THis is my longest one yet in this collection. And actually I should publish this as a stand alone story. But you all are wanting an update on this collection. Next time I promise to go back to my les than 500 words updates. :P

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful reviews! Because of your words of love and encouragement, I was able to get this one out for you all. I hope you enjoy it. I really loved writing this one and it is by far one of my favourite ones that I have written.

She had met him on a rainy day. He had stood in front of her. The rain having already soaked him to the bone. He ran a hand through his sopping hair and gave her an apologetic smile. A half drowned rat-that is what he reminded her of. She would have felt sorry for him, except she had long since stopped caring how her unfortunate powers affected others.

He invites her to dinner, if she would just share her umbrella. She moves to step past him, ignoring his question. But his left arm snakes around her waist and he presses her tightly to his side. Guiding her towards a small restaurant. Normally, should have cut someone in half with her water slice for being so bold. But all she can think of, is how uncomfortable the rings on his finger are as they dig into her side. And about how this would be her first date.

Somehow, he has charmed his way into her life. She isn't sure how it happened, but she doesn't feel like such a lonely rain girl anymore. Despite herself, she thinks she is falling in love. He is quiet when they make love. His grunts barely audible and too fast he is done and rolling off of her. Always as he drifts to sleep, he mumbles something about wanting to take her out on his boat, to go fishing. She never answers him, just stares at the ceiling and listens to the rain drops taunting her.

Drip Drip Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop Drop Mine! Mine! Mine! Juvia! Juvia!

She finally confesses to him on a rainy night. She confesses her love for him and how she is ameonna. She isn't afraid of lonliness anymore. He loves her, she knows this, Bora loves her, she is sure. He ends the relationship two days later. Or rather he tells her to break up with him. She doesn't look him in the eyes. Instead choosing to stare at a piece of lint on his shoulder. She vaguely hears him say something about not being able to go fishing. But she isn't paying attention to him, she is busy listening for the sound of her heartbreaking. Surprising, she just feels numb. It is the rain's teasing chant that hurts more.

Drip Drip Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop Drop Mine! Mine! Mine! Juvia! Juvia!

She had met him on a rainy day. She had begun to drown in on herself. People's and stares had begun to haunt her dreams. But none tormented her more than the rain.

Drip Drip Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop Drop Mine! Mine! Mine! Juvia! Juvia!

He had extended his hand towards her, a grin on his face. He accepted the rain woman. Accepted her as much as a power hungry wizard could accept. As long as she successfully completed missions, he didn't threaten to kick her back out on the streets. When she appeared in Socerer Weekly, Jose threw his arms around her shoulders, proclaiming that their centerfold was far prettier than that of the nasty Fairy Tail's centerfold.

Juvia didn't say anything. And when Master Jose left, she turned from her sour faced spread to Mira Jane's sunny faced one and wondered what it would be like to be this happy. The rain continued to beat down its chant on the guild's rooftop.

Drip Drip Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop Drop Mine! Mine! Mine! Juvia! Juvia!

Soon she is S-classed ranked. Soon she is on a team. The Elemental Four, someone once sneers at them. The name sticks and for once the lonley rain girl doesn't feel so alone. Her team begrudingly accepts her. And that is all she can ask for. She wishes she could have a deeper bond with them. But no one wants to be around a rain girl longer than needed. So when they step away from her after a mission, she is left alone in the rain. Listening to it's tormenting chant.

Drip Drip Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop Drop Mine! Mine! Mine! Juvia! Juvia!

She meets him on a rainy day. Just like every day in her life. Master Jose had sent her team out to capture a Lucy Heartfilia. To bring her back from Fairy Tail. Somehow things had gone from easy to compicated. And the mission had gone from a kidnapping to an all out war between the two guilds. And when she stood opposite of him, he offered her no smiles. Lips just set in grim determination. The rain pouring down around them, its chants louder than ever before.

Drip Drip Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop Drop Mine! Mine! Mine! Juvia! Juvia!

The fluttering in her heart suprises her. What was this feeling She felt like she couldn't breathe. She turns and walks away. This fluttering in her heart, she can't fight with this feeling. She gains her senses immediately and traps him in her water lock. Only to falter again as she sees he is wounded. She falls to the ground as he breaks her water lock. The ice shards spraying around her like a million little diamonds. And for a moment the man named Gray seems like a prince. Their battle rages on. The rain falls harder. Its chanting fills her in every part of her body.

Drip Drip Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop Drop Mine! Mine! Mine! Juvia! Juvia!

And suddenly she is trapped in his ice. Then she is falling and she finds she doesn't care. As the ground rises up to meet her, she knows she will shatter into a thousand pieces. But she doesn't care. She embraces her fate. His hand that molds the ice is surprisingly warm. The chanting of the rain begins to fade.

Drip Drip Drip Drop ….

She met him on a day the sun finally shines for her.