AN - This was written for GwenCooper456 who gives me a good excuse for writing about Owen and putting Ianto down for a little while. And to save the baby weevils.
I still do no own Torchwood or any of the characters, I am just using them to play with for a while.
Ianto was hiding in the archives. This was not unusual in itself. What made it more unusual was that Toshiko was also hiding in the archives, under the pretence of looking for a long lost piece of alien tech to work on. What made it even more unusual was that Jack was also hiding in the archives. He hadn't tried very hard to make an excuse and his wandering hands had already received one slap from Ianto.
The reason they were hiding was still upstairs in the Hub. Gwen and Owen were having one of their now legendary arguments. When their affair had first started it was made obvious by shared looks and giggles when they thought no-one was looking. But apparently Owen had recently put a stop to it and tensions had risen ever since.
At first the other three Torchwood members had found their arguments strangely entertaining. They thought of it as something of a spectator sport, and would exchange smiles as they watched Gwen and Owen trade insults. At one point Jack had even suggested taking bets on aspects of their arguments.
But today the argument had escalated. Both sounded even angrier than normal, voices had been raised a level, and the hiding had started when things started being thrown.
Gwen ducked the last piece of surgical equipment that had been launched at her head. She hadn't quite had time to identify the hard shiny thing as it had travelled towards her.
"Right that's it!" Gwen shouted and ran back to the autopsy bay where the argument had started. She slammed down her hands on the metal table in the centre of the room.
"What the hell is going on with you Owen? What is your problem with me? You're the one that broke it off, so why have you been so arsey lately?"
Owen stood still, shocked by Gwen's questions. Damn her for asking all the right ones. He scowled at her, then with a deep sigh, his shoulders slumped and his face fell as his anger dissipated. He looked to the side unable to meet her gaze, and knowing that she would still be fuming with him.
"I hate not being with you, okay."
"But…" stammered Gwen. "You broke it off."
Owen turned now to face her.
"I only broke it off because…" he paused, unusually unsure of himself. "Because I wanted more. I wanted more than a quick shag in the back of my car, or in the vaults. I wanted more than that with you alright?"
Gwen stared at him, wide eyed and stunned. "What exactly did you want?"
"Just once I wanted a date. A proper date, just you and me, no weevils, no rift…and no Jack."
"A date?" Gwen said incredulously.
"Yes. Is it so difficult to think that I might want a date?" Owen raised his eyebrows at her.
Gwen stammered a bit. "No. Um, no. Of course not. A date? Really? Do…do you still want to?"
Owen looked unsure for a second, then rallied. "Yes. Yes I do."
"Right then." said Gwen, smoothing down her t-shirt nervously, trying to sound more sure than she felt and still trying to hide her surprise. "Right. A date it is. When?"
"Can you get out tonight?"
Gwen thought for a second. "Yes. I can do tonight."
"Right then." Owen confirmed, "Tonight it is. Meet me back here at half 7." They nodded briefly at each other and went their separate ways, minds racing.
Neither of them noticed Jack's head peering around the corridor. He had come up to see if it was safe to come out yet as Ianto was being no fun. But he hadn't expected this. He grinned and dashed back down to the others in the achieves.