A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! This is the last drabble in the series! I hope you've enjoyed it!

There's just no Christmas Spirit Anymore!

Kelsi growled and slammed her phone down on the chair next to her. Right now she hated her boss. Usually she didn't mind him. Sure, he was a cocky jerk who took too much pleasure in ordering her around. Clearly, he enjoyed torturing his executive assistants, and maybe that's why the job as his assistant tended to be open annually.

But normally he was a decent guy. Apparently, though, Christmas turned her boss in to a Grinch. She was all set to go home. She was in the terminal waiting on a flight back to Albuquerque where Ryan and everyone else was waiting on her. Yes, she was the last of the gang to be home. Ryan had gotten a job as a part of a dancing ensemble in a Broadway revival of West Side Story and even still HE had managed to go home two days ago. Here she was in the airport on the 23rd of December and her boss STILL wanted to her to come back and work. She had told him that he could fire her if he wanted but she was not going to come in. She was determined to be home in time for Christmas Eve.

He had told her curtly that he would be looking for her replacement over Christmas. She knew it was bull. He was not going to be interviewing anyone over Christmas, and he would get over it by the time she returned to New York on the 28th. But it still made her angry. How could he expect her to give up her Christmas for work?

She shook her head. The bottom line was that there was just no Christmas Spirit anymore. Kelsi glanced out the window and noticed snow beginning to fall. She hoped it stayed a gradual soft falling. If the bottom dropped out then they might cancel all flights, and she needed to get home.

A ding sounded and Kelsi looked up at the ticket taking counter by her gate. A woman was beginning to talk into the loud speaker microphone.

"Attention passengers, all flights in and out of Washington, DC have been cancelled due to an unexpected blizzard."

Kelsi groaned just as her phone rang. She answered quickly, "Hello?"

"Hey, Kels," Ryan said brightly.

She was glad to hear his voice, "Ryan, I'm stuck in New York."

"What?" he asked.

"I was supposed to fly to Washington and then catch a plane to Albuquerque from there. My flight to Washington was just cancelled."

"Can you get a flight to Charlotte with a transfer to Phoenix?" He asked.

"No, that's what I tried to do first. There were no seats available," Kelsi said as she sighed miserably. "I'll just go back to my apartment and call Marchez. At least I can make money while I'm stuck here."

"No," Ryan said immediately. "Kels, just sit tight. You will be here for Christmas. Keep your phone with you."

"Ryan, what are you-"

He hung up before she could finish, and Kelsi stared at her phone in confusion, "Okay, well bye."

Kelsi sat at the terminal for hours. She had done everything she could think to do to keep herself busy, but she was now out of ideas and bored. An airport employee approached her.

"Ms. Nielson?" She asked.

Kelsi blinked and looked up at her, "Yes?"

"Come with me please," The woman said plainly.

"Oh, okay," Kelsi said as she fumbled with her carry on bag. "Where are we going?"

Just hen her phone rang. Kelsi quickly answered, "Hello?"

"Kelsi!" A booming voice said.

She smiled, "Mr. Evans?"

"I've told you to call me Vance, haven't I?" He teased.

She chuckled, "Yes you have."

"The woman you're with is going to lead you out to the tarmac," Mr. Evan's said.

"The tarmac? But, sir, I don't have a plane to catch."

"A man with a private helicopter has to have a private plane to complete the set, Kelsi. You should know that."

"Wait, do you mean…"

"My pilot is picking you up and flying you home," Mr. Evans finished for her.

"Oh, my…thank you so much! This is amazing! Thank you!"

"Don't thank me. It was all my son's idea," Mr. Evans said brightly. "See you when you get here, Kelsi."

And with that Mr. Evans hung up. Kelsi smiled brightly as she was led to the private plane. She climbed aboard and gasped at what greeted her.


She ran to him and hugged him tightly. He smiled brightly and returned the hug.

"I'm so glad to see you," Kelsi said happily. "I can't believe you did this!"

"What's the point of having a rich dad if I can't get a favor out of him every now and then?" Ryan asked with a smirk. "Besides I couldn't leave you with your jerk of a boss for Christmas. That's hardly promoting the Christmas spirit."

She laughed and pulled away slightly, "You're the best boyfriend ever."

He shrugged, "I know."