Author's Note:

Okay, so, I remember a few days ago, I said I quit this story! Well, lo and behold, thanks to a very smart girl named Th3Sk8t3rG1rl suggested that I put my stories up for adoption!

Meaning, in this case, whoever wants to write the rest of the story, maybe even change up the plot a little bit, but still continue on with the story, they can.

If you are interested, please do PM me, I really wanted to see these stories finished, but I just can't do it myself. I'm hoping that you guys will have more ideas than I did!

However, there are some things you do have to state if you are interested.

You have to state the reason why you want to take the story, and send me a one shot of any pairing of HitsuRuki.

I will choose one, and message the one who I think is best to finish the story.

If I do get a small handful of people who want to take over, and I choose one, it's not because I prefer that writer better, I just thought they could take better control of it.

Adoption will be up starting now, and until I find the person who is suitable enough to continue.

Anyways, if you are chosen, you have to take all of the previous chapters and POST it on your own account, also, I want to keep tabs on it as well. Meaning, all chapters should be sent to a beta reader or me if you want so I can check over grammar and spelling. Make sure you message me on progress and etc. I will be keeping tabs on it, and I will make comments here and there!

So, adoption will be applied to the story Protection, and By Myself.

If no one does adopt stories, then I will just leave the two stories alone.

Thank you! If you are interested, remember to PM me! There is no deadline.