This is a time when words like peace are war is obsolete--lost amongst the chaos and tension of surviving each day that passed. Peaceful times are fading from the minds of the oldest men, and war is so constant and natural it was just every day life. Nothing special. Nothing to cry about, just suck it up and struggle towards the dim, dim light at the end of that long tunnel.

This black and bloody world is not for everyone. In particular, the inhabitants of La Push and affiliated Forkians are the only unfortunate subjects to such constant battle and terror.


Because for generations, the werewolves of La Push have been at odds with a particular group of vampires. It used to be one-sided in the wolves favors. But then the vampires got a new leader, a ruthless and cunning man. The young new alphas now face a danger they cannot possibly be prepared for.

When the wrong move is made, the wrong person kidnapped, and the wrong bond forged - can there possibly be an end in sight to this mindless cycle of hate? Or will these mortal enemies destroy one another once and for all, ripping apart an innocent life along the way?

Leah's POV

It was silent night this late December evening, and my pack-brothers and I were tired and hungry. We had been tracking a particular band of enemies for almost three days, stopping only when Seth was available to stalk along and not lose the scent trail. The trail was so faint I was afraid we were going to lose it.

We were now in the heart of the Denali Mountains. It was like walking in the pages of a horror story. The moon was full, it was dark and windy, and it was silent.

Leah, lets just turn back, Sam pressured quietly. Sam the right-hand man in my division, and the sixth ranking wolf in The Pack. We loved each other once before we found our true soul mates, and I respected him now as much as I did my own brother. But I had to decline.

We've come too far, Sam, I reminded him, shaking my head. We're too close to turn around now.

There will be other chances, Jared pointed out from his position as look-out in the flanks of my pack. Jared was my best friend since we were toddlers. Both of them were frowning at me.

The younger wolves pawed at the ground and lowered their tails, whining agreeably. They were exhausted. Missing our families and our homeland. Disliking the mountain climate and being wolves for so long. We'd been in our shifted forms on-and-off for perhaps two months now.

Besides, it's creepy here, Logan whined, getting a nod from Caleb. Logan and Caleb were the remaining two members of my personal pack within the pack.

Logan was seventeen years old, a mostly-white gray wolf when transformed. Caleb was fifteen, a big creature with a pelt matching my own. Caleb was younger, but outranked Logan. Logan was the omega of The Pack. He stuck with me because I tolerated him better than Jacob or Seth did.

The others didn't appreciate his fearful heart. Jared swung around and snarled, 'It's creepy here?' Don't be a coward, Logan!

He flinched away, slinking beside Caleb. Sam glanced at me and pressured with more firmness this time. You must make your decision, Leah. You are our alpha female, and you know we'll keep going if you want. But is there really a point?

I felt the others of the pack that were phased but not with us snap to attention at this question. I could feel Seth silently willingly me to put Sam in his place, and I felt the overwhelming wash of sympathy from the others for our hunting party.

Most of all I felt Jacob's eyes burning into me through the eyes of someone else. He wanted me to be strong and push onward, but he would not judge me harshly if I decided that it was best for us to resume the hunt another time.

We were hunting vampires. Our fathers had been, their fathers had been, and even their fathers had been. For nearly three hundred years we had been at war with one coven in particular. Three months ago they struck down a senior pack member. It was the first time any of us, the newest generation of wolves, had come into direct contact with the beasts.

Paul and Quil tried to save our brother, Randy. They nearly died too. Jacob and Embry's arrival scared the assassins away. All of La Push mourned the loss of one of their protectors, a child the whole community had watched grow.

After planning, we divided into three groups and set to looking for these killers. This was the closest we'd ever gotten to catching them. I could taste their sharp scent clinging faintly to the air. And we couldn't let them escape.

Yes, there is a point, I promised in confidence. We could go home tomorrow morning if we were not successful tonight.

They all fell silent as I pressed my nose to a bracken frond. A hasty male vampire had brushed up against it. I'd place the time at five minutes ago. With our speed, that was dangerously long. We were losing distance standing around and talking.

The wind changed direction and I felt my nose sting. The pack instantly perked up. Only one vile creature could make my eyes want to water - they were east. It was a very strong scent.

We got them! Caleb cheered, whining excitedly and bouncing around with Logan.

Jared's tail wagged furiously and Sam started jittering around as he lifted his nose and sniffed the air.

Focus! I growled sharply, and all four of them snapped into perfectly still figurines. Four intense sets of eyes locked onto me as they waited for the orders. The air had gotten colder, and I could smell snow. It was a clear night ten seconds ago.

They know you've got them, Jacob growled suddenly, and we all fell mentally silent to listen to the wisdom of the alpha. They're trying some trick to escape. Go after them, Leah! Go now!

His previous calmness had swiftly turned to excitement. This was our chance to avenge our brother, and Jacob was not going to let us lose it. His command rang through my division and an unavoidable sense of urgency began to burn my paws.

Fan out and follow me. Sam, take the flanks. He was the strongest of us all. If we were ambushed from behind he could hold his own until we could help. I turned my head and darted forward, following this new lead as carefully as I could.

The snow hit us moments later. It wasn't like you'd think, a gentle sort of snow that people could take walks in. It was the heavy and hard kind that locks you into your houses overnight. We had barely made it fifteen meters before the blizzard was blinding-degree.

Jared's shoulders tensed with recognition when his sharp eye caught sight of a flash of ginger through the swirling cloud of white. I skidded to the side and charged after it; positive that was the vampire we had glimpsed twice this last month. His red hair was a strange sort of bronze that was hard to forget.

The glimpse was lost a moment later. There was no use using scent now. I looked down and my heart leapt with joy. Silently, I darted after the footprints left in the fast-deepening snow.

The male sprang up the side of the mountain we had reached the foot of. He had a friend with him. I growled, Follow them up! We were so close I could already taste the creature's icy flesh in my jaws.

Leah! Logan wailed suddenly, his voice shrill with terror. I can't see anything! Where are you guys?

I sprang onto the bottom-most boulder of the mountain. My desire to find and protect my lost brother almost made me turn around. Jared and Caleb faltered with me; only Sam breezed past and started struggling up the slippery rock so we didn't lose sight of our prey.

The darker half of instincts washed through me. Logan was just the omega wolf. If he couldn't keep up that was not my problem. I scrambled after Sam and tried to talk him through it. Stay calm, Logan. Head for the mountains and you will find us.

Which way is that? He asked nervously. I could see him glancing around as he tried to spot the looming gray mass we were heading deeper into. I saw it at the same time he did---a huge shape spring his direction. He yelped in surprise and darted the other way, barely avoiding the vampire's attack.

Panic flared inside of me and I wailed, Sam, go back and help him!

But the others! Sam started to protest, his keen eyes locked onto the slower female as she slithered her way after the leader of the group we hunted.

Somewhere in the forest, above the sound of rushing wind and snow, we heard Logan squeal in fright. A second vampire, a female, had jumped in front of him. He turned a third direction and darted. Sam instantly whirled back the way we had come, taking dangerous leaps to make it down to our brother in time.

I reminded myself to concentrate. I had to recalculate the plan. Jared, Caleb, stay close to me. If either of you find an opening to strike take it.

The boys shifted together, running shoulder to shoulder and three yards behind as if they were tied that way. We were in tight formation now, on an almost-flat stretch of the vast rocky range. My superior speed blew me to the heels of the fleeing vampires.

I had the chance to take out the female, but I passed it up. Jared was very close behind and maliciously intent on her. I kicked my muscles into hyper-gear and blasted forward. I heard the boys snarl as they jumped at the female vampire. They would have her in pieces before long.

I set my entire focus forward. There was a small crevice looming up ahead. His scent was smeared against the walls; he had slipped through it just moments ago. I surged between the rocks and nimbly made my way across the passage. I heard Jared slide in behind me before long, grunting as his broader shoulders got wedged in a few thinner places.

The two of us stumbled into an opening. There was less snow here; we were almost out of the other's range. I growled in frustration, Where did he go?

Just as I spoke, Jared tossed his muzzle to the side. There! A black shoe was disappearing into a hole. There was a cave hidden behind a small shrub on the edge of a thin precipice. I swiftly stalked over there and got onto my belly, barely able to worm my way through. Jared was cut out of the mental field, but I heard him behind me. He must have had to un-phase to fit. Being the smallest in the pack had its perks.

I emerged to find us at a dead end. A closed cave. Jared sprang into wolf-form beside me. The vampire stood with his back against the stone, his eyes defiant but his face afraid. I snarled and prowled forward, feeling the aggression and dominance of the alpha crackling hot in my blood as I looked upon the cornered enemy.

Leah, stop, Jacob demanded, his voice so sharp that even I was forced to halt—though my paws did not become bound to the stone I stood upon. He reminded me, We need a live one for the ceremony. Sam has regrouped with Caleb and Logan; they are waiting for you outside of that ravine. Can you get him there so they can get him home?

Anger struck me fiercely as I was denied the kill I lusted for. But we did have a coronation coming up soon, and we did require a live vampire for it. They were not easy to catch, and this one was in no position to escape.

Yes, Jacob, I can get him to Sam. I promised. Prepare for our return.

He disconnected as he returned to his human form, and Embry followed him. The other active pack members cheered for our victory as Jared got himself to the other end of the tunnel. I ran through the positions I wanted the others in as I shoved the vampire out to Jared. Logan was waiting there, summoned forward by me. Each of them grabbed one of the man's arms and they started leading him towards the ravine.

Sam waited on the other end, and Caleb had scrambled on top to thwart any attempts at an aerial escape as we made him walk towards the waiting wolf. He was not going anywhere. His female was up in smoke.

We won this round—and we were one step closer to winning our war.

Jasper's POV

We were all getting anxious. It had been too long since Edward's unit set out that we heard from them. Sometimes we went a week or two without talking when things got tense, but this was just bad. Three and a half weeks? Almost a month since we were contacted?

Phones. Emails. Letters. Some sort of communication would have put us at ease. Edward usually updated me every two or three days. Something had happened to him, I was sure of it.

"Jasper," My brother hissed into my ear, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced at Marcus, seeing that his deep red eyes reflected the worry in his tone. "You need to get a hold of yourself. You're leaking."

To outer ears, that would merit a double-take and a suspicious glance our direction. Maria and Renata, the other two within my unit, and Peter and Mike, the other unit leaders, didn't even falter in the conversation they were murmuring in the corner.

Marcus meant that my worry and my anxiety were rippling onto the others in the house. I knew he was right. I couldn't lose Edward, though. He was far too important to me, far too important.

There was a thump followed a squeal downstairs. Charlotte wailed, "Jane, don't do that to him!"

I snapped my gaze onto Mike and ordered, "Go control your newborn." Immediately, my officer got to his feet and shadowed out of the room.

Mike Newton was a young man I had just happened to pick up along my travels, in particular near Ground Zero. He was very useful to me, not to mention obedient and loyal. He soared through my ranks almost as quickly as Edward, becoming my second-man in two short days.

Excitement shocked me from below and I heard Rosalie cheer, "Emmett!"

They were home!

I motioned for the others to come with me as I worked my way down the staircase of the fort. This fort was once a fair sized motel. It had two floors, and then a random attic nub.

I used the attic as a meeting room with the others, having made it virtually soundproof and hard to break into—without being seen that is. Nothing was physically hard for us to get past except for super-sensitive motion detectors. And I had those.

The second floor was used for actual housing for everyone. Mates got a large room to themselves; non-mated soldiers had a room of their own. We had two or three extra to toggle a flux of newborns.

The ground floors walls had been broken down, only necessary support beams remained. It was our training area, and where we gathered for meetings. Right now everyone was mulling about, looking forlorn as they gazed at four of our men in arms.

Four. Out of six. We were missing two. I felt horror stab Marcus when he saw who one of those two were, his mate Didyme. The other was Edward himself.

"What happened?" Maria asked quietly, coming to stand beside me.

"We nearly lost them in Denali. They chased us all the way from Whitehorse." Emmett reported promptly. He always was a good little soldier, when he did his job right. He rarely needed to be punished for mistakes.

I let my gaze land on Benjamin, curiosity crackling deep inside of me. He had his head low and he was simply radiating with guilt. I slowly slunk nearer to the unit as Tanya started to recount the events for me.

"Edward told us to hide in the mountains, because they would have a hard time finding us there." She explained. "There were five wolves, and we lost Alec after we scattered."

I let my gaze snap to the newborn, the twin brother of Jane. They were a bit older than Edward, at twenty-three, but they had been serving in the Air Force with him when I originally found him. Upon further investigation from Eleazar, we learned that they would be grand editions to our army.

"How did you get lost?" I asked a bit angrily. Was it difficult for him, a trained man, to stay with his comrades?

"One of the enemies came very close to finding me, sir." He honestly answered. "I tried to lead him away from the others."

I returned my gaze to Tanya and asked, "And you three didn't realize this, so you sought him out and laid a trail for them?"

She looked away from my piercing glare. "Yes, Jasper."

"Edward and Didyme?" I inquired, getting annoyed with this story of incompetence. Annoyance was replaced with dread when a flash of regret hit them all at the same time.

Emmett was the one who answered, his voice sounding less bold than usual. "Edward knew they were following us and held her back, we suspect. We had concealed our scents downwind by traveling through water. The wind changed…"

He cut himself off with a wince and shook his head, taking a step away from me. Tanya had her eyes closed mournfully. I felt Marcus starting to get hysterical - we both knew someone had died and it was either Edward or his mate. Maybe both, as neither were here.

Ashamed with my soldiers' sudden weakness, I demanded, "Alec, tell me what happened."

He nodded once, doing so emotionlessly. "The wind carried Edward's scent right to the alpha female. Benjamin tried to stop them by making it blizzard, hoping they'd lose the trail. Emmett and Tanya almost got one, but the large male came and saved him. We were unable to locate either through the storm. By the time it had died down, Didyme was dead and they had taken Edward."

A strangled sort of sound came out of Marcus, and I sensed that Rosalie had shifted closer to try and comfort him. I snapped my glare directly onto Benjamin and snarled.

Felix appeared behind Benjamin and growled, forcing him to his knees in front of me---ready to stop him if he tried to escape. There were no emotions tipping me off to thoughts of betrayal or disloyalty like fleeing me. Just fear as I loomed over the soldier, rage burning inside of my core.

"This is your fault!" I accused harshly, enjoying the way he flinched from simply my tone of voice. Many of our ranks bore scars on them, permanent reminders of the cost of my anger. It was far greater than venom, but suffering was always the first step.

"I did what I thought was best." He defended himself, hesitantly looking up to meet my eyes.

I scowled and glared at him. He was cowering in my shadow. It was not like him, a serene and fearless member of this army, to do such a thing. I would expect he'd cross his arms and glare right back at me.

"You're lying," I suspected, quite correctly. "You panicked, and because of it my brother's mate is dead."

"Kill him!" Several of the others growled at the same time. Didyme was, unconsciously, loved by everyone. The shock and fury that was washing through the entire coven was admirable. None of it compared to the heartbreak I felt overpowering me from Marcus, but that was to be expected.

"Jasper!" Mike complained at my hesitation, his eyes and heart gentle. "Benjamin made a mistake, does that warrant death?"

"My sister died because of it." I spat so violently Mike flinched. "And Edward is being held captive, which is simply unacceptable. Do not speak in his favor, he doesn't deserve it."

The room fell silent; suspecting my moment of judgment was near. It was very rare indeed for such a monumental failure to occur. We lost newborns. We killed wolves. We did not lose high-ranking men and senior members in the exact same day, on the exact same mission, because another senior member made a greenhorn mistake and failed to look ahead.

He had made a bad action, and there would be consequences to suffer.

I turned to my brother, my eyes silently asking him what he wanted to do. His mate, his decision. He glared at Benjamin for a long time, his heart warring between malice and forgiveness. Eventually he caved to his understanding side and shook his head.

No death. I had the next best thing, and damn was she fun.

"Jane," I glanced at the ten-month-vampired woman. She smirked a little bit. Casting a vicious glare Benjamin's way, I hissed, "Take care of him. Make sure he understands that this will not be tolerated a second time."

Felix grabbed Benjamin's shirt and pulled him to his feet. He snarled in defiance and flailed, attempting to bite the monstrous man. Felix didn't have much trouble at all dragging him out of the room, with Alec bouncing close behind to subdue the dangerous avatar. They would head to the storage cellar out back.

I ignored them; I had more important people to worry about.

"We will get Edward back." I confidently stated to the others. They eyed one another, either disbelieving or curious.

"How can we draw the others away?" Mike asked. I could feel the immense trust he had, knowing I had a plan already.

"We won't." I answered darkly.

They took my sister's life. They shattered Marcus, who had been happy with Didyme for over a century now. I could feel him falling apart as the seconds passed by—now that the realization was really sinking in. They kidnapped my most trusted partner and would probably kill him, if he weren't already dead.

There were lines that could be crossed, even in war. Lines we had just been avoiding, because that's what we were supposed to do. This felt like it crossed some. If they wanted to break all the rules, I was ready. I had always been ready, plotting and planning and just waiting for the perfect time to strike.

The time was now. If those kids thought they had seen real war before, they were wrong. We were just playing with squirt guns in the back yard. Now they would know pain, and loss, and what it felt like to be hopeless.

My aggressive and hateful thoughts were most definitely affecting the house. Growls, snarls, and whispers of wicked intentions were passing through the army. They wanted to fight and to kill as much as I did. They wanted to finally step out of the shadows and show those dogs what it was their ancestors were so terrified of.

"We will not lure them away." I repeated strongly, letting my eyes scan the crowd.

There was a thud from outside, followed by Benjamin's agonized scream echoing up from the cellar.

A wicked grin curled across my face. I leaned on the wall behind me and promised my coven, "We will rattle them at the core, and bring them falling on their knees."

A/N: Yup, this is my new story, guys! I love it something fierce, and I hope all of you will feel the same as the plot unfolds next chapter! :D