Natalie walked down the hall toward the living room, prepared for the worst. Mr. Monk was furious with her; and she supposed she couldn't blame him. She stopped at the living room and peered inside.
Mr. Monk sat in Mitch's favorite chair (the one she really should have donated to charity years go, but just couldn't part with), reading a book.

She almost hated to disturb him, but she had to get this over with. It was now or never.

Quietly she walked toward him. "Mr. Monk?"
He looked up, as though surprised to see her. "You're still here?"

The question had an angry tone.

"Well, yeah Mr. Monk. It's my house."
"Oh... right." Adrian said.

She sat down on the sofa. "Mr. Monk, we need to talk."

But there was only silence.

Hurt by his avoidance, she sighed. "Look, I know you're angry with me, but I want to explain, okay?"

"There's nothing to explain." He said abruptly.

"Mr. Monk, you don't have to listen to me, but I'm going to explain anyway. The reason I was so late is... Well... Ambrose and I were watching TV and I found a movie on... a Cary Grant one. Trudy liked Cary Grant, didn't she?"

The name of the actor brought a smile to Adrian's face.

"I thought so." Natalie said. "Well, this movie came on and I got all caught up in it. But I must have fallen asleep, and Ambrose must have too, because the next thing I knew..."

"Oh my God, you slept with my brother?" Adrian said, startling her with the outburst.

"Mr. Monk! I didn't sleep with him! I fell asleep on the couch next to him and..."

Suddenly she started to laugh. "Oh... I guess that did sound kind of bad."

Adrian sighed with relief. "Thank God..."
"Mr. Monk I would never..."
"Did you... have a good time?" He asked.

Natalie smiled. "Yes, Mr. Monk. I had a wonderful time. Is-is that okay?"
Adrian shrugged. "Sure. Are you going to see him again?"
"I'd like to, but only if it's okay with you." Natalie said. "In fact, you can come with me."
"On a date? No... I don't think so." Adrian said.

"Well, no. Not on a date, but I know Ambrose would like to see you more often. In fact, he couldn't stop talking about you."

Adrian smiled. "Really?"
Natalie nodded. "Mmm Hmmm."

"Wow..." Adrian said.

"He loves you, Mr. Monk."

"Me too."

Natalie smiled at Adrian's sentiment.

"Well, I should probably get you home, or did you want to stay here for the night?"
"I guess I could stay here, if that's okay."

"Sure. Just let me get you a pillow and a blanket. I'll be right back."

Seconds later, she returned with the items and handed them to him.

"Mr. Monk, can I ask you something?"

"Were you really jealous of Ambrose tonight?"
To her surprise, his face reddened.

She turned and walked out of the room, returning seconds later with a package of wipes.

"What are those for? I didn't ask for-."
Ignoring his puzzled look, Natalie handed him a wipe before kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Mr. Monk. Goodnight."

Adrian watched as she disappeared around the corner of the hallway; the wipe still in his hand.

He took off his shoes and laid down on the sofa pulling the blanket over him.

Never once wiping Natalie's germs off of his face.