Hey guys, this isn't exactly another chapter, well it is but it is kind of a step backwards. No worries, Hatter and Samson will have their turn but first, the establishing of this particular story. So I hope that you enjoy it and of course leave a comment.
"But why can't she sing, Mama?"
"For the last time dear, Jack she is for the oysters. She is absolutely too dangerous for some silly party."
"But Mama-"
"No buts Jack, the collar stays on and she stays here."
"Mama, I love you, you love me don't you?"
"Of course, you are my only son."
"Then you will give me her, for the party, at the playhouse. I promise she'll behave."
"If she does not am I to hold you responsible?"
"Yes, of course."
And that was the moment that Jack had stolen her away. Jack, even back then was resistant to his mother's will, Samson remembered. Always, he got his way, either through sugary sweetness or plain deviousness. The day that she had been ushered into the playhouse to sing for his guests, Samson was beside herself with fright. She was used to being under the Queen's employ, used to the Queen's mad ways. She was less familiar with Jack, who usually was out on the palace grounds and nowhere near the gambling oysters. She had never asked how Jack had found out about her and her gift. The first time she'd been too afraid, the other times after she'd been overwhelmed with gratitude. She remembered him looking her over, as if wondering if her gift was obvious, something imprinted on her face. He circled her appraisingly and then seemingly satisfied nodded.
"You'll need a better dress," he said to her plainly. He turned to his mother and her men. He looked about for other people, Samson guessed.
"She needs a dress mother, this simply will not do. What will my guests say, with her dressed as she is."
"Quite right, you there," the Queen said to one of the women of her court, "take this girl and have her dressed properly. Jack will have nothing less than the best for his party!"
The woman was a short plump woman adorned in a dress bejewelled with dazzling red clubs. Her hair was pulled up in a black bun and not a hair out of place. She started at the Queen's command but caught herself almost instantly and curtsied.
"Yes, my Queen, I will have her prepared shortly."
The woman snatched Samson's hand and dragged her off to get changed.
They had put her in golden ball gown. Her hair was put into a bun and a few strands of hair were curled down prettily. Makeup had been applied and her hands and feet had their nails painted. In the entirety of her short life, Samson had never felt more awkward. She kept glancing at her slippers, uncomfortable dainty things that almost made her glad that the Queen let her wear leather sandals. After her transformation a collar, more decorative than her other one, was placed over her neck, diamond studded and laden with jewels, Samson still knew it for what it was, a way to keep track of her. There was more than likely a tracking system beneath all the finery and should she try to run away, she'd be captured and punished. Her sister would also suffer as well.
She was escorted/dragged to the carriage. The Ten of Clubs, his real name Theodore, took her there. He liked her, he'd told her once, but he couldn't let anyone know. She understood, knowing the Queen and her moods. In fact, she was certain that a lot of people in the Queen's court liked her just fine, just that they liked their heads on their necks more.
He helped her into the carriage well enough, where surprisingly Jack was already sitting. Samson blushed and nodded her head at him in greeting. Really, as if things were not already dreadfully uncomfortable let's throw a prince in the mix, she'd thought then.
The carriage door was closed shut and then nothing but silence. Soon the horses were moving and Samson went to playing with her hands softly. Her hands moved restlessly in her lap and she nearly had a panic attack when a larger hand laid overtop hers.
"You can breathe easy. We're only getting farther away from my mother."
She wasn't sure if he wanted her to laugh or give her true feelings away. In fact, his statement only made her feel more uncomfortable.
"What is your name?"
"The Queen says that-"
"Come on, not even your name? What if I were to command that you answer, as your prince?"
"I call myself Samson."
He removed his hand and became more comfortable in his seat. He closed his eyes and laid his head against the cushions.
They arrived soon enough and were helped out by the guards that surrounded the carriages opened the door. She was pulled out, barely catching herself, on the ground. She looked up at the tall structure and the hundreds of people milling about. Spirals intertwined high into the air. Samson couldn't look to the top of the building, the sun shining bright in her eyes. She was startled when a hand wrapped around her wrist.
"It's alright, Samson. You are quite safe with me."
She looked over to him, seeing that he really was being sincere. She smiled softly, almost rusty at the action.
"Thank you."
"And after the party we will discuss the means of your escape."
She turned to him a look of disbelief on her face.
He didn't answer, but simply smiled.
There were more parties, extravagant and dull, until she livened things up with her singing. Eventually, Jack would leave his guests and continue off to something he had "to attend to." Afterwards, when she was sure that he was gone, Samson would sing, sing and push for that sleepy happiness that usually came before sleep. Guests, would sway lazily and settle down into a sort of stupor. Eventually after a half hour the guests would become unconscious entirely. When the guests were completely under, Jack would return. It was during those times that they would plan her escape.
The first time, Samson had thought he was joking. She couldn't understand why the prince would want to send away one of the few people leashing the public. He explained it to her rather well that first day, sitting her down at one of the tables in the vast dining hall. He didn't like the world that his mother was cultivating. He had gotten ahold of many books from older times through a merchant that fed the small resistance. He had read and learned what the world could be without his mother. He explained to Samson that he really didn't love his parents, not understanding their ability to abide the peoples' suffering. He didn't want their death, but a way to end their reign. He told her that the first step would be her and her sister leaving. Without them a major part of their control would slip. This he told her emphatically, would lead to their eventual freedom.
"And my sister and I, we would be free," she had asked.
"Yes, to do...whatever you wish. When the fight is over we'll come for you. Things could be made right, Samson, think of it! We could have the old knowledge from the Library available to all. People could be free to speak their mind, the oysters could return to their world. We could put this kingdom together again, just imagine!"
He had looked every much a king, back then at his twelve years. He was certainly smart. She could see that he loved his people and wanted to help them, which was nice. However, things hurt her here, too many horrible things had changed her Wonderland for her. He had looked at her then, that first day, hope bright in his eyes.
"It all sounds wonderful, Jack. One day, I'm sure that the Queen's reign will end but..."
"It won't ever be right for me. I want to get far, far away from this place. I want to go to the world my mother came from and make a life for myself there. She told me such stories of the inventions and the people, the wonders that her world had. I want to go there and never see this place again. If we can agree to that, I'll gladly accept your help."
"I see this is truly what you want. Then, you have my word that once you leave I will never force your return. I will ask, maybe, one day, and perhaps you might say no. Maybe that chance will never come, as special as you and your sister are, but if it does, perhaps you could offer the same help one day?"
She nodded.
Her room, sparse, though not nearly as bare or as horrible as her sister's prison, had been left open. A playing card, Jack of Hearts had been left on the ground. Two keys had been attached to the card's back. Samson ripped it off hastily scrambling to free herself from the collar. It came off with a click and Samson couldn't help but touch the skin on her neck. How long had a collar been fitted to her neck like some pet? This was it, finally freedom was within her reach. First she had to make sure that no one would follow. She took the collar and laid it on the small pillow. She knelt onto the marble floor, her fingers tracing the edge of one particular tile. Her fingers picked away at the stone and finally it popped loose. It had taken her six months worth of parties at Jack's playhouse to dig the hidey hole beneath the floor to hide her escape items. She pulled out a knapsack with curious "paper money" that Jack had procured. There was also a map of the castle and the lands surrounding it, including her old home. Taking both items in hand with the keys, she opened her door. She saw the guard, asleep, and quietly tiptoed past. In fact, the place was practically barren. The Prince had gone on to the Playhouse and spent the night. As per usual, the Queen had sent a mass of guards.
The memory of her escape was clear as day. The hiding, the almost discovery as she passed the oyster room. Her sister, as she threw her rescue back in her face. Stepping through the door to the Playhouse where the whole adventure began made Samson feel strange. It was a painful bittersweet feeling that made her stomach clench slightly. She followed her sister through the familiar hallway, stopping when she came to the dining hall. Hatter, Alice, Jack and various other guests, were already seated and having dinner. Samson saw her place, across from Hatter and moved to the seat gratefully. She knew that after dinner, the matter of her father and her nephew and all the other things in between would come crashing down. Hatter winked at her playfully and then nodded towards the seat in front of him. She offered a small smile and looked to her sister.
"Don't worry, sister. For now, just enjoy the time. I will come for you later, towards evening."
"Aren't you hungry?"
"I ate earlier. I just have to attend to a few things. Don't worry we'll have plenty of time."
Samson hugged her sister. At first, her sister did nothing but then two arms wrapped around her. They pulled away a little awkwardly but then her sister left. Perhaps Wonderland could be a place for her again. It was looking more possible now.