Disclaimer: I do not own Dissidia:FF or any related aspects, which belong to their respective owners. No money made.

Summary: Right before their fight, Sephiroth decides that he would like to see the Warrior's light extinguished.

Rating: K+

Warnings: Minor shounen-ai.

[Dissidia:FF] Sate [Sephiroth/Warrior of Light]

The one with the short hair scampers off. Firion, was it? It is irrelevant to me. I focus on this new prey, this man standing before me, refusing to yield.

He is beautiful. Silver hair frames his face and flows from his helmet, pooling where his armor meets pale skin. Thin lips and hooded eyes give him a bored, detached countenance, but a sharpness to his brow and jaw say otherwise.

He does not even turn to watch his friend leave. His eyes are on me only. He's looking for any sudden movement, any weakness to exploit. He will find none of the latter.

"A fresh one.

You won't get your crystal fighting against me."

He says this was as he expected, and I wonder. What is he expecting?

"Then why do you stand in my way?"

He responds that I have injured his comrade. He stands straight, unwavering, looking directly into my eyes. He sounds so wronged, so hurt.

How chivalrous.

"And you want revenge, I take it."

Does he know what lies ahead for him? This young, brash fighter, blindly following Cosmos' every whim- has he yet to taste despair? Has he not yet felt utter helplessness, not yet screamed in agony and anguish?

All of a sudden, I feel the need to force this upon him. To make him fully open his naïve, faithful eyes and see that there is no hope for him. To completely, utterly, absolutely break the man.

I want to rob him of the light he so faithfully stands for.

"So, on a whim, you would risk your life-"

He interrupts me. Tone businesslike, eye contact never faltering. He is eager to begin.

I am eager as well. Excited, even. Crushing this gallant, heroic confidence of his will be satisfying beyond compare. I raise Masamune and assume a fighting stance.

"This might be entertaining."

[A/N] Hmm. Writing Sephiroth in-character is a little difficult for me. I feel as though his personality is very different from how it was in FFVII?

I was originally going to write this from Warrior of Light's perspective, but he's even worse. D : SO GENERIC. Besides, I think this scene is more interesting as viewed from Sephiroth's side.

I really liked this scene in the game, seeing as it was between two characters that I like a lot. And as I saw it I was thinking, "What is Sephiroth thinking?" I wondered what he would think about the super naïve do-gooder Warrior of Light~

I could have written this so that Seph took things to a physical level of "breaking" WoL, (and by physical I mean sexual) thus turning the story into a yaoi scene, but I decided that I wanted to just stay within the actual scripted material.

(Not that I have any objections to Sephiroth getting sexy violent with Warrior of Light.) : D jkjkjk

Thank you very much for reading.