Arthur sat on a chair, legs crossed. He glared at the figure before him, holding a long metal ruler in his hands. "Alfred, what are you still doing with clothes on? A good slave should know what their master wants." He said, his tone as cold as ice.

Nodding slowly, the blond in question brought his hands up to start undoing the buttons on his shirt one by one. As a 'good slave' he would have thought that Arthur would want to undress his slave himself, not give him the luxury of doing it at his own pace. Oh well, it wasn't like he could complain about it.

"Faster!" He yelled, taking the ruler and hitting his hand with it, making a loud cracking sound. England smiled as the bespectacled blond started undressing faster, revealing his tanned skin. "Yes, that is a good bitch."

America shrugged off his shirt once it was completely undone. The last comment made his ego bristle a bit, but once again he knew it wasn't his place to say anything about it right now. At least, he would try to not say anything for a while. Looking over to his 'master', he raised an eyebrow while putting his hands on the front of his jeans.

Tapping his fingers on the arm rest of the chair, England lifted an eyebrow. "What are you waiting for? It's not like it is anything I haven't seen before." Of course the pigheaded blond probably thought it was.

Taking his comment as 'Hurry the fuck up and take your pants off', Alfred did just that. He decided to make a little show of it, pulling down the zipper slowly after unbuttoning them and then pushing them down even slower to show off the fact that he wasn't wearing any underwear. Stepping away from them, a small kick put them to the side of the room.

Rolling his eyes at the display, Arthur stood up and walked over to the now-naked man. He took slow paces around him, inspecting every inch he could see. "Well, I suppose you aren't too bad. Even if you do seem a bit too... eager." He said, taping America's erection with his ruler. Of course, he had seen his body enough to have memorized it, but it didn't matter much at this point.

Smirking despite his role he just replied cockily. "It's not my fault that I get all riled up when you act all high and mighty like this." From the glint in his green eyes, America knew that he was going to be punished for his statement, but that only went towards making his cock twitch.

"If you think this is an act, why don't you try to disobey me?" He asked, eyes hard. "Bend over that chair. I will teach you what happens when you talk back." He said, pointing a rigid finger to the seat he had just vacated.

Walking over to said chair, he bent over it and wiggled his ass around a bit. "Try me." Oh, just imagining England bending over him, giving his butt a firm whack made him almost whimper, but the sound died in his mind; too proud to actually voice himself.

Taking the ruler, Arthur walked over to the bent over man. He took the metal stick, winding back his arm, and then with most of his force, slapped that nice round arse with it, leaving a sharp red outline.

America let out an involuntary gasp as the object was brought down on him swiftly. Who knew that he still had such an arm? Quickly stifling himself though, he just smiled back at England's frigid glare. "So what happens when I talk back again? You fuck me?"

Giving a small, ironic laugh, England shook his head. "Like I would stoop that low." He turned around, grabbing a few things he had placed on a table earlier. Going back to the blond, he gave him another, lighter, smack with the ruler. "Stand up now."

"What if I don't wanna?" He asked, his smirk evidence in his voice. Even with his words, Alfred still stood up and turned around to look England over. Although he was wearing a plain, black suit, it still looked incredibly sexy on him.

Holding up the studded collar, England stepped closer. "Now, be a good boy and stay still." He had to go slightly on tip toes to put the collar on him, but he didn't mind much. Once it was on, he took the next leather piece. It had a few bands, with one on the end, and it also had a place to attach leather cuffs. "Let me see your cock."

Not quite sure that he wanted to know just what England was planning to do with the leather object, Alfred obliged; too excited to let his weird feeling bother him too much. Plus as much as he wouldn't admit it, the whack to his ass did smart in the cool air.

England bent down, and started to put the object on. The leather straps went around the shaft of his cock, the last one going over the head. Then he grabbed Alfred's hands, attaching the bands around his wrists, which also attached to the straps around his prick. "Well, that should work just fine." He said, nodding to himself.

The taller blond couldn't think of anything smart to say as he stared down at his hands and cock that were now effectively bound together. Well, that was interesting. All he could continue thinking about was just what Arthur had up his sleeve. Being completely at his control was extremely addicting.

"Yes, this should work nicely." He left the American standing there and went to the table. He picked up a tea cup and took a sip. Then he looked inside, a disappointed look on his face. "Hm... I seem to be out of tea." He took the cup over to Alfred, grabbing one of his hands lightly and placing the cup in it. "Do you think you could be a good slave and get me some more?"

Looking down at the cup for a moment, Alfred then moved his eyes back up to England's smug grin; a light blush on his face. "You want me to do what?" Did he expect him to go get him his disgusting drink like this? What if he ran into someone? The bastard probably wanted that to happen! "This isn't what I signed up for."

"I don't think you signed up for anything. If I remember correctly, you asked for this." He smirked, holding the ruler in both hands. "You better start moving. I am getting thirsty."

He wanted to yell out and refuse, but the commanding look in Arthur's eyes stopped him. "You lazy ass. What's wrong with the tea they have in the room?" It was true that he did ask for this, but he didn't really feel like parading around the hotel with his hands attached to his cock.

"That low grade stuff? It was most likely purchased at a corner store. I will be gracious and let you get me Earl Grey, and not make you get me the proper type." He said, shaking his head. People had no respect for tea these days.

That moment Alfred knew there was no way he was getting out of it. Sure he could try and fight his way not to or do something outrageous, but who knew but the man staring icily at him just what would happen if he did. All he could bet on was that it would be much worse than having his ass spanked by a metal ruler. "Fine... Can I at least wear a house coat? You wouldn't want everyone seeing your precious slave, huh?"

Grinning cruelly, Arthur replied, "Now, where would the fun be in that?" Then he went to go sit back on the chair, picking up his embroidery. He made sure that it looked like he wasn't paying any attention to America, but he still glanced up at him, admiring that toned body.

"Fuck you." He muttered darkly. "It's all your fucking fault if I get arrested for public nudity or burn my dick or something." Even though he was embarrassed a bit at the prospect of someone seeing what Arthur and him did, it at the same time only encouraged his erection to twitch slightly at the possibility of being seen. Obviously, both heads were thinking different things.

Once he was at the door, he awkwardly unlocked it and then opened it slowly to look down both ends of the corridor. Seeing no one, he turned back to grimace at England who was still feigning disinterest by immersing himself in his pansy arts-and-crafts. As quick as he could, he all but sprinted out the door with the cup still in one bound hand as he tried to cover his cock with the other. Hopefully the cameras wouldn't see him and if they did, he hoped desperately that the security guards wouldn't watch this part of the tape.

As he continued to sprint down the hallway, America's blush became more and more pronounced as he realized just how high of a chance he actually had to be seen. Anyone at any moment could come out of any doorway and see him running like a fool down the hallway to get his fucking 'master' some tea. And all he had to cover him were his own two hands, a couple pieces of leather and currently an empty tea cup.

Finally, he found himself in a smallish lobby were there were a few cannisters of hot water and some tea bags. Perfect. Now all he had to do was grab a bag of Earl Grey, pour some of the scalding water into the cup and run back without anyone seeing him and preferably without getting burnt.

It only took getting onto his tiptoes to get the tea bag from a little basket on the table and then another few precious seconds to pour some water into the cup. "Fuck, hurry up!" Alfred hissed quietly, getting more anxious by the second. It wasn't until he heard a strange squeak and loud footsteps that he turned his head quick enough to see someone run away swiftly. Well shit. Hopefully they wouldn't phone the police or anything.

His face almost completely red at this point with his cock seeping beads of precum despite the embarrassment, America walked briskly back towards the hotel room, trying to ignore the way his dick was aching for release already. Damn him for being turned on by that!

Some how the return trip seemed to take less time because before he knew it, he was back at the door and knocking on the door with his head. "Arthur, let me fucking in!"

Opening the door, England was delighted to see how much Alfred was blushing. Then he took the cup from his bound hands and let him inside. "There is no cream in this." He said with a slightly disappointed scowl.

"Cream, how thoughtless of me." He said, mocking England's tone. "Why don't I get you some right now?" With that, he reached down around the two leather straps and started to jerk his already rock hard cock off. When he got closer to cumming he figured he would worry about the strap around the head.

Shaking his head, Arthur took a sip of the tea. It wasn't very hot, and it was obviously low quality, so he tipped the cup, letting all the contents fall on America's cock. "Sorry, my hand slipped."