~Chap. 1: Encounter.~

Kakuzu sighed as he entered the cave, he heard a soft murmur which confirmed that someone actually was there. He took a few steps in "Hello?". No one answered him, so he went ahead. Suddenly he stopped.
"What the hell?"

On the floor, or wait, on the cold ground of the cave a small boy laid. He didn't wear anything but loose black pants and a necklace around his neck. He clung tight to a scythe that had three blades, which looked awfully sharp. But it wasn't the young age that surprised Kakuzu, or not only the young age. The boy was covered in blood, supposedly his own according to the wounds which were all over his small body. But the most surprising thing was that he still seemed to be alive, even though he lost an enormous amount of blood.

Slowly Kakuzu sank down to his knees, inspecting the boy who couldn't be older than six years old. He frowned in disgust of the strong odor of fresh flesh and blood.

"Hey Kid" He said and choked slightly, the smell was so overwhelming that he felt a strong instinct to puke. Roughly he shook the boy, and finally getting response.

"Let me fucking go…" The white haired boy muttered, not even bothering to open his eyes. He waved his hand and nuzzled his head down at the cold ground. Kakuzu were surprised, that little kid needed to wash his mouth.
Kakuzu sighed; he really didn't have time for this. He just wanted to know if this boy was the one his leader was looking for, and if it was take him back to the headquarters, and if he doesn't was, kill him right here at the spot.

"Are you Hidan?" He asked as he continued to shook the pale body, not letting the kid to go back to sleep. "What the heck do you want from me!" He suddenly shouted as he violently opened his eyes, which had a very unusual shade of purple. Kakuzu was stunned for a moment, he had assumed that the kid was an albino because not many six years old had white hair, so he didn't expected such a colorful eyes.

"I asked you a question" Kakuzu just said calmly.

"And I asked you one, fuckin' bitchface "The boy claimed with a cocky smirk in his face which showed no respect for the older man. 'That kid has no knowledge in manners.' Kakuzu thought as he pushed Hidan down with his left hand.

"If you just answer my question, I'm not going to hurt you" He whispered low in a little irritated voice which made the cockroaches tremble in fear, but Hidan, on the other hand, just gazed curiously as he asked.

"What happens if I don't tell you?".

Kakuzu let out a small sigh, now clearly annoyed, as he began to speak "I will cut you up, until the only thing left is blood and very, very, small amounts of flesh. Then, I will feed you to my friends. Who eats humans".

"..I am Hidan." The boy said, with sweat drops clutched in his white hair. Kakuzu smiled, but the fabric covered his mouth so unluckily the terrified boy didn't see it.

"Good" The older man claimed as he lifted the small boy in fireman carry.

"H-hey!" Hidan breathed when Kakuzu lifted him up and placed him over his shoulders.

"Be still" Kakuzu commanded, and was very careful not to touch the scythe Hidan cut the air with. "Let me down! Put me down!" Hidan screamed as he violently kicked and punched every inch of Kakuzu's body he reached.

It took extremely long time for Kakuzu to carry Hidan back to the headquarters, when the sun went down they were only half way. Kakuzu showed no hint of how frustrated he really was, instead he slowly put the now exhausted boy down. As soon as Hidan touched the ground he tried to escape, but Kakuzu was too fast. Some of his deep blue veins got a hold of the pale kid and prevented him from running.

"Take it easy kid." Kakuzu tried so say calmly, but Hidan heard the small hint of annoyance that Kakuzu tried to hide.
Hidan began to shiver mostly because of the coldness that was overwhelming his small body, which didn't have anything to cover the still developing pale chest, but also because he was scared.

"W-w-what do you w-want f-from me?" Hidan asked, and his body shivered so violently that he couldn't speak without stuttering. He held his tiny arms tight around his freezing body, trying to keep himself warm.

"My boss wants you, for some reason that he didn't told me." Kakuzu informed the boy, now in a clearly calm voice with no annoyance.

They entered a complete silence; neither the boy nor Kakuzu uttered a word for as it seemed an eternity.

The sun slowly began to sink in the horizon and threw strokes of light over the cloud free sky which slowly turned to a darker tune. Hidan watched the sky as the stars slowly became visible, suddenly he pointed at the brightest, and the one that attracted most attention.

"Look!" He said, and Kakuzu were dumb enough to tilt his head upwards to examine the sensational star, which he experienced didn't exist.
Hidan's pale index finger did, not so gently, poked Kakuzu's nose as the boy claimed;

"Fooled!" In the same second the words left his mouth, Kakuzu's veins violently pushed Hidan down, who gasped in the air and resisted fiercely. But the veins only clutched tighter as he moved, and when he opened his mouth to protest, a few veins slipped in and prevented his words from be heard.

Kakuzu wasn't evil, or a complete jerk, he in his opinion just taught Hidan some manners. And, when he was young nearly 300 years ago, this was the way to handle disobedient children.

"Kid, have you learned you lesson yet?" The voice was dark, and strict. Hidan couldn't response in speech, and chose just to struggle more.

Kakuzu leaned over, to look the extremely troublesome boy in the eyes. But when he got a sight of the deep purple eyes he frowned in surprise. In the eyes he could see fear, but he did also see a small hint of something else… something that was amusement. Did the boy really enjoy this?