Kingdom Hearts is copyrighted by Disney.

Promise I'll never keep

"You remember, don't you? This place, and what it means to us?"

It was after the sun had set, and the stars were shining brightly in the indigo skies. The ocean breeze blew past, rustling tree tops and guiding the waves to caress the shore. A lone teen stood there, gaze set upwards as he clenched in his hand an old piece of wood that still remotely resembled a sword. He stood there as though listening to the waves as he received no other answer to his question. It didn't stop him from speaking again, though.

"That night we were both here, looking up just like now. It was a sight to see, wasn't it? All those stars shooting down, drawing bright lights over the sky… so many wishes I tried to make… you remember it, don't you?" He asked as he took a step forward and stared down at the waves that washed up to his toes before pulling back again.

"You should remember it better than me." He whispered then as he turned a smile at the moon. "How I couldn't decide what to wish for. How you stood there, shivering, and were so, so scared..." He raised his hand up, pointing the sword at the brightest star he could find. "I said that if anything came our way, I'd just hit it back to space. I was a silly kid, wasn't I?" He half laughed at his own silliness before switching the wooden sword hands. The next he reached up, he was gripping onto a magical, enormous key, the legendary weapon that chose him and turned his life upside down. "I probably could now, though. Hell, if you wanted me to, I could probably bring down a star for you!" The teen declared proudly, happily even, only to turn and look at his Keyblade a moment later with nothing but sadness shining in his eyes.

"For all the good it did my promise to you."

The blade was lowered even if his eyes remained lifted. "You'd probably say I never really made it… that you made me think I did. But isn't that what counts, really? If it's something I accept… isn't that good enough?" His eyes followed the waves then as that momentary bit of hope and determination ebbed away.

"For all the good it did my promise to protect you."

Eyes shut and fists clenched around both weapons, he shook his head before offering the moon another smile, a bitter one this time.

"So it really doesn't matter, does it? If it's one broken promise or two. You won't be mad at me, will you?" He fought off the urge to bite onto his lower lip, knowing his voice will fail him once he did.

"If I didn't thank you."

He let the Keyblade vanish as he raised the wooden sword at the horizon. "If I don't… So long as I don't…" Both hands fell to his sides a moment later as he said almost all he had to, and felt he had barely enough resolve left to utter one last thing.

"You won't have a reason to disappear… will you, Naminé?" The poor boy uttered pleadingly, calling out to a girl he never truly knew. She on her part leaned against the tree she made him remember she hid behind and held both hands against her chest. Her head was bowed as though in shame, yet whether for past actions or present ones, she knew not.

"Promises… are meant to be kept… Sora."

She was as see-through as the ocean on a sunny day, but she was indeed very much there. So long as there were promises left to be broken.