Love Therapy: Chapter one – "Couple's Therapy!"

Sasuke's Pov

My wife Sakura and I have been married for more than six years. We were high school sweet-hearts. Back then I thought 'What are the chances that I'll be finding another woman, just a waste of time getting to know them'. So as soon as graduation was over, I decided to pop the question. With no hesitation, Sakura eagerly took the ring and was happily telling everyone she knows that she was engage to the one and only infamous Uchiha Sasuke. It was right after 3 years of our marriage when Sakura began to notice my affection towards her.

In fact she never once recalls any romantic event I did with her, even during our senior years. She had ask occasional questions of "Do you love me?"

And my response was always the same "I wouldn't marry you if I didn't". That alone was enough to make her happy the next year or so.

About two years later, her family and friends began to question her about having children. Her oldest friend, Ino, if I remember her name correctly had confess to her that she got married three years after Sakura's marriage and manage to have two 'adorable' children and yet nothing was heard from her.

Sakura had begged me a few times for a child and I answered back "I am a busy man, I have no time for children. I would look like a bad father if that was the case". Sakura had nodded her head slowly and left the subject alone. She no longer questions me about my affection towards her or her request of having children, in fact the next year she was a complete empty shell.

My mother began to worry about Sakura's health and has insisted that I should get her to see a doctor. I brought in the most talented doctor in the country to check up on Sakura. After Dr. Tsunade had left, Sakura had walked into my office when I was working on a big, important project. I don't remember what she said, but it was somewhere along the line of:

"Dr. Tsunade...Nephew...Graduated top of his class... therapist...Naruto"

By the time I look up at my unbeloved wife she smiled at me and ask "Can I have a session with him?"

For some reason Sakura looked slightly happier, if this would get my mother off my back about my marriage, then I will do whatever it takes. I quickly jumbled a few words I picked up earlier 'Sakura wants to see a therapist'; I just let out a weak smile "Sure"

Sakura had come home with a big smile on her face when she returned from her first session with the therapist. During dinner, she had continue to talk on how great her therapist was. He had insisted that she should pick up a few hobbies to fill in her days with books, gardening or boring tea parties until I have, so called, 'cross over the bridge and connect with her again'.

Surely she should know that I was never once connected with her. In fact I was never even once near or even in the picture of a 'bridge' and it was obvious that she was sending false information to her therapist. So here I am wasting almost $175 an hour, 2 hours a day and 3 days week on her taking up advice on things that will certainly not result in her or the therapist way.

After 2 months of Sakura getting her daily dose of her shrink, she was just as joyful as when we got married. I can see Sakura put in more efforts in everything she does as a wife. She had tried doing some cleaning, when we already have cleaners. She tried to cook me dinner when we have cooks and ends up burning the kitchen down on a few occasions, and had tried to stitch me a handkerchief that suppose to look like a 'cute' bulldog, but resembles more of a brown potato trying to stand. I accepted each of her actions and gift with little appreciation.

After 2 and half months later, Sakura had attempted to make dinner again. It was obviously poorly made; it was rather a simple fast food hamburger on a fancy plate, with soggy buns, greasy patty, an unusual yellow shade of cheese and a few slices of tomatoes and lettuce that surprisingly the only thing that appeals to be edible. There were a few what appears to be 'fat' French fries that looked neither cooked nor raw. She had insisted on grinding her own tea for her beloved husband that seems more like something she would scoop out of our pond from the backyard.

After forcing a sigh at the back of my head, I had decided to just stick with the tomatoes, lettuce and just a class of water until I can get my hands on a chef that will roast me a real dinner.

"Sasuke..." I was suddenly awoken by my wife concerns tone. I only gave a little 'hn' to show my knowledge for her. "I was just wondering, since you always have Wednesday off from work... I sat there waiting for to complete her sentence already "Perhaps we can meet the therapist together" I stared at her as she fidgeted under my gaze. After witnessing such a change in Sakura I was curious on what a person he is, perhaps he can do something about her being less annoying. "Sure"

Sakura eyes brighten like a star "Oh! Thank you sweetheart" Sakura got out of her chair and dash towards me at 20 km per hour on heals and gave me a smacking kiss on the lips before dashing upstairs, probably calling her shrink.

I have to say that I am not expecting anything or any gain from the shrink.

I sat at the shrink's waiting room. The room has given off a family atmosphere with warm, bright colours and I notice that every doorknob I see were different. On the other side of where I am sitting I can see that the shrink has a large fish tank that contains expensive, exotic fish; all different colour, shapes and sizes 'Probably where half my money goes'.

I turned to see Sakura and just took notice then that she was dressing a bit too much today. She had make-up on with certain colours that I notice she only wears when special occasion and a dress that really show how beautiful she is. It is a shame the sight doesn't move me whatsoever.

"You may enter now, Mr. And Mrs. Uchiha" a receptionist called from her desk. I got up and headed towards the door, not bothering to wait for Sakura who was trying to wrinkled out her dress. I didn't bother to knock either, seeing as how the therapist should know I'm coming in. As I enter the room, the sight was enough to blow me away.

The therapist was definitely a man, but he was one incredible beautiful and May I add; a hint feminine man. He was no older than I am and was walking towards me with his arm out for a handshake. It was a good thing that I have done handshakes numerous time that it became automatic. I notice a certain bounce in his golden hair, and his crystal blue eyes that that just sparkle like diamonds.

"Hello Mr. Uchiha, I'm really glad to finally see you in person" his voice just absorbed into my ears like a drop of water land on a dry sponge. "You're wife has talk non-stop of you" I wasn't sure how to respond, for some unknown reason my voice just doesn't seem to work.

"Hello Dr. Naruto" Sakura voice woke me up and from there everything seems to be functioning properly.

Dr. Naruto had got me and Sakura sat together on a light purple couch that looks in a shape of a heart. Dr. Naruto sat across from us.

Damn him, for sitting where the sun was shining from his only office window. The natural lights just reflect his face giving him more of an angelic feels than a normal therapist. I may not know what a normal therapist feels like, but this was definitely not it.

Dr. Naruto had to pulled out his glasses giving him a more of a mature and kind look. He quickly pulled out a fancy pen from his pocket and picked up a clipboard that was lying on a small stand next to his seat. "Lovely fishes you have out there" Sakura let out, waking me up again from my sudden gawk.

Dr. Naruto let out a chuckle "You notice, huh?" he later smiled warmly at Sakura "It was a gift from my family, from graduating and all. It took them a while to get them for me, because it was specifically handpicked".

'So it's not my money that got his pretty fishes' I finally came in connection with my brain.

Sakura let out another warm smile "I see you also got a new couch"

Dr. Naruto took his glasses off to get a better view of my wife "I thought since I'm aiming to be a love therapist, I should get my clients to sit on something to remind them of their love".

I let out a mental snort 'you're not gonna find love from this couple'. I began to watch my wife and Dr. Naruto exchanging complements to one another. I let out a mental snort 'look at them; this is what I'm paying for'.

By observing Dr. Naruto tone and behaviour, I knew then that he is a professional and an established person.

"...So let start out first session together as a couple's therapy" Naruto voiced out.

My eyes began to widen a little 'COUPLE'S THERAPY!?'

Author's Joke: A Rich Man's Dream

One day a multi-billionaire was bored, so he asked his butler to get him 3 men.
A few hours later the butler comes back. The rich man says "OK I've a deal you can't refuse. Who can swim successfully across this pool filled with sharks, eels, and leaches. The winner may have whatever his heart desires."
No one replies so the man gives up.
All of a sudden the man hears a splash. One of the men is swimming as fast as he can, dodging all the sharks, eels, and leaches.
The billionaire was so impressed that someone had enough guts take up his challenge. He congratulates the man and asks him what he wants.
The man replies "I want the son of a bitch who pushed me in"

"Not really a rich man's dream..." – Author's Friend