Chapter eleven: a home on the moon, optional
Suncast was up early and was reading about some of America's several space mission to the moon and he then believed or wanted to believe that, this could be an option were he could stay if he were made to leave earth. It has been two months since he last talked to the General and he has since had four overnight excursions to the beach each under supervision and with four Autobots. He loved setting out there listening to the waves as they come ashore. The last time he was out he was just with Optimus and Elita; they sat there by a campfire for awhile not saying anything instead they just sat there listening to the waves crashing ashore. Suncast then spoke up, he's speech was still slow and he still struggled with words but he said, each time I come here I hear nothing but the waves crashing ashore, surly the humans have experienced this? Optimus looked up at him and said, yes as do I. It is where I come not as a leader but as myself, Orion. I find it peaceful and where I can think things out. Suncast stared right at Optimus and nodded his head then he looked down at the sand that was beneath him and took his left hand and picked up a fist full of sand then watched it slip through his fingers. That night not much was said and that's how all he's visits to the beach were; they wanted him to feel a sense of freedom something he has not known since before the war began. But kept isolated from the rest of the world except when directed so is becoming increasingly depressing to Suncast and that was oblivious to all the Autobots that spent time with Suncast in his quarters.
Once again Ratchet came into Suncast's room but this time he sat down and remained quiet. Suncast was still in his berth staring out of his window watching the activities of humans driving by or Autobots coming and going on the base that was all he could do either staring out the window or sleeping he's life away. It was becoming in recent weeks more painfully oblivious to Ratchet that Suncast had not been drinking much of his engeron as he should be and he would have to put the feeding tube back in again to help keep him from going into stasis mode, a coma for humans. Suncast turned he's head and saw Ratchet setting there with the feeding tube in he's hand that he was going to reinsert into Suncast. Suncast spoke up saying three words, have you heard? To which Ratchet said, no I have not heard anything. So why am I still here locked up? Suncast blurted out. Then there was a knock at the door and Magnus came in. Ratchet, Col. Lennox wishes to speak with Suncast in the command center. That was rather odd, he came here a few times but never called Suncast to come to the command center of all places; this left both Ratchet and Suncast to look at each other with that puzzled look on their faces. Well, Ratchet spoke up and said, please inform him that I'll have him there in half an hour. And with that Magnus gave a nod and left out closing the door behind him. Ratchet looked back at Suncast and said well let's get you cleaned up but first you either drink you ration of engeron or the feeding tube goes in. Suncast reached with his left hand to push the button to raise his head up so he could setup in the bed. He then took the glass and began drinking it slowly and a few minutes later he had drank half of the cup; then, he sat the cup down on the stand. Ratchet took a hot towel to wash Suncast's face and tend to his other personal needs then strap him into the brace to hoist him up out of the bed and into he's chair.
Ratchet, pushed Suncast's chair over to the largest building on the base that housed the command center. Once both were inside and Suncast saw Col. Lennox and his team standing on the catwalk with Optimus standing near by. Then Col. Lennox dismissed he's team leaving just him, Ratchet, Optimus and Suncast in the building a few minutes later. Col. Lennox first spoke up as Optimus stood by quietly. I'm sure you are wondering why I called this meeting and as I have told Commander Prime a few minutes ago I have found out that you have been transported to the furthermost end of the island along the beach several times in the past month. I hope that it has given you something to do while staying all day in your quarters. I will get to the point of this meeting, a satellite has detected two faintly signals of Decepiticon origin proximately on the planet Mars. Suncast just bowed he's head looking down as he's worse fears has now became a reality. We received this overnight but, has not been reported to the General yet but, I hope you know I have no choice. With this I can delay briefly this report maybe another 12 hours. I have spoke with Optimus often and trust he's judgment without hesitation and so does the General. Suncast spoke up before Lennox had a chance to speak again and he said, why not a base on the Moon for me to resided? Lennox paused as he turned and walked down the catwalk toward where Optimus stood by and said to Optimus do you have something to say to this idea and have y'all discussed this? No we have not, Optimus said then Optimus turned to face Suncast, how long have you thought of this and do you know such idea would be impossible? Suncast just sat there in his chair staring down at the floor realizing any hope he had in that idea was shot down and the fear again of being destroyed by Megatron because he left and choose to deflect to the Autobots would happen if he was to be exiled from earth. He looked up trying to speak but was unable to. That is when Ratchet spoke up saying, then what is he to do or go to be safe: need I say if he wanted to do anything broken as he is, he would have as I'm sure you both know. Lennox then said, need I remind you Ratchet y'alls alliance with the United States is shaky at best because of the continuing battles that have cause catastrophic destruction and massive deaths. I have however, know and trust you all with my life and the life of my men. And the General has trust in your command Optimus. Optimus turned around and in his mind he thought of who Suncast was before the war and the condition he is in know and how much his men have done to the order of the General to contain him and supervise him, send reports in of his contact with other Autobots and humans in that controlled environment and the appointment Suncast had with a human doctor of the governments choice. But, he had no choice as to think too of the situation at hand; face another war with Megatron over Suncast being here protected by the government of the states and the Autobots proving to be a tough dilemma. Lennox once again spoke up, it is just a faint set of signals that remotely puts it at the distance from here to the planet Mars. It very well can be them traveling past and away from any other planet in our solar system and is not a complete conformation enough to inform the General.
The tension in the room seemed to lesson a bit as it is a mere glace but not not a conformed sighting of any Decepiticons at this time. But the thought lingers in everyone's mind; what if this becomes a direct conformation of them moving closer to earth.
It's a small chapter but interesting, I hope to you all enjoyed it!