"Mered….you're not Meredith" George said opening the supply closet door "Sorry when I get a 911 to a closet, it's usually Meredith, panicking, wait why did you page me to the closet?"

Addison looked up at the intern, her eyes were teary "Erm, can you just check on all my patients for me, keep me posted with any changes"

"Yeah, sure, that's what I'm here for" George turned to exit the closet "Are you ok, Dr Montgomery?" he said turning back to face her.

"I'm fine O'Malley, just fi--i--ne" she said bursting into tears.

George instinctively sat down next to her pulling her in for a hug "I'm aware you don't really know me and I'm your intern but I live with two women who cry a lot so I'm going to hug you ok?"

Addison buried her face in George's neck, her hand held on to his shoulder as she sobbed uncontrollably, she was surprised at how strong he was.

"Do you….want to talk about it?" George asked softly "I mean, you don't have to but sometimes it helps, to talk"

Addison pulled herself away from George, she wiped her tears with her sleeve and took a deep breath.

"It's ok, thank you O'Malley, can you not talk about this, to anyone, especially your little intern friends, they would love this, Satan has a heart"

"Your secret is safe with me and you're not Satan" George said, he stood up and reached out his hand to help her up, she took it, stood up and straightened herself out, she held onto his hand for a second longer and squeezed it slightly "Thank you George" she smiled.

"No problem, anytime"

They both awkwardly retreated from the supply closet and returned to work.

3 days later….

"Martini please Joe" Addison said as she perched on her favourite bar stool.

Addison began to sip slowly on her drink, she heard a roar of laughter coming from one of the booths, she looked over and of course it was 'that' group of interns drinking themselves into a state with tequila. She turned back to her drink, her elbows resting on the bar she ran her hands through her hair.

"Can I have another beer please Joe" George asked sliding onto the stool next to Addison "Pretend I'm not here, I just wanted to make sure you're ok"

"I'm fine, just fine O'Malley"

"Just don't drink to many of those martini's ok"

"Yes boss" she saluted half heartedly.

"I'll see you at work then" George said as he left.

"Yeah" Addison sat, she downed the remains of her drink and left to get a cab home.

1 week later….

"Where the hell is this cab, I could get a cab like that in New York, stupid stupid Seattle and its stupid stupid rain" Addison stood shivering outside of the hospital.

"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness" she heard George say behind her "Why aren't you waiting inside? In the dry, warm building?"

"My car won't start, I just want to go home, well back to my hotel room and the stupid cab I called for 30 minutes ago still isn't here"

"You're going to catch pneumonia, I'll give you a ride, come on, my cars over there"

Addison climbed onto the passenger seat, she wiped the rain off of her face.

"Here" George said throwing his jacket at her "Put this on, you look freezing"


George started the engine and began to drive to the hotel. Addison sat staring blankly out of the window, watching the rain wash down the streets of Seattle.

As they pulled up in front of the hotel they were greeted by hotel staff.

"May I ask what floor your room is on Miss"


"I'm afraid we've had to close floors 14 and 15, a pipe burst in one of the rooms on 15 and we can't let anyone stay there until the problems sorted, health and safety and all that, we can arrange for you to move to another hotel for the night"

"Great! Just what I need!"

"It's ok, she can stay at my house" George said pulling away from the hotel.

"Your house where you live with 3 other interns one of them who stole my husband"

"You won't see them, we'll leave before they wake up. You're not getting a choice here Addison"

"Someone's getting brave" she joked.

"Come on in" George said opening the front door "I'll show you to my room" he said walking towards the stairs, Addison followed behind.

George opened her bedroom door, he pulled out a t-shirt and some boxer shorts and threw them on the bed "Here, you can sleep in those, your clothes are drenched….right I'll go and get comfortable on the sofa I guess"

"No wait….stay here for a while, I need to talk to someone and you offered to listen, last week you offered to listen"

George sat on the bed opposite Addison "Shoot" he smiled.

3 hours later….

"How can you say that? You're beautiful Addison, you're the strongest woman I know"

"You're such a suck up" she laughed lightly hitting him.

"What! I'm telling the truth, you amaze us all, and your hot!"

"What's my McName?….come on I know about the McName thing, what's mine?"


"Really? That's not that bad, I thought it'd be McBitch or McSatan or something like that"

"Well to some people it was, especially when you first arrived and we found out you were McMarried to a certain McDreamy and had McSex with McSteamy but to everyone else, you're McHottie"

"Working at that hospital is liking being back in high school" Addison laughed "Thanks for tonight George"

"Its ok, I had fun, I suppose I should go downstairs now, I have to be up in 5 hours"

"Me too"

George leaned over and gave Addison a soft hug, as he pulled away he felt her lips press on his cheek, their faces brushed against each other, their eyes met, Addison leant in and softly kissed his lips. They returned to their stare, this time George kissed her, their lips began to part, the kiss was steamy, George slowly lay back on his bed all the while keeping contact with Addison's lips, her leg hooked over his, after a minute or so they parted.

"What just happened?" she gasped.

"I have no idea"

"We shouldn't be doing this" Addison sat up quickly "I'm your boss, your, your my intern, we can't do this"

"You know thats not true, you know what goes on in that hospital Addison"

"I know but…."

"I should go downstairs" George said clambering off the bed.

"No, wait"

"What? Like you said, we can't do this"

"George...can you just stay here tonight, I don't want to be on my own"

"Sure, if thats what you want"

They climbed under the covers and quickly fell asleep.

"Morning" Addison said quietly as she woke to find George wide awake and staring at her.

"Morning" George replied.

"We should get up"

"We should"

"GEORGE! We have to leave in 10 minutes, will you get your ass out of bed….." Meredith said opening his bedroom door, luckily Addison had quick reactions and she pulled the sheet over her head "...oh sorry, didn't realize you had, company, sorry"

"Go ahead without me, I'll follow in my car" George said.

"Ok, sorry, sorry, sorry" Meredith said closing the door behind her.

"That was so close" George gasped.

"I know"

"That could have been so awkward"

Addison laughed "We really need to go, when the coast is clear"

"I'll leave you to get dressed, see you at the car"

"George, thank you"

George smiled and slid out of the room.