A/N There you go Chapter Nine of Power Play. This came out a lot sooner than even I was expecting, but like I said before I write when I have the passion. However I have decided to commit myself to a more rigid timetable, which will mean at least monthly updates.

Daphne had spent the last night in a state somewhere between sadness and horror. She had always knew that this day would come but that didn't make this any easier, a thousand thoughts passed through her mind at a million miles a second. What would her housemates think? What would her friends say? How was she supposed to seduce someone when she hadn't even had a boyfriend before? What would it even be like to… you know…

"You look like hell," Daphne's best friend Tracy said as she pulled open the curtains that surrounded Daphne's bed.

"You would too," Daphne muttered.

"What's wrong?" Tracey asked leaning in for a closer look, "you look like you didn't sleep at all last night."

"I didn't," Daphne answered pulling her blanket closer to herself; she found the warmth comforting, even if she didn't want to go to sleep.

"You can tell me if something up," Tracy said looking genuinely concerned.

"Nothing I can't handle," Daphne didn't know how she could tell Tracey; she didn't know how she could tell anyone. What would she say?

"You can tell me," Tracey repeated.

"Just leave it Tracey," Daphne replied forcefully.

"Fine but if you need to talk about it I'm here," Tracey answered before standing up and heading towards the door of the dormitory. "I would hurry up and get out of bed though; McGonagall won't be as nice as I am if you're late."

Daphne wanted nothing more than to crawl under the covers and hide for the rest of her life, but she knew that Tracey was right. And as much as she hated to admit it she knew her uncle was right too, Harry was her uncle's road to power, and she was his sacrificial lamb. As much as Daphne wanted to escape her fate, she knew that she had no other option. She figured she could pull an Andromeda; run away and marry a nice muggleborn who would worship at her feet.

But could she really do that? Her uncle had taken her in, when her parents were killed, he had fed her and clothed her, and in his own way cared for her. How could she betray him? The price would be steep, he would never talk to her again, and more to the point he would see to it that Astoria would never talk to her again. Daphne had lost her parents; she couldn't lose her little sister, her last real family on the earth.

There was also more to it than that, she had been raised her whole life to know that this was her duty, how could she look herself in the mirror knowing she had betrayed all she had ever believed in? No Harry was her only option, and the thought made her sick to her stomach.


Harry's week was off to a rather good start as far as he was concerned, the meeting with Downey had gone better than he had expected. Plus the day itself was shaping up to be bright and sunny, which always seemed to put him in a good mood. It also raised the chance of him being able to do some flying after dinner, and before the Chess Club Meeting.

"Look at this!" Hermione exclaimed when her Daily Prophet arrived, Ron surprised by the sudden exclamation knocked his cup of pumpkin juice into Neville's lap.

"I just got these back from the laundry," Neville moaned.

"Sorry mate," Ron replied clearly embarrassed.

"Hold on I'll get it off," Harry said searching in his robe pocket for his wand.

"Thanks but no thanks, Harry," Neville answered standing up, "I developed a very strict rule during first year. No magic is to be cast anywhere near my… area, I'll just go change."

"Suit yourself," Harry replied with a shrug, "but I don't think you'll have time to go back to the Tower, and still eat breakfast before Binn's."

"Mind saving me some toast then Harry?" Neville asked as he got out of his seat.

"Yeah, no problem," Harry answered as an owl carrying his own copy of the daily prophet landed next to him. As Neville made his way out of the Hall, Harry got sight of the article that had set Hermione off.

Ministry of Magic Appoints High Inquisitor

In a surprise move last night the Ministry of magic enacted new regulations giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Putting into effect an Inquisition into the educational standards of Hogwarts, headed by Professor Dolores Umbridge, who now holds the title High Inquisitor.

"It's no secret that educational standards at Hogwarts have been failing for nearly a decade now," Said Deputy Minister of Magic Harold Puck. It will be no secret to readers that Educational Reform was a key demand of Puck's when he and the Conservative Association joined Minister Fudge in a coalition Government late this summer.

This is not the first time that the Ministry has exerted influence over Hogwarts. Educational decree Twenty-two was enacted this summer; the decree allowed the Ministry to appoint teachers to Hogwarts when the headmaster was unable to do so. This decree cleared the way for the appointment of Dolores Umbridge by Minister Fudge shortly before the start of term.

"Professor Umbridge has been an instant success," said Puck, "she's completely revitalized the long struggling Defense against the Dark Arts Program at Hogwarts. She's also provided valuable feedback to the Ministry about problems in the Hogwarts teaching methods. It's this relationship that we've recognized by appointing her High Inquisitor."

As High Inquisitor Umbridge will have the power to inspect all Hogwarts Facilities and operations. Her powers also allow her to terminate the contract of any teacher who is unable to meet Ministry approved educational standards.

This move has brought praise from parents of Hogwarts student.

"I feel much safer knowing that Dumbledore is being fairly and independently evaluated," sad Lord Lucius Malfoy the parent of one Hogwarts student and head of the Traditionalist Party. "Many parents who have the best interest of our children at heart have been alarmed by recent eccentric actions taken by Dumbledore."

Those actions assuredly include the Headmaster's hiring practices. In the last decade a werewolf, a half giant, and a delusional ex-auror have all been appointed to teaching positions. It has long been rumored that Headmaster Dumbledore isn't up to the task of running the most prestigious educational facility in Great Britain. Despite all evidence of failing standards at Hogwarts not all people are convinced.

"Quite frankly we must regard this as an attack upon the vision of the Founders," Said Viscount Downey, "The ministry has no business interfering in Hogwarts." Lord Downey as our readers will remember was ousted as the leader of the Conservative Association late this summer and is in the process of forming a new party to contest next year's elections.

Wizengamot Elders Tiberius Ogden and Griselda Marchbanks, resigned in protest, though Madame Marchbanks resignation was likely due to a growing scandal about her involvement with subversive Goblin Groups (see page 17)

Harry snorted at the last bit; it was exactly the sort of heavy handed garbage he would've expected out of Rita Skeeter. In fact now that he thought about it, he couldn't help but wonder just where Rita had gotten too. He discarded the thought as not being his problem.

History of Magic was boring as usual, Harry and Neville passed the time playing chess on a travel sized bored, Harry had bought specifically for History of Magic. He had thought that the ghost might've said something about it, but this was his second year doing it and Binns had never even noticed.

Now that Harry thought about it, he couldn't help but wish his class would be the one Umbridge would eventually inspect. Somehow he found the idea of her falling asleep while trying to take notes, to be shockingly likely. He also doubted that Binns would even notice her presence, and for that matter what would happen if Binns got fired? He couldn't exactly go anywhere could he?

Unfortunately for Harry if Binns was ever inspected he wasn't there to witness it, instead he and the rest of the Gryffindor's trekked through the halls and down into the dungeons, for Double Potions. Snape started the class by handing back some homework assignments, Harry's had a large black 'A,' scrawled across the top. Harry knew that he deserved much better than that, but he also knew arguing was pointless.

"I have graded your assignments as they will be graded if you had turned them in at your O.W.L," Snape said later that day as he passed back an old assignment. "The general standard of work was, ghastly," his eyes lingered on Neville before continuing. "If I don't see improvement on this week's essay on antidotes, I will start giving detentions to those dunces who get D's."

Harry couldn't help but notice that Ron's ears went red at the last part. The rest of the class passed in relative peace, and no one melted their caldron, the first time that had ever happened as far as Harry could remember. As for himself Harry couldn't help but feel a little proud when he turned his position in, the smell was ever so slightly off, but it was exactly the turquoise color the book said it should have.

Defense Against the Dark Arts later that day was notable almost entirely because of Hermione's behavior. Umbridge started the class with her customary, "Wands away," command and the very few slow kids who hadn't caught on yet dejectedly put their wands back in their bags. "Now as we've completed chapter one last time," she continued, "I want you to open your books to page 19, and began chapter two. This chapter covers Common Defense Theories and Their Derivation, I want you to pay close attention to what Mr. Howe says about the variety of theories. Oh and there will be no need for talking," She finished with a self-satisfied smile.

As Harry and the rest of the class flipped through their books looking for the right page, Hermione stared steadfastly ahead as if she hadn't heard a word. Indeed when Harry looked up again a few moments later she was still staring ahead, with a glazed and bored look in her eye. In all the years he had known her Harry had never seen her do anything so completely out of character in a class. After a while Umbridge noticed Hermione's lack of action too, rather than calling the girl out in front of the class and risking embarrassment Umbridge came to her.

"Is there a reason why you've not opened your book Miss Granger?" She asked.

"I've already read chapter two ma'am," Hermione replied.

"Then proceed to chapter three Miss Granger," Umbridge said turning to go back to her seat.

"I've already read chapter three, I've finished the whole book," Umbridge looked slightly surprised by that but recovered quickly.

"In that case you can tell me what Mr. Slinkhard has to say about counterjinxes in chapter fifteen."

"He says that counterjinxes are improperly named," Hermione responded promptly. "He says that someone calls there jinx a counterjinx, when they want it to sound more socially acceptable."

Umbridge raised her eyebrow, and Harry could tell that she impressed, annoyed, yes, but also impressed.

"But I disagree," Hermione continued, "I think jinxes can be useful when used defensively, and I believe that Mr. Slinkhard is allowing personal opinions to cloud his judgment."

"You do, do you," Umbridge asked in a distinctly colder tone of voice.

"I do," Hermione replied in a voice that carried across the classroom.

"Well I'm terribly sorry to disappoint you Miss Granger," Umbridge replied, "but Mr. Slinkhard is an expert with years of experience in his field, and you haven't even taken your O.W.L yet. So you'll forgive me if I lend more credence to the expert opinion of Mr. Slinkhard then to the opinion of an adolescent school girl."

"But-," Hermione began.

"No buts Miss Granger," Umbridge interrupted, "This class is being taught using a Ministry approved curriculum, and will lend more credence to expert opinions then Hearsay."

"But-," Hermione began again only to be interrupted again.

"I said no buts Miss Granger! Now I'll take five points from Gryffindor, and I'll thank you to reread chapter two," Umbridge said before storming away.

"I've already read chapter two ma'am," Hermione replied before she could stop herself.

"Detention tonight Miss Granger!" Umbridge responded, as gasps from the rest of the class filled the room.

As Umbridge stalked away, Hermione stared at her retreating back in abject horror, for the first time in her life Hermione had gotten a detention that was entirely her fault. As Hermione took out her book and began to read as instructed harry noticed a silent tear roll down her face. Feeling guilty for not standing up for her, Harry reached over and took her hand in his, she turned to look at him, and the expression on her face startled him. It wasn't the sadness he had expected, it was anger, white hot fury more likely, directed at one Dolores Umbridge.

Behind Hermione's shoulder Harry could see that Ron's face held a very similar expression, only it wasn't directed at Umbridge. No Ron's look was directed entirely at Harry.

Later that night as Hermione prepared to leave for her detention Harry took her aside. "You don't have to do this," he said to her, "go tell McGonagall, she'll hit the roof if she hears about this."

"No Harry," she replied in a tone so determined he knew that he would never convince her, "I won't give her the satisfaction."

Harry could only stare at her in complete shock, he had never heard Hermione say something so, well Gryffindor like.

"Thank you for trying Harry," she continued, "but I'm going to have to do deal with people like her for the rest of my life, and I'm not going to have McGonagall to run to."

"You can go to her now though," Harry replied.

"No I can't," Hermione answered, "don't you understand Umbridge is High Inquisitor, she has more power here than anyone except Dumbledore. And even he can't do anything to her while Fudge is protecting her; no I have to do this."

"Well then let me have a talk with Umbridge like I did last time," He argued, "She'll let you off then.

"Thank you, but no," she replied, "you got lucky last time, if you tried it again I don't think she'd give way as easily as she did before. She's not the type to fall for the same trick twice."

"I don't want to see you hurt again," Harry said in a last ditch attempt to stop her.

"That's sweet of you harry," Hermione gave Harry an oddly warm look before she walked out of the portrait hole and to her fate.

Harry followed her an hour later for his weekly Chess Club meeting in the Great Hall. Harry had joined the Hogwarts Chess Club in his third year, shortly after Sirius had broken into Gryffindor Tower. He had originally done it as a way to meet new people, but he had slowly come to enjoy the game for its own merits. There was just something he enjoyed about matching his wit against that of an equally matched opponent. He was still only an average player; chess was till the one thing Ron could ever claim to be better at then Harry.

When Harry arrived in the Great Hall he found himself alone with Professor Vector, that wasn't an altogether odd happening for the Hogwarts Chess Club. People tended to drift in and out at random intervals. "Good evening Mr. Potter," The strict old Arithmancy teacher said as he approached her.

"Good evening Professor Vector," Harry replied kindly, "care for a match?" Harry already knew that he would lose, but the Professor was always fun to play if for no other reason than he learned something new.

"Certainly would you care to set up the board Mr. Potter?" The professor said as she handed Harry a box with the all of the pieces in it, "I need to finish grading an essay and I'll be right over."


The plan had seemed foolproof this morning when she had thought of it in Charms, but now that it was time to put it into action Daphne wasn't so sure anymore. Of course her other option was doing something stupid like casting a cutting charm on his bag and helping him pick up books, she wasn't that desperate. Harry always went to Chess Club on Monday nights and she knew it would be easy to get him alone there, but then what? What exactly do you say to someone who you need to marry but you don't like?

Should she play the whole ditzy blonde act? She somehow thought he would see through that. Should she physically throw herself at him…? No she couldn't do that even if she wanted to. It just wasn't her style, and she wouldn't even know where to begin. Finally she decided that there was no point in worrying about it, a conversation would develop or it wouldn't.

"Can I help you Miss Greengrass," called Professor Vector as Daphne entered the Great Hall.

"Yes Ma'am," Daphne responded, "I want to join the Chess Club."

"You my dear?" Vector asked doing a horrible job at concealing her surprise, "I never took you to be the type."

"Well, er…" Daphne wasn't the type in all honesty, she was an alright player because her uncle loved the game but she took little pleasure in it.

"No need to explain," Vector cut in, "we do need some fresh faces. Well you showed up rather early so most of the club hasn't made an appearance yet, they like to be fashionably late. If it's all the same to you Mr. Potter is available however," Vector continued as she led Daphne towards Harry.

"Mr. Potter," said Vector.

"Professor?" the boy said looking up from the chess board and noticing Daphne's presence for the first time.

"Miss Greengrass has decided to join the club," Vector responded, "We can postpone our game, if you don't mind playing Miss Greengrass that is?"

"Of course professor," harry replied happily, "nice to see you again Daphne."

"Potter," Daphne acknowledged him and mentally hoped that her greeting didn't sound too stiff as she took a seat on the bench opposite him.

"Odd seeing you here," Harry said glancing at the board.

"I like chess," Daphne replied evenly.

"It's just I haven't seen you in here for three years and the day after I have a chat with your uncle, you show up for chess club?"

"Maybe I like chess."

"Do you even know how to play?"

"The castles goes in lines, the pointy things goes in diagonals, the queen goes wherever it wants, and the horseys goes in L's."

"Horsey!" Exclaimed one of Daphne's knights, "I shall have you know Madame that I am a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Garter! Not a Horsey!"

"I love magical chess!" Harry said once he had recovered from a fit of laughter, "it adds a whole new element to the game when the pieces talk back."

"Pawn to C4," Daphne said to start off the game, and by way of ignoring Harry.

"Knight to C6," Harry answered in return, "You know if you wanted to talk to me you could've just said so Miss Greengrass."

"What makes you think I wanted to talk to you?" Daphne replied as she thought of her next move, "Pawn to B3."

"Pawn to E5, I'm just saying there are a lot better ways to get my attention than losing in chess."

"Pawn to G3, and what makes you think I'm going to lose?"

"Just a general feeling really," Harry answered as his piece moved forward.

"Anyone ever tell you you're not nearly as attractive or good as you think?

"Nope the subject has honestly never been brought up, and it is your move," Harry replied with some small degree of honesty.

"Bishop to B2," Daphne said instead of replying.

"Knight to H6. This might surprise you Daphne but I've actually been told that I'm too modest for my own good."

"And when will I ever get to see this vaunted modesty?" Daphne asked after her piece had completed its move, "our first meeting you accused me of being a spy, stalker and assassin all in the same minute."

"Our first meeting you said you were too embarrassed to be seen in public with me," Harry answered, "yet low and behold here we are, public."

"If you call this public," Daphne quipped.

"Attendance has been rather low recently," Harry admitted, "Usually there's a couple ravenclaws, and Belby."

"Yes… Belby," Daphne paused, "if you don't mind me asking how you and Marcus meet, slytherins and gryffindors aren't usually friends."

"We meet here actually," Harry answered truthfully, "you see there's a whole different world in Hogwarts once the classes are over, and if you blink you miss it."

"I've never heard chess club described as a 'whole different world,'" Daphne couldn't keep the skeptical look off her face.

"Oh it is, not just chess club really all of the clubs," said Harry, "did you know less than 10% of all Hogwarts students actually do any clubs. That's why all the houses pretty much hate each other you know. Think about it, when you go to sleep you're with your housemates; when you eat you sit with your housemates. When you go to class your housemate sits next to you, when you decide to do your homework your housemate helps you, and why not you eat lunch with him, you go to class with him, hell you even sleep in the same room, it's just so much easier than meeting new people."

"If you say so," Daphne replied skeptically.

"I do!" Harry said forcefully, "clubs are the only real activities where you interact with people you normally wouldn't otherwise." Harry was about to continue his passionate support of extracurricular activities, when he noticed Daphne's bored and glazed look. "So out of curiosity does Marcus ever, get any flak from the other slytherins for being friends with me?"

"A little at first," Daphne answered truthfully, "but for the most part not very many of us care."

"That's sort of shocking."

"Not really," Daphne replied, "we have to live with him for the next two and a half years, there's no point in making a big deal out of it. As long as he keeps his mouth shut about Slytherin secrets, and doesn't make a big deal out of being friends with you most of us don't see the point in making an enemy."

"Malfoy, doesn't seem like the type to think that way," Harry said after he ordered his Knight to take a pawn.

"He doesn't," Daphne thought for a moment, "Malfoy is a perfect example of a part of Slytherin that I've never been too fond of."

"How so?"

"How should I put this…" She paused for a second of thought, "the Sorting Hat sings every year about all the good qualities of the houses, but it never acknowledges that they have bad ones."

"Go on."

"Look at it like this, is Malfoy particularly brave?"

"I don't really think so," Harry answered as he thought of the blond running away from his patronus charm in third year.

"Is he loyal? Kind of heart?"

"Definitely not!" Harry didn't even need to think of that one.

"Is he particularly smart?"

"Well he's not stupid…" Harry had to admit that Malfoy was at least average academically.

"Is he smart enough to be a ravenclaw?" Daphne asked pointedly.


"Is he particularly cunning? Or for that matter sly?"

"No not really."

"So there you have it Potter," said Daphne, " he has none of the qualities that any of the houses are looking for, but he's magical so he has to attend Hogwarts and he has sleep somewhere."

"Right," Harry answered nodding.

"So the Hat has other criteria that we don't discuss at parties," Daphne continued, "if it encounters someone with no virtues it judges them on their vices. Stupid ones are sent to Gryffindor and Hufflepuff depending on how nice they are, the ones who aren't quite stupid go to Ravenclaw, and the bloodsupremicists and the bullies go to Slytherin."

"So you're saying Malfoy is only in Slytherin because he wouldn't fit in anywhere else?"

"Yes, but it also probably has to do with his family history and all that, but basically yes," Daphne concluded as her bishop took Harry's remaining knight.

"But why do you put up with a guy like that?" Harry asked as his pawn took Daphne's bishop.

"For the same reason we let Marcus be friends with you, we have to live with him. It also doesn't hurt that his dad bought the entire Quidditch team broomsticks."

"Still someone has to have wanted to punch the little brat at some point," Harry answered.

"Yeah, me for one," Daphne said with a grin, "sadly that would be unlady like."

"Wow you're a girl!" Harry exclaimed mockingly, "I'd almost forgotten."

"Oh shut up Potter. To answer your question though, Terrance Higgs beat Malfoy to a pulp back in second year," Daphne answered, "He didn't like Malfoy replacing him on the Quidditch team."

"Why did I never hear about this?" Harry asked shocked.

"We keep ourselves to ourselves," Daphne answered, "and in any case nobody wanted to try it again after that. You see Malfoy wrote a little letter to his dad about the incident, and Professor Snape had a few 'words,' with Terrance."

"That's harsh," Harry said as his rook made a charge across the chess board to snap up an errant pawn.

"That's not the half of it," Daphne replied as her knight took Harry's rook from the rear, "Terrance just found out this year that he's blacklisted for civil service jobs due to 'violent tendencies,' everyone knows Malfoy's dad arranged that."

"What did Higgs do about it?" Harry asked.

"Nothing. When Snape has a talk with you, you never ever do anything to make him mad again," Daphne answered seriously.


Harry left Daphne at a quarter 'till 9, so he would have time to make it back to Gryffindor Tower before curfew. He couldn't help but admit that he had thoroughly enjoyed the evening, Daphne was an interesting person, and he of course he always enjoyed being seen with beautiful girl in public.

Harry was still doing his Ancient Runes homework when Hermione dragged herself through the portrait hole at midnight. "are you alright?" he asked as he looked at a clearly unhappy Hermione.

"I hate that woman Harry, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!" Hermione muttered darkly.

"Join the club," Harry answered as Hermione came and sat down next to him.

"How could they ever let someone like that teach!" Hermione said forcefully, "she's ghastly and she has no idea what she's doing.

"How could they ever let Fudge govern?" Harry asked, "if anything he has even less of an idea of what he's doing."

"I'm serious Harry," Hermione replied as she rested her head against his shoulder and stared at the fire, "I can handle her, but can you imagine the poor first years? What will they ever learn from her?"

"What did we ever learn from Quirrell?" Harry pointed out, "They'll survive, kids are more durable than anyone gives them credit for."

"I'm serious Harry," said Hermione, "Quirrell wasn't the best teacher by any stretch of the imagination, but he wasn't actively bad at his job... You know minus the whole You-Know-Who thing…"

"What about Lockhart then?" Harry replied, "you can't tell me he was good at the job."

"No he was horrible," Hermione blushed a little as she remembered her crush on him, "but at least he could keep a class interested. With Umbridge… it's like she's setting out to remove any passion a student has for her subject."

"Of course she is," Harry said truthfully, "they don't want the students here to know how to fight; they're scared Dumbledore will turn us into an army or something. As far as they're concerned the world is a safe and loving place, there's no Voldemort and there's no bad guys. From there point of view teaching defense is the equivalent of teaching firearm marksmanship in a muggle school, can you imagine Blair being all too happy about that?"

"No I don't think he would be, but this isn't the same thing."

"To me and you it isn't, but to them it is," Harry said as he tried to figure out how to move his arm without throwing Hermione's head off his shoulder.

"We have to do something Harry," Hermione seemed completely oblivious to his conundrum.

"Like what?" He asked amused, "at the end of the day we're just teenagers and she's a teacher."

"I was thinking that maybe it's time we should just do this ourselves," she replied, "learn Defense that is."

"I've been studying overtime in the library since third year, you know that. I don't know what else there is to do."

"I agree, it's past the stage where learning from books is enough," Hermione paused and seemed to be searching for the right word before continuing, "we need a teacher."

"Like who?" Harry asked with a snort.

"How about you?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Me?" Harry's voice betrayed his surprise, "I don't know nearly enough."

"You know more than pretty much anyone student at Hogwarts," Hermione replied.

"I know a lot, but that's pushing it," Harry answered, "what about the seventh years?"

'They might know different things," Hermione admitted, "but you know more of the things we'll need to fight You-Know-Who. You've been studying to fight him for years now, I never said anything but I know that's why you've been in the library so often for the last two years. And I know that's why you practically begged Lupin, and Moody to give you extra lessons, and I know that's why you and Flitwick meet every month."

"I never told you about Flitwick," a little bit of anger crept into his voice, he didn't like to be spied on.

"My best friend was leaving me and coming back with bruises, what was I supposed to do?"

"Ask me."

"I did, and you gave me some ridiculous excuse, about slipping in the shower."

"You could've asked more forcefully or something," he replied weakly.

"Would you have told me if I had?" Hermione asked pointedly.

"Maybe not," Harry admitted grudgingly, "But I still don't appreciate you spying on me."

"I'm sorry," she sounded genuine about it too, "it's just… it was during the Tournament, and Ron had already abandoned us, and you weren't telling me the truth… I just didn't want to lose the last real friend I had left."

"You have other friends," Harry was feeling more than a little guilty now.

"No I don't" Hermione answered with a sigh, "I have other acquaintances, you and Ron are my only real friends."

"Hermione, you're my friend, I know I'm weird sometimes, but I could never just abandon you."

"I know that Harry," then Hermione continued almost too softly for Harry to hear, "but there's a difference between knowing and believing."

Harry knew he should have a reply in place for that, but he didn't and so they sat in silence awkwardly for a few awkward second. Then she said "so what do you think about my idea?"

"Maybe," Harry answered after some thought, "maybe, just maybe…"

A/N As always read and review.