Okay so! this is it! this is the final chapter! Thanks to everyone who has stuck withthe story and thanks for all the reviews i have gotten! They really help. So anyway, i really dont like how this chapter came out but i knew i had to finish it somehow but i couldent bring myself to do it. So i just forced myself to. It was painful! anyway, thanks again for reading!!!


3 weeks later…

Alice and Hatter had settled into what could only be described as the generic 'new family routine'. After she was released from the hospital to return home, Alice had immediately set about to make room for Hatter in the apartment. He had originally insisted that they should live together, he was done missing time with her and Charlie. However, he was beginning to regret the decision.

Alice had insisted that they stay with Carol for at least a month or two. Just to let her warm up to Hatter, or David as he was called. She already was dealing with enough stress and changes lately, Alice decided that moving out now was not a good option. However, their harbored anger towards Carol after the incident at the hospital strained the relationship between the three of them.

It had taken a good solid week for Alice or Hatter to even begin to forgive Carol for what she had done. How close she came to hurting Charlie. She was right in the respect that she didn't know that her was there, but her over reaction to Hatter was still uncalled for. Alice had spent nearly 3 hours explaining Hatters sudden appearance to her mother.

As it went, Hatter was an old friend, an old student actually. He had come to the states on business from the U.K a year ago. That explained his accent, British sounding after all. He and Alice had kept in touch and were friends while Alice was dating Jack. Then when Jack suddenly broke up with Alice, he tried to comfort her the best he could, took her out for drinks and friendly conversation. Alice had explained how one thing led to another. They later agreed that it was a mistake and shouldn't happen again. By the time Alice found out she was pregnant, he had already returned to England.

Carol accepted the story for the most part, still having her doubts and questions but didn't press. Whoever this David, or Hatter as Alice called him was, she could see that Alice was very attached to him. She could see how happy he was making her too. Just him entering the room where she was sitting brought a smile to her face. She only hoped, prayed, that Hatter finally was the right guy.


It was nearly a month passed Charlie's birthday now and he was growing rapidly already. Both physically and mentally. The physical part of his growth astounded his pediatrician when Alice and Hatter first brought him in for his 'one month old' checkup. He was small for his age when he was born but had already grown well into the upper percentile for babies his age. His hair was coming in fast and in thick dark locks, replacing the peach fuzz like hair he had at birth. It was dark like Alice's but stood up already in the front much like Hatter's did naturally.

There was one other interesting development in their tiny son, that Hatter and Alice had begun to pick up. At first they just thought that he was just a stubborn baby when it came to feeding time or using his pacifier. However, over the month that they had him, they had noticed that it was beginning to become harder and harder to pull items that he wanted from his grasp. Especially those in his right hand. It wasn't until Charlie finally broke the thin plastic of his bottle, with one hand, that Hatter finally decided it was official, Charlie had inherited his fathers' 'sledgehammer'.


For Alice and Hatter, things could not be better. 2 months after Charlies' birth, Hatter proposed to Alice.

It wasn't like the common proposals either. He just sort of, asked. They had been sitting in front of the t.v, eating takeout pizza and watching some corny movie that Carol had left for them when she went out. At first Alice wasn't sure she had heard him right. It wasn't until he nudged her with his elbow, encouraging her to look down to where the black velvet box, containing a large, ring, was sitting on the coffee table. It looked, as she later noticed, suspiciously similar in design to the 'ring of Wonderland'. The band was silver instead, and the jewel that sat at the center of the ring was replaced by a large glittering diamond. The outside edges were decorated in smaller engravings paired with two smaller diamonds on either side.

The question, still lingering in the air between them was rhetorical in her mind as she leant over and kissed him. Truly kissed him for what seemed like the first time all over again.

Three months later, in a quiet, church wedding, they were married. At the alter, as the priest went thought the classical vows, as Alice gazed deeply into Hatters' eyes, a smile lingering on her lips, she finally said the words. The words that would forever bind her to him, forever be a symbol of their commitment, of their love for one another.

She said I do. I do to the years ahead. I do to the fights that were eminent. I do to the apologies that went with them. I do to the love that would forever be between them. To the family they now share.

She found he mind wondering, for what would be the last time. Dou you love him?

I do.