I decided to make my own version on how Chiro meets the Hyper Force. I'll be making a lot of these so enjoy!
His eyes slowly fluttered opened to see a hazy unclear image that he knew all too well.
He closed them once more and waited for a few minutes as his head cleared.
'Why do I always end up here everyday?' The young beaten-up teen asked himself. It was clear that the two school bullies had gotten him yet again for the 15th time that month; and counting.
He slowly opened his eyes once more to find his vision clearer.
The boy was lying on the cold gray-red concrete floor of the trashed side of the school. Old crumbled up newspapers flew away in the wind and cans rolled by making the clinking metal noise. All of these things he knew all too well; but he just couldn't lie there all day. Especially if the teachers found him; boy what trouble he'd be in now.
The raven haired boy slowly turned on his back only to feel a rush of pain shoot through his entire body and shut his eyes immediately. He could feel the broken ribs sift about and knew he was in no condition to sit up. So he opened his frail glazed blue eyes and faced the darkened cloudy sky.
'I guess when BT and Glenny said that they were going to make up for the loss of time they weren't kidding.' He thought to himself as he felt blood run down his check.
You'd think that a teacher or a security guard would see the broken boy and immediately rush to his aid; but that's where you're wrong.
Somehow, BT and Glenny persuaded the teachers to believe that he hurt myself to try and get rid of all the painful memories of my past. They even got the grounds keeper to believe that!
Chiro closed his eyes again to see what happened to him clearly.
The lone teen sat on a rusty old swing that no one even dared to go next to. There, the boy stared absently into the multicolored sand below him.
BT and Glenny, the two school bullies, who ditched the other day, approached the figure on the swing.
'Hey dip stick!" Glenny yelled into Chiro's pale ear. His head shot up like a rocket only to feel someone shove him off the swing and taste the sand in which he was mesmerized in.
He slowly opened his eyes and got on his hands and knees. Chiro could see two shadows hovering over him, like he was an ant and they were giants.
His eyes shut immediately. "Please, go away." He whispered with his weak and hoarse voice.
"You're telling us to leave?!" Glenny shouted. "We were going to go easy on you but now you'll get double the pounding to make up for the lost time!" He chuckled.
A great pain shot through Chiro as he felt someone kick him very harshly into his gut. He fell to his side and quickly grasped his stomach.
All he heard was laughter not only from them, but from all the other kids around them.
The teen felt someone kick him in the back of his head before his world went black.
And now he was here. Everyday when they decide to beat him up, he was thrown to this side and people took pictures laughing at him.
The 7th hour bell rang and he could hear the student's footsteps as they rushed to their next class.
He couldn't miss science again, no way. That was his favorite class in which he had a 130% in and a teacher that actually cared for him.
Chiro slowly sat up, ignoring the pain. He then crawled to the gate where he found a nice walking stick before he stood up with the help of the fence.
Slowly making his way into the building, he heard people whisper as they walked by; looking at him weirdly as if he was an outcast.
Chiro just faced the ground and limped all the way to room 904.
The teen opened the door to find his teacher at his desk and all the students go quiet.
Mr. Palmfree looked up from his document to see the torn up teen.
He jumped up from his desk and went outside of the room to have a word with his favorite student.
Of course, when Mr. Palmfree figured out that BT and Glenny had gotten to him during lunch, he looked down in disappointment.
Chiro so wished that he wouldn't send him to the nurse; she was a cold hearted person that made the kids, especially Chiro, even sicker then before.
But all he did was tell him to take his seat and fix it back at the orphanage.
The rest of the day went by and when school ended, Chiro found himself speed walking away from BT and Glenny.
They tortured him whenever they could, but after school, they rarely caught him. Chiro knew the city way better than anyone else in that town and could navigate quickly through it; giving him the advantage.
In no time, he made it back in one piece; well sort of.
The minute he walked in, the others fell silent and quickly walked out of the room. Chiro sighed and headed to his own little bed and got changed. He was fixing his shirt when he made a wrong movement and he felt the sifting of his ribs again before darkness took him again.
The next time Chiro opened his eyes, he was on his bed with a nurse standing over him.
She had short black curly hair that pounced up and down everywhere she moved. She wore a brown dress and a maid apron upon that.
Looks, however, are deceiving. As this girl looks harmless to all, she was actually one of the worst in that place. She cared deeply for everyone else, but not Chiro. The nurse always said something wasn't right with him and they should kill him before he does try and do something.
Like right now she was giving him a disgusted look of rejection that didn't seem too friendly what so ever. In her hand was a shot that made Chiro tremble all over.
If he could move, he would run away. But the nurse must have given him something that made him in no control of himself.
The nurse went to Chiro's side and injected the fluid into Chiro's vain and once again his vision went black.
Author's Note:
Well, here is the first chapter! Hope you liked it!