and look at the clock which was fifteen minutes to leave. Flaky looked at him. "I see you keep looking at the clock. What's important for you to leave so quickly um…Flippy?" Flaky said as the bear look at her. "Oh I just want to relax and have a little bit of training you know…usual stuff." Flippy said. "Oh ok then. Hey have you been invited to some party that the kids are going?" Flaky said asking Flippy. Flippy looks at her then open his mouth to answer. "Flaky I can't come to that party. I'm really sorry. I will like to go but I really can't. But I can pick you up or drop you off at the party. How about that? And we can get to talk to each much more." Flippy said as Flaky smiled and nods as the bell rings and they both walk out of the classroom together.

Flaky's House

Flaky went into her house as she threw her book bag on her bed as she lies back looking at the ceiling. Then turns around to see what time is it. It was 3:40 as she went to start on her homework. Then she went to take a shower and put some regular clothes on. As she buttons up her jeans she walks downstairs to make herself a sandwich. As she started eating she sat down and started watching some TV to get herself out of boredom and get rid of some time. Then the clock hit six as Flaky then got her phone and some pepper spray if Toothy or his pervert friends are there. Then she went outside and started walking to the school which a little far from her house. The wind begins to blow as she starts walking down the sidewalk, watching cars go by. Then she makes a turn where she continued to walk as leaves begin to fall and crunch sounds made as Flaky continue to step on them.

Then as Flaky was walking a dog attack the fence which startled the porcupine as she screams. The dog continued to bark and growl at the porcupine until someone came out and told the dog to shut up and hits it across the head which the dog begins to whine. Then the fence opens up to see Toothy there. Flaky backs up as the beaver looks at her. "Well look who show up here at my home. I guess you came over here for more of that spanking and all from school. Is that right?" Toothy said as he walks slowly to the porcupine that started to back up more and become scared. "What's wrong Flaky? You scared that I might hurt you…" Toothy said as he held a switch knife to her neck. "…again." Toothy said looking at her eyes as his breath hit her face. His breath is a mix of liquor and weed together as he grabbed her shirt and started dragging her to his house. "Let go of me!!" Flaky said as Toothy laugh. "Or what bitch?" Toothy said as he turns to see Flaky with the pepper spray in her hands. "This." Flaky said as she pushes the button as the spray sprayed on Toothy's face as he started to scream in pain. "You bitch get back here!" Toothy said as Flaky began to run from the piss off beaver.

Flaky continued running as she turned to were the school was and then ran to the fence. Then she looks at her watch which was five minutes to seven. She look back to see Toothy running after her with his dog. Flaky began to sweat as then she saw a car turning and then stop as the window went down. Petunia stuck her head out as she waved to Flaky who ran to the car. "Whoa Flaky what's wrong?" Petunia said looking at the scared porcupine. "T…Toothy…Chasing…Me." Flaky said as she tried to gain her breathing as they heard barking. Petunia unlocks the doors and Flaky opened it and went inside as she locked the two doors and then the car sped off as Toothy started screaming in the air.

Giggles kept on driving the car as Petunia look at Flaky who kept on looking down to the floor of the car. "Flaky it's ok…he won't hurt you now." Petunia said. "I know Petunia. But he will come back to get me no matter what. And he may do something worse than last time." Flaky said. "Well we'll make sure that doesn't happen right Giggles?" Petunia said as she looks at her chipmunk friend. "Yeah we won't let that happen." Giggles said rolling her eyes. Then they entered into the woods as they continued to drive as the sun started to set. The light shine through the trees making it look like the woods were on fire. Flaky laid down on the seat cushion and rest for a little bit as the car kept on driving. Flaky then started to dream.

Flaky's Dream

Flaky running with a smile on her face as her friends were cheering for her. Flippy waiting for her as she got closer to the finish line as she pass through it and then was hugged by Flippy as they won and beat the others. "That was awesome Flaky! I never thought you can be that fast." Flippy said. "Aw thanks Flippy I appreciate it." Flaky said as she got closer to Flippy who also got closer. "I can't believe you're so beautiful and when you talk with your sweet loving voice." Flippy said as Flaky blush. "Flippy do you want to go out?" Flaky said as he looks at her. "Sure why not." Flippy said as they got close enough to kiss each other as her friends were sighing at the couple. As they broke the kiss, her face then became scared as she saw Flippy whose face was torn off and bones and muscles showing. Flaky screamed as the body drops to the ground as everyone was dead. Blood everywhere as Flaky started to whimper as then she turns to where a figure stood in front of her. Flaky backs up from the figure as it continues to look at her. "What do you want with me?!" Flaky said backing up to a tree as the killer pulled out the machete.

"Flaky…Your next…" a voice said as then the killer impaled the machete through her body as Flaky scream when she was awoken from her nightmare. "Hey Flaky are you all right!?" Petunia said as she Flaky looked around as sweat went down her face. "Oh god I had a nightmare." Flaky said as she looked up to see that they had arrive to the party as crashes and people drinking and sucking face as music was blasting out of the stereos. Flaky got out of the car and began walking with Giggles and Petunia to the house as someone jumps off the roof and smashes into the ground and starts laughing. "What idiots" Giggles said as she opens the door slamming it into Disco's face that then started smirking at Giggles. "Oh you got to be fucking kidding me." Giggles said as Disco got closer. "What's wrong babe? Nervous that your hunk of love is here to spice you up and take you to the dance floor?" Disco Bear said as Giggles look at him with an angry face. The Mole walking around the house continues smacking people by mistake as he went to get some punch to drink. The party was going wild as Giggles then smiled and ran to the crowd and started dancing with the others. Disco followed her as Petunia and Flaky went around as a lot of the people were mostly drinking and smoking.

"So do you want to dance Flaky?" Petunia said. "Uh…Yeah I would like to" Flaky said as they went and started dancing with the other people. Petunia dancing with most of the guys as they got closer to her and Flaky who was close to Petunia also dance as some guys wanted to dance with her. "Sorry but I don't want to dance with you." Flaky said to another party guest as he went away drinking what he had left in his cup. "Well I see you like dancing. So do you want a drink?" Petunia said. "No thank you." Flaky said. Outside of the house Pop and Cub who were driving look for a place to park so they can start their hiking trip. "So you ready Cub?" Pop said as Cub was jumping with joy in his body. They park next to trees as they got out of the car. Pop pick up the supplies and Cub as they went deeper into the woods. Then something metal hits the ground as breathing was made.

In the house the guests were going crazy as some of the girls lifted their shirts as some guys were doing entertainment for the girls as Flaky was looking around. She saw Giggles with a guy as they talk and went upstairs. Petunia who was drinking the punch didn't feel like herself much as she went to sit next to Flaky. "Petunia what's wrong?" Flaky said as Petunia's face was green. "I don't feel good…it must have been that punch." Petunia said as then she started barfing. Flaky turned around not wanting to look at it. She put her watch up to see it was eleven thirty as she went outside along with Petunia who ran out to continue barfing.

"Oh god…they must have drugged the punch." Petunia said as Flaky looked worried. "Should I call Flippy to pick us up?" Flaky said as Petunia looked up at her. "You have his number? So that means you have a crush on him huh?" Petunia said as Flaky looked at her and smiled. "Yeah but do you want me too?" Flaky said as Petunia nodded. Handy and Mime came out of the house and saw Flaky who finish talking with Flippy who was glad to pick her up. Handy and Mime ran over to Flaky. "Flaky! Your actually here! So what do you think of the party?" Handy said as a TV was thrown out of the window behind them. "Well it's good and all but I need to take care of Petunia." Flaky said. "Well do you want us to come to keep an eye on her?" Handy said. "Ok why not." Flaky said as they walk to the side of the road and then they began to wait. Handy and Mime went to get some more drinks so they can past the time as Flaky look at the forest in the dark as wolfs were howling and the moon was shining over the forest.

Then Flippy finally got there with his SUV as he smiled when he saw them. "Hey so you guys ready to get out of here?" Flippy said as the four entered the car until they heard screaming as Disco ran out of the house and went inside of the vehicle and slammed it behind him and locks it. "Drive! Get out of here!!" Disco said who was all worried. "What happened?" Flaky said as a Cat came out that was sexually violated as Disco was scared. "I…by mistake ripped off her bra and touch her breast by accident since Giggles push me out of the room. Can we get out of here?" Disco said as Flippy then drove off with the cat screaming and cursing out loud.

"Oh thanks, and sorry about being all shouted and crap. I guess my life kind of sucks you know." Disco says to the others. "Well ok then so where do you guys live?" Flippy said as he continues to drive. "Well how about you drop off me and Mime at my place? I have to finish building something." Handy said as Flippy nodded. "So keep going straight." Handy was saying to Flippy as Flaky looked out of the window. She sighs thinking what will happen next. A figure was running as it passes through the trunks and leaves as it look back to see the killer following the survivor. "Leave me alone!" The animal said as it continues to run. Then the animal steps on the bear trap as the trap snaps on its leg. "AHHH!! Oh shit that hurts!" The animal said as it turns and sees the killer walking toward the animal.

"No! Please I beg of you! Don't kill me please!" The animal said as the killer raises the long knife into the air about to kill the animal. "Please I beg of you…Don't do this to me....." The animal said as the killer is about to kill the animal as the animal kicks the killer in the crotch as the animal starts pulling the bear trap and then gets it open and starts running and limping toward the road. The animal limps out of the forest as head lights come out as the animal started waving. "Help me!! Over here!!" The animal said as Handy continued giving instructions to Flippy who didn't get to pay much to the road until Flaky screamed as The killer jumps out and stabs the animal through the chest as the killer turns to see the SUV goes out of control and smashes into the dying animal and the killer and then the vehicle turns sideways as the vehicle smashes into the tree as blood splatters everywhere and splats over the windows and some lands in Flaky's, Handy's, Mime's, and Flippy's face as then the vehicle smashes as glass breaks out and starts cutting some of their faces as some cut Disco's afro. "Ahh!" Disco said as his head smash into the window and was knocked out. Then everything stopped as Petunia was on top of Mime who was knocked out too. Flaky and Flippy were going unconscious along with Handy who started to black out.

"Flaky…Are you ok?" Flippy said seeing if she was okay or not. Flaky try to turn but can't since she couldn't moved as she blacked out. Flippy then saw a hand slamming into the front window as a body came out with a long, sharp, bloody knife. The mask then broke as a face appeared looking at them as Flippy blacked out with Handy. The killer then got up as he looks around the cold night sky as he jumps off the vehicle and then walks into the forest as then he disappeared without a trace.

End of Ch.1

Well hope everyone likes it. This I have to say will be a very long story I suppose. Well what might happen to our survivors? Who is this killer? What the hell happen to Giggles and the guy she was with? And who was the person that was smashed and crushed by the van? Find out soon in Ch.2

Read and Review. It helps me out a lot and keeps me up to write. And sorry about the sex scene. I know it isn't good, but I will get better though. See you guys later.

DDD09 Signing out.

Survivors: Flippy, Flaky, Handy, Mime, Disco Bear, Petunia, Cub, and Pop

Dead: Gary, Danny, Harry, Betty, Nerdy, Moody, And Cuddles