So this is a Janto fic with the name Sugar. Hmmm. This could get naughty :D But admit it we all love Janto naughtiness right? Yes! So on with the fic....

Jack sat watching his Welshman from his office. God he was sexy. Look at that arse. Jack cocked his head a bit to see a better view. "Perfect." Jack grinned to himself.

Ianto was grinning. He was fully aware of Jack staring at him with that lustful look in his eyes so he began to tease him with every opportunity.

"Wouldn't get us a coffee would ya Teaboy?" Owen yelled.

"Shame." Though Ianto. "Gotta leave Jack staring into space." Ianto hurried to the kitchen to make Owen's coffee.

"Man am I having words with Owen." Jack thought. "Would it seem clingy if I were to go down and wrap my arms around that beautiful man? Oh God. Get a grip Harkness. You already gave in to the temptation of loving Ianto, you cant lose your pride as well." Jack sat still for a moment. "Stuff pride! I'm getting my Welshman!"

Jack strode down to the kitchen. "Act casual." He thought. "Alrite Yan?"

Ianto looked a bit flustered. Almost suspicious. "Err.. yeah... fine."

"Right. Is everything okay sweetheart?" Jack asked stepping closer to Ianto.

Even when he was worried Ianto had to smile at the sweetheart part of that sentence. "I'm okay honestly Jack. Well aware of you staring at me too." Ianto winked.

Jack laughed. "Well.. you are gorgeous."

Ianto smiled shyly. He wasn't used to all the attention.

Jack decided to move on from how gorgeous Ianto looked as it was obvious Ianto was getting embarrassed. "Hey, where did all the sugar go? We had loads yesterday."

Ianto went a deep red. "I.... errr have to err.... leave now.. Tosh is calling you." Ianto said pushing Jack out of the room.

Jack found this very suspicious. He waited a few seconds before entering the kitchen again. He was shocked at what he saw. Ianto was dipping his finger into the sugar then licking it off.

"Like sugar then do you?" Jack grinned.

Ianto blushed again. "Sorry Jack."

"Hey no need to be sorry. Does it taste nice?" Jack asked.

"Yes! It's delicious. Try some." Ianto said pushing the bowl of sugar to Jack.

"Okay. What do I do?"

"Here let me show you." Ianto dipped his finger into the sugar coating it. Then he put the whole finger in his mouth and slowly sucked the sugar off. Jack just stood there his mouth hanging open slightly.

"There's how you do it." Ianto grinned. Then saw Jack. "What?"

"Show me again?" Jack asked.

"What? Why?"

"Because it turned me on."

Ianto laughed. "Serious?"

"Yes." Jack replied.

"I see. Well suppose I do it differently this time." Ianto grinned again.

"Like how? Believe me. It worked the first time." Jack pointed down to his very visible erection.

Ianto laughed again. "No but this time how about I do this." Ianto coated his finger in sugar again but this time turned to Jack's mouth and put his finger inside letting Jack suck the sugar off.

"Where the hell is my coffee?" Owen stormed into the kitchen to find Ianto with his finger stuck in Jack's mouth.

"I... I'm not even gonna ask." Owen rolled his eyes and stomped back out to the main Hub.

The two men laughed at Owen's reaction. "Wanna join me in my bunker?" Jack said holding Ianto close.

"Sure." Ianto started to put the sugar away.

"Oh no, no." Jack said holding Ianto's hand away. Ianto looked at him in confusion. Jack looked into Ianto's eyes. "Bring that with you." He whispered.

Ianto caught on and grinned. "I really do love you Jack Harkness."

"And I love you too Ianto Jones. Now come with me where I can do you until we fall asleep in each others arms." Jack grinned one last time as they both pranced off together towards the headquarters.

"What you have to do to get a bloody coffee round here." Owen stormed into the kitchen and made a coffee. "Hey! Who's been using all the sugar!?"