Could not get this idea out of my head. When JJ gets sick and can't make it to a press conference, Morgan has to take her place. What are the consequences and how will JJ deal?
Disclaimer: I do not own CM :(
The BAU was in the middle of a tough case. Of course, what cases weren't tough? There were some that they solved quickly and some that took longer, but all involved people dying and grieving and losing. Not just regular citizens, either—FBI agents grieve and lose also. More often than we realize. This was about to be brought to the attention of the citizens of the cities surrounding the DC area.
This particular case was at home, in Quantico, Virginia. Which only made it worse. Every member of the BAU took this case a little too harsh, a little too personal.
Rossi was in his office, looking at a picture he had of the Galen's, the "unfinished business" that brought him back to the BAU. This picture reminded him why he returned and, more important, why he stayed back after he solved the case. He needed to keep catching these guys, he couldn't let there be another Galen family, he just couldn't bare to have another cold case. He would catch this man.
Hotch sat in his office, reflecting. Did he do everything right? Was there something he could have done better? He wasn't too hard on his team, right? No, he wasn't. This guy was smart, but his team was smarter. They would catch him.
JJ was alone in her office as well. She hadn't been feeling great, and could really use a break, but there was no way in hell she was going to take a break with this twisted, disturbed mind on the loose. No, she was going to have to wait until this case was over. Then maybe, just maybe, she would take a few vacation days. Or sick days. Either way works.
Morgan, Reid, and Prentiss were sitting in the lounge, talking about the case. Six people dead so far, and definitely enough evidence to catch the creep, but nothing to compare the evidence to. None the finger prints at the multiple crime scenes showed up in the system, and neither did the DNA found under the victims' fingernails. They had a very specific profile—even a witness. But this guy was flying under the radar.
Of course, some things have a way of working themselves out.
Outside the FBI building...
A young man walked by, holding a cane in one hand and a shopping bag in the other. He moved so slowly. The two security guards standing by the door of the FBI building watched him as he passed. He dropped the shopping bag a few feet away from one of them.
He groaned. "Excuse me, sir? Could you pick that up for me?"
"Sure, son," The man answered in a low voice. He strode over and bent down to pick up the bag. But before he could stand back up, the man took his cane and banged him on the head with it, hard. The security guard barely had time to process the pain before blacking out.
"Steve!" The other security guard yelled, holding out a gun at the offender. "Put your hands where I can see them!"
But the man just smiled. He dropped his cane, smirking. Then he nodded. The security guard didn't understand what the nod meant, until he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, as the attacker's partner hit him on the head with the butt of a gun. This man wasn't as strong; it took three hits to the head to knock out the skinnier security guard. But, nevertheless, the two men were free to walk into the FBI building.
"You know, they really should have better security here," The man, who no longer walked with a cane, commented as calmly as someone would about the weather. The second man just nodded. He received a pat on the back as they opened the big, glass doors to the building. They walked calmly over to the elevator, where they pressed the number four. The doors closed as the innocent elevator took the less-than-innocent men to the fourth floor, where the BAU was working on their very case.