When you're gone…

I just watched the bwen clip in you tube called 'when you're gone' and I didn't even watch half the video and it gave me inspiration for this fic. I hope you enjoy it… this fic is based on the episode from AF called 'what are little girls made of' it takes on where Gwen runs over the roof of her house after what Verdona told her… so here it goes…

I don't own Ben 10 Alien Force

Chapter 1 I love you…

"Come with me Gwen… you will be unstoppable! You could master your powers if you come with me to Anodite!"

Gwen bit her lip for a minute and looked behind to look at her cousin and Kevin and then turned around at hr grandmother and said

"but what abut my friends?...)

"They will have to stay here… that's the price you will have to pay along, with destroying your body. But that's not as important…" said Verdona

"DESTROY MY BODY?!" exclaimed Gwen..

"There's no need to get all excited dear... it's not a painful procedure… besides you will look much better with your new look…"

"No! I don't want a new look! I like they I look now! okay?!"

"Humph... please... do me a favor... you would look much, much better as an alien... you saw my true look. I think it looks great…"

Gwen looked surprised and disgusted at the same time and said

"Actually, I think that look is disgusting and repulsive. I'd rather give up my powers and die rather than look like that…" said Gwen coldly...

"Look Gwen, that's not the point. The point is that you will be able to push your powers to their limits! Come on with me and we can do it…" said Verdona and held Gwen's hands, but Gwen immediately pulled them away and said:

"Forget it! I'm not going!" and ran off to the roof with a small sob…

"What a strange little girl she is…" said Verdona...

"Oh grandma… SHUT UP! Open your eyes will you?! Don't you see Gwen doesn't want this? Why won't you just go to hell and leave us alone!?" yelled Ben at his grandmother, trying to stand up for his cousin as he ran off to the roof to try to comfort her as Kevin followed him. Ben could hear his mother saying in an irritated voice, because of what he said to Verdona


On the roof…

Gwen was sitting there crying softly. Ben sat down beside her, put his hand on her shoulder and said in a soft and comforting voice


Gwen, whose face was in her palms, lifted it and said

"I don't know what to do Ben… on one hand, now that I think of it, it does sound kind of tempting… but I don't want to loose my friends and my body…"

Ben bit his lip and said (this is the part that inspired me)

"Well I'll miss you if you go…" he finished that sentence with a sad expression on his face…

"You will?..." asked Gwen with hope in her voice…

Ben's cheeks turned slightly red and said

"yes Gwen... of course I will miss you… why shouldn't I? You're my best friend and only cousin…" right after he realized he said 'best friend' he covered his mouth with his hands…

"Shit…" he thought

'you… really consider me as your best friend Ben?..." she asked softly with even more hope in her voice as if she had trouble believing it…

Ben looked nervous and his face has turned red.

"Yes Gwen… I do…" and then closed his eyes tightly waiting for Gwen to do her worst. But instead, she did something different. She hugged him lovingly and tightly and kissed him on the lips which caught him of guard and once done, said to him

'thanks Ben… *sigh* thank you so much… you have no idea how much that means to me…"

Ben was in a lose of words… he felt like a 2,000 volts shock of electricity as been injected into his body, with Gwen hugging and kissing him like that; his cheeks became redder than any other substance known to man; he felt nervous and he could barley move or breathe. He managed to stutter without much air in his lungs

'S…sure… y…you're very welcome G…Gwen…"

Gwen smiled and hugged him even tighter and kissed him on the lips once more and whispered in his ear

"Thanks Ben… you're the best friend and cousin anyone could ever have… I love you…" she whispered those last few words even more softly in his ear and laid a peck kiss on his ear and walked back into the house, leaving Ben and Kevin behind…

Ben's minds was swimming and he had this wide goofy smile on his face and said quietly

"She loves me?... *sigh*m y dream has finally come true… she finally said it… I gotta tell her I love her back…" said Ben softly as he let out another dreamy and happy sigh…

Ben let out one more sigh as though he was in love, (and indeed he was) and then the world span around him and he passed out from happiness while sill smiling in a happy and goofy way.

Kevin picked him and said

"Okay, lover boy. Just calm down…' as he carried him inside and put him on Gwen's bed… (bad mistake…) as he went back downstairs as Ben still laid there on Gwen's bed with the dreamy and goofy look still on his face…

Hours pass…

Gwen walks into her room to find Ben sleeping in her bed and said surprisingly

"Ben?..." she stood above him and saw that goofy look was still on his face… she could hear him mutter quietly in his sleep

"Gwen… Gwen… I love you… I'm crazy about you…i always have been… I'm sorry I didn't say this until now and when you confessed on the roof…" he then licked his lips hungrily and continued to say but in a much quitter tone…

Her lips… they taste so good. They taste like cherry flavor… I love cherries... oh how I would love to taste those lips again…"

"you got it Ben…" whispered his red haired cousin and smiled, as she sat besides him in bed, leaned above him and planted a passionate kiss on his lips which shortly afterwards became a French kiss, which has caused Ben to wake up, as he put his arms round Gwen while she did the same, and when they desperately had to breathe. Their lips departed and Gwen said

"Your wish has been granted…"

Ben looked a little shocked for a moment as he put his lips on Gwen's once again as they kissed fierilyer than ever while moaning in the process, as Ben pulled his cousin towards him (which cause her to yelp-like always) and laid her down besides him in her bed as they began to drift back to sleep while hugging each other in the cutest looking way imaginable…

To be continued….

Ah… there's nothing like a fresh cup of Bwen to get you started in the morning… don't you think… (Actually it's before morning here in Israel. It's 3.29 AM) anyway I hope you liked it. Please tell me what you think on your reviews on your way out…. Thank you